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Chiropractic Examination
Dr. Alexander Jimenez Chiropractic Examination:
An initial chiropractic examination for musculoskeletal disorders will typically have four parts: a consultation, case history, and physical examination. Laboratory analysis and X-ray examination may be performed. Our office provides additional Functional and Integrative Wellness Assessments in order to bring greater insight into a patient’s physiological presentations.
The patient will meet the chiropractor which will assess and question a brief synopsis of his or her lower back pain, such as:
Duration and frequency of symptoms
Description of the symptoms (e.g. burning, throbbing)
Areas of pain
What makes the pain feel better (e.g. sitting, stretching)
What makes the pain feel worse (e.g. standing, lifting).
Case history. The chiropractor identifies the area(s) of complaint and the nature of the back pain by asking questions and learning more about different areas of the patient’s history, including:
Family history
Dietary habits
Past history of other treatments (chiropractic, osteopathic, medical and other)
Occupational history
Psychosocial history
Other areas to probe, often based on responses to the above questions.
Physical examination:
We will utilize a variety of methods to determine the spinal segments that require chiropractic treatments, including but not limited to static and motion palpation techniques determining spinal segments that are hypo mobile (restricted in their movement) or fixated. Depending on the results of the above examination, a chiropractor may use additional diagnostic tests, such as:
X-ray to locate subluxations (the altered position of the vertebra)
A device that detects the temperature of the skin in the paraspinal region to identify spinal areas with a significant temperature variance that requires manipulation.
Laboratory Diagnostics:
If needed we also use a variety of lab diagnostic protocols in order to determine a complete clinical picture of the patient. We have teamed up with the top labs in the city in order to give our patients the optimal clinical picture and appropriate treatments.
What is Metastatic Bone Disease?
Cancer which develops in specific organs of the human body, including the lungs, breast, or prostate, among!-->…
Femoroacetabular Impingement
Femoroacetabular impingement, or FAI, is a medical state where additional bone develops in a single or multiple of!-->…
Diagnosis of Hip Complaints: Arthritis & Neoplasms Part I | El Paso, TX.
Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD)
Macroscopic & Microscopic Appearance of Normal vs. Damaged Articular!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->…
Bisphosphonate-Related Proximal Femoral Fractures
With the increase of osteoporosis in older adults, the diagnosis and treatment of abnormal hip fractures, such as !-->…
Acute Pelvis & Hip Trauma Imaging Diagnosis Part II | El Paso, TX.
Hip Fractures
Garden Classification (above) helps with Dx and correct management of patientsM/C Fx!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->…
Impacted Femoral Neck Fractures
Hip fractures are characterized as any type of break in the upper region of the femur or thigh bone. The variety!-->…
Acute Pelvis & Hip Trauma Imaging Diagnosis Part I | El Paso, TX.
Pelvic Fractures Can Be Stable & Unstable
Unstable Fx: a result of high energy trauma with >50% d/t!-->!-->!-->…
Femoral Neck Stress Fractures
The hip is a ball-and-socket joint composed of the head of the thigh bone, or femur, which acts as the ball and!-->…
Osteitis Pubis Treatment
Pain along the pelvis and groin region is known as osteitis pubis. Osteitis pubis develops through the!-->…
Piriformis Syndrome Management
Sciatica is a collection of symptoms in the low back, which radiate down one or both legs. Sciatica is generally!-->…
Understanding Trochanteric Bursitis
The hips are some of the most flexible structures in the human body, providing the necessary amount of strength!-->…
Athletic Pubalgia Mechanism of Injury
Athletic pubalgia is a debilitating health issue which affects the groin. The injury commonly happens through!-->…
Spinal Neoplasms Diagnostic Imaging Approach Part II
NeoplasmsThe vast majority of clinically suspected bone Mets are found in the axial skeleton and!-->!-->!-->…
Athletic Pubalgia and Adductor Strain
Athletic pubalgia, also known as a hockey hernia, hockey groin, Gilmore's Groin, sports hernia, or groin!-->…
Rectus Femoris Strain Management
The rectus femoris muscle attaches to the pelvis and just below the knee as it is one of four muscles found at the!-->…
Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip
The hip is commonly described as a "ball-and-socket" type joint. In a healthy hip, the ball at the top end of the!-->…
Spinal Neoplasms Diagnostic Imaging Approach Part I
Metastatic Bone Disease (aka Mets) or "Secondaries." Are the most common malignant bone neoplasms affecting the!-->…
Evaluation of the Patient with Hip Pain
Hip pain is a well-known health issue which can be caused by a wide array of problems, however, the site of the!-->…
Achondroplasia Clinical Presentation
Achondroplasia is a genetic disorder that leads to dwarfism. In those with the condition, the legs and arms are!-->…
Classifying Spondylolisthesis
Spondylolisthesis occurs when a vertebra of the spine slips forward over the vertebra below it. Spondylolisthesis!-->…
Scoliosis Clinical Presentation
Scoliosis is a medical condition where an individual's spine is diagnosed with an abnormal curve. The natural!-->…
Spinal Arthritis Diagnostic Imaging Approach Part II
Spinal ArthritisOssification of Posterior Longitudinal Ligament (OPLL). Less frequent than DISH.Greater!-->!-->!-->…
Rheumatoid Arthritis of the Cervical Spine
Rheumatoid arthritis, or RA, is a chronic health issue which affects approximately 1 percent of the population in!-->…
Spinal Arthritis Diagnostic Imaging Approach Part I
Degenerative Arthritis
Spinal Arthritis:Spondylosis aka Degenerative disease of the spine represents an!-->!-->!-->…
Imaging Diagnostics for Flexion Teardrop Fractures
A teardrop fracture is caused when the anteroinferior aspect of a cervical vertebral body is damaged due to!-->…
Vertebral Fracture Diagnosis Imaging Studies
A vertebral fracture is a common health issue which can often cause bone fragments to damage the spinal chord and!-->…
Spine Trauma Imaging Diagnostics Evaluation
Imaging diagnostics are an essential element in the evaluation of spine trauma. Over the last few decades, the!-->…
Spinal Trauma Imaging Approach to Diagnosis Part II
Hyperextension Injury
Hangman's Fx aka traumatic spondylolisthesis of C2 with a fracture of pars!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->…
Spinal Trauma Imaging Approach to Diagnosis Part I
Imaging Diagnosis Management:
Cervical spinal trauma & radiographic variants simulating diseaseCervical!-->!-->!-->…
Imaging Diagnostics of Abnormalities of the Spine
Imaging diagnostics of the spine consist from radiographies to computed tomography scanning, or CT scans, in which!-->…
Why Chiropractic Should Be A Part of Your Everyday Life
Most people don’t even think about visiting a chiropractor until they’ve sustained an injury or need a quick!-->…
Cervical Spine Radiographs in the Trauma Patient
While computed tomography scanning, or CT scans, of the cervical spine are frequently utilized to help diagnose!-->…
Imaging the Spine in Arthritis: a Pictorial Review
Many types of arthritis can affect the structure and function of the muscles, bones and/or joints, causing!-->…
The Role of Emergency Radiology in Spinal Trauma
Spinal trauma consists of spine fractures, or spinal fractures, and spinal cord injuries. Approximately 12,000!-->…
Introduction To Medical Imaging Conventional Radiography
Conventional Radiography is 2-D imaging modalityIt is required to perform minimum 2-views orthogonal to each!-->…
Truide Torres primero fue a ver al Dr.. Alex Jiménez cuando comenzó a experimentar dolor de espalda durante su…
Functional Short Leg And Chiropractic Care | El Paso, TX.
Functional short leg is a fairly common condition that typically occurs due to inflexibility or muscle weakness at…
Facet Syndrome | Chiropractic Helps Relieve The Pain | El Paso, TX.
Facet syndrome, also called facet joint sprain or facet joint syndrome is a common cause of back pain. There are…
New Patient Intake Form Chiropractor | El Paso, TX. | Video
New Patient Intake Form: Truide Torres, office manager at Injury Medical Clinic with Dr. Alex Jimenez, discusses…
Whole Body Wellness And Chiropractic In El Paso, TX. | Video
Whole Body Wellness: Annually, chiropractors care for more than 30 million Americans, adults and children alike.…