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Treatments: There are various treatments for all types of injuries and conditions here at Injury Medical & Chiropractic Clinic. The main goal is to correct any misalignments in the spine through manual manipulation and placing misaligned vertebrae back in their proper place. Patients will be given a series of treatments, which are based on the diagnosis. This can include spinal manipulation, as well as other supportive treatments. And as chiropractic treatment has developed, so have its methods and techniques.
Why do chiropractors use one method/technique over another?
A common method of spinal adjustment is the toggle drop method. With this method, a chiropractor crossed their hands and pressed down firmly on an area of the spine. They will then adjust the area with a quick and precise thrust. This method has been used for years and is often used to help increase a patient’s mobility.
Another popular method takes place on a special drop table. The table has different sections, which can be moved up or down based on the body’s position. Patients lie face down on their back or side while the chiropractor applies quick thrusts throughout the spinal area as the table section drops. Many prefer this table adjustment, as this method is lighter and does not include twisting motions used in other methods.
Chiropractors also use specialized tools to assist in their adjustments, i.e., the activator. A chiropractor uses this spring-loaded tool to perform the adjustment/s instead of their hands. Many consider the activator method to be the most gentle of all.
Whichever adjustment method a chiropractor uses, they all offer great benefits to the spine and overall health and wellness. If there is a certain method that is preferred, talk to a chiropractor about it. If they do not perform a certain technique, they may recommend a colleague that does.
Functional Neurology: Causes and Symptoms of a Leaky Brain
Our brain is a complex organ that controls many essential functions in our body. Therefore, brain health is vital…
Functional Neurology: What is a Leaky Brain?
According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIH), approximately 20 percent of the population in the…
Reduce Stress and Back Pain during the Holidays
Here are some tips you can use throughout the year but are especially useful during the holidays. So give yourself…
Functional Neurology: 8 Steps to Improve a Leaky Blood-Brain Barrier
How often do you feel agitated, easily upset, and nervous between meals? How often do you have difficulty…
The Gut-Liver Connection
Do you feel:
Hormone imbalances?
Excessively foul-smelling sweat?
Excessive belching, burping, or bloating?…
The Best Diet For Pain Relief
The best diet for pain relief depends on the individual but ultimately comes down to reducing inflammation and…
Injury Medical Chiropractic Pain Management Clinic El Paso, TX.
Pain Specialists
A pain specialist is a medical or osteopathic doctor that treats pain caused by disease,…
Myofascial Pain Syndrome Trigger Points and Neck Pain El Paso, TX.
A trigger point is a knot or bundle of stiff spine muscle tissue that you can't move or relax, and when touched…
Pregnancy Back Pain Can Lead to Sciatica El Paso, TX.
Being pregnant is one of life's many joys, however, with the added weight comes normal back pain that can lead to…
Approaching Holidays Don’t Get Stressed Out El Paso, TX.
The holiday decorations are out, possibly still in the box or boxes, you're browsing all the deals and recipes.…
Mechanical Diagnosis Therapy for Neck Pain El Paso, TX.
Q: My neck pain comes and goes, depending on the weather, and has for a few years. I have found certain exercises…
Sciatica and Nerve Related Back and Leg Pain
Do you have lower back pain or pain literally in the rear that runs down into one thigh or below the knee into the…
Dental Care and Its Importance In Chronic Pain Mangagement El Paso
Back pain can affect every part of the body, including the:
Ergonomic Tips To Help Manage Sciatica At Work El Paso, TX.
Ergonomics involves the study and engineering of improving work tools/products to help employees and improve the…
Nervous About Chiropractic Treatment for Herniated Disc
Q: My primary healthcare provider recently diagnosed me with a herniated disc in the lumbar spine. They referred me…
Spinal Decompression Eliminates Herniated Discs El Paso, TX.
FDA recognizes and approves spinal decompression and its ability to eliminate herniated discs.
On the verge of…
Chiropractic and Physical Therapist Clinics, El Paso, Texas
Physical therapists or PTs are healthcare professionals that help treat/rehabilitate patients of all ages with…
Take Charge of Upper Back Pain
The upper back, known as the thoracic spine, is the area between the neck and lower back. Stiffness, muscle spasms,…
Noninvasive Hormone testing
The percentage of individuals that are affected by fatigue, headaches, and overall pain is continuously growing.…
The Stinger A Cervical Sports Injury El Paso, Texas
A look at what a stinger or burner injury is and what they can do to the neck and shoulders. We will look at:…
How Aging Affects The Cervical Spine
Aging affects the entire body, which includes the spine, neck and shoulders, upper back, and arms. It does not mean…
Muscle Spasms Cause Back Pain But Are Not Primary Cause El Paso, TX.
Back and low back pain can strike without warning. It can come from bending over or lifting something and then…
How to Travel with Sciatic Low Back and Leg Pain
Sciatica doesn’t have to prevent you from being able to travel.
Sometimes a journey can create a series of…
Paget’s Disease and Spine Health
Paget’s disease, aka osteitis deformans, is the second most common bone disorder in the United States, right behind…
Subluxation Chiropractor
Subluxation describes what happens when the spinal joints get shifted out of alignment. This can be caused by:…
How Chiropractic Helps Patients Who Suffer From Kyphosis
Kyphosis is a condition that is most typically identified by a humped mid to upper back. It can be frustrating to…
Foot Orthotics For Low Back Pain
At least 80% of the U.S. population will experience back pain at some point in their life, which accounts for more…
Heel Spurs and Sciatica Symptoms
Heel spurs are a health issue that causes the development of a bony-like expansion, known as a calcium deposit,…
How Chiropractic Helps Those With Anxiety El Paso, TX.
When you struggle with anxiety, it can make living your day-to-day life more difficult. Anxiety comes in a variety…
How Chiropractic Helps Those With Crohn’s Disease | El Paso, TX
If you or someone you love is suffering from Crohn’s disease, you know how unpleasant it can be. A chronic…
First Time Patients Want to Know About Chiropractic Benefits
If you have never been to see a chiropractor before, you may be wondering what you should expect. You have likely…
Low Back Pain and Sciatica
Sciatica is commonly associated with low back pain, however, sciatica may also generally occur due to a variety of…
*BACK PAIN* Rehabilitation | El Paso, Tx (2019)
Back pain is one of the most common health issues frequently diagnosed by healthcare professionals. Approximately…
Understanding Functional Hallux Limitus
Functional hallux limitus is a differential diagnosis from structural hallux limitus. Functional hallux limitus, or…
Differential Diagnosis in Sciatica Part 2
When you visit a doctor office for a medical concern, the healthcare professional will perform a variety of…
Differential Diagnosis in Sciatica Part 1
When you visit a doctor office for a medical concern, the healthcare professional will perform a variety of…
Sports Injuries *CHIROPRACTIC CARE* | El Paso, Tx (2019)
Athletes participate in a variety of exercises and physical activities on a regular basis, however, this can…
Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction and Sciatica
Sacroiliac joint dysfunction is a sharp, stabbing pain radiating from the pelvis and hips down into the lower back…
Facet Arthropathy vs Sciatica
What is Facet Arthropathy?
The facet joints are the joints which are found behind the spine to…
The 4 Stages of Degenerative Disc Disease & How Chiropractic Can Help
Degenerative disc disease is a condition where the degradation of your spinal discs leads to pain and discomfort.…