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Severe Back Pain
Dr. Jimenez Severe Back Pain Treatment Team. Severe back pain goes beyond the pain that is above the normal sprain and strain. Severe back pain requires in-depth assessment due to the cause/s or ideology that is not easily diagnosed or apparent. This requires additional diagnostic procedures in order to determine the cause of the severity presentations. Nociceptive and neuropathic pain can be further broken down into acute and chronic pain, which differ in form and function. With acute pain, the severity of pain depends on the level of tissue damage. Individuals have a protective reflex in avoiding this kind of pain. With this type of pain, there is a reflex to pull back quickly after moving or being in a certain position. Acute pain can be a sign of injured or diseased tissue. Once the problem is cured the pain is cured. Acute pain is a form of nociceptive pain. With chronic pain, the nerves continue to send pain messages after the earlier tissue damage has healed. Neuropathy falls into this type.
Upper cross syndrome and Gastroesophageal reflux: When chiropractic and…
Gastroesophageal reflux disease(GERD) is a prevalent condition associated with many factors. Indeed, being…
Thoracic Back Pain
The thoracic spine, also known as the upper or middle back, is designed for stability to anchor the rib cage and…
The Foot and Spine Connection
Arch Collapse and Back Pain
Many conditions start in the feet but eventually contribute to health concerns…
Fever and Back Pain
It is one thing to wake up with back pain, but another when the pain is combined with a fever, body aches, and…
Chiropractic Manipulation Under Anesthesia
Chiropractic manipulation under anesthesia, also known as M.U.A is a non-invasive stretching and musculoskeletal!-->…
Janus Kinase Inhibitors For Ankylosing Spondylitis Treatment
Individuals with ankylosing spondylitis have a new treatment option that was previously used for rheumatoid!-->…
Sacrum and Coccyx Vertebrae Possible Cause of Low Back Pain
The sacrum and coccyx are part of the vertebral spinal column and could contribute to low back pain. They are not!-->…
Utilizing Hot Baths to Relax Back Tension, Soreness, and Pain
Chiropractor, Dr. Alex Jimenez shares some how-to advice on taking hot baths for back tension and pain. A bath can!-->…
Information on Popular Back Pain Products
There are a variety of products and gadgets that claim to provide quick fast acting back pain relief. Here is a…
Evaluation of the Patient with Hip Pain
Hip pain is a well-known health issue which can be caused by a wide array of problems, however, the site of the!-->…
Severe Back Pain Chiropractic Treatment
Gale Grijalva suffered from severe back pain as a result of an automobile accident injury. Where it was once very…
Understanding Back Pain and Sciatica
One of my friends recommended me, over and over, and just extended how good he (Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C.) was. So I…
Quadratus Lumborum Pain
Many people have experienced low back pain at some point in their lifetimes. While low back pain could be the…
Spondylolisthesis: Back Condition & Treatment
El Paso, TX. Chiropractor Dr. Alex Jimenez discusses spondylolisthesis or a forward slip of a vertebra.
The word…
Back Strains And Sprains Center | El Paso, TX.
Oh, My Aching Back! Back Sprains and Strains and How to Treat Them
About 80% of us experience back pain of some…
Back Pain Center: Upper, Mid & Lower Back
Back pain is just one of the very typical reasons people self-address and seek medical care. It will impact about…
Common Painkillers Don’t Ease Back Pain, Study Finds
Painkillers Aspirin, Aleve & Advil Don't Help Most People With Back Pain
A new review finds that only one in…
The Patriot Project: Chiropractic Care For Those Who Have Served in the Military
The Patriot Project is a grass roots movement to provide chiropractic care to all Active Military, their Families,…
Auto Accidents and Back Injuries
Auto Accidents & Back Injuries
The spine is a complex structure that consists of bone, muscle, tendons,…
El Paso Construction Accident Chiropractor
A broad number of construction or industrial accidents can result in serious and severe personal injuries,…
Chiropractic Assistance for Automobile Accidents
Automobile accidents are the leading cause of transportation related injuries throughout the United States. A…
Chiropractic Care & Extension Related Low Back Pain
According to research, approximately 80 percent of the population will experience acute back pain at least once in…
Chiropractic Care Benefits Whiplash Recovery
While automobile accidents are the most common cause of whiplash, it must be noted, that these aren’t the only…
Pelvic Stress Fractures in Athletes
Stress fractures occurring around the pelvis are significantly uncommon although, a majority of them are often…
Practical, Handpicked Tips & Tricks For Arthritis Sufferers
Having to deal with arthritis in your daily life is stressful, so finding methods to cope with it better shouldn't…
Treating Neck Arthritis with Chiropractic
Cervical spondylosis, commonly known as arthritis of the neck, is the medical term used to describe these…
Preventing Spinal Degeneration with Chiropractic
When the spine degenerates with age, the spinal bones gradually begin to deform. These changes can then affect the…
Degenerative Scoliosis Pain and Chiropractic
Adult scoliosis, medically referred to as degenerative scoliosis, is distinguished by an unnatural, side-to-side…
Sciatica Symptoms after an Auto Accident
The spine is a complex structure surrounded by muscles, tendons, ligaments and other types of tissues. Although it…
Back Injuries Resulting from Auto Accidents
The human spine is a complex structure consisting of bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves and other tissues.…
Spinal Complications Resulting from Auto Injuries
Automobile accidents are one of the principal causes of spine complications and are responsible for more than 40…
Use of Holistic Procedures to Assist Veterans
Healing Heroes of the Heartland held an open house at its offices at 2508 25th St., Rock Island, where many…
Improve Back Pain Through Weight Loss
Back pain is one of the most common back complications affecting the general population. About 80% of individuals…
Important Facts of Sciatica Symptoms
Sciatica can best be described as a group of symptoms from an injury or an underlying medical condition rather than…
Auto Injury Prevention & Seatbelts
Spinal injuries are commonly diagnosed in people who’ve experienced an automobile accident. In fact, auto accidents…