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Dr. Jimenez Nutrition. Food provides people with the necessary energy and nutrients to be healthy. By eating various foods, including good quality vegetables, fruits, whole-grain products, and lean meats, the body can replenish itself with the essential proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals to function effectively. Nutrients include proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water. Healthy eating does not have to be hard.
The key is to eat various foods, including vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Eat lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, and low-fat dairy products and drink lots of water. Limit salt, sugar, alcohol, saturated fat, and trans fat. Saturated fats usually come from animals. Look for trans fat on the labels of processed foods, margarine, and shortenings.
Dr. Alex Jimenez offers nutritional examples and describes the importance of balanced nutrition, emphasizing how a proper diet combined with physical activity can help individuals reach and maintain a healthy weight, reduce their risk of developing chronic diseases, and promote overall health and wellness.
Exploring the Ingredients and Calories of Marshmallows
Marshmallows and calories can add up when eating more than a single serving. Can marshmallows be consumed in…
Understanding the Nutritional Differences: Honey vs Maple Syrup
For individuals who like sweet foods but want to maintain health, how do honey and maple syrup compare…
Making Ramen Noodles Healthier: Tips and Tricks
Are there ways to make ramen noodles healthier for those who enjoy them?
Ramen Noodles
Instant ramen noodles…
Fueling Your Performance: The Role of White Rice for Athletes
Can eating white rice as a primary carbohydrate source provide quick energy and glycogen replenishment for athletes…
Harnessing the Power of Lemongrass: Health Benefits and Uses
Can incorporating lemongrass into a diet help individuals manage anxiety, colds, fever, inflammation, and insomnia?…
Fish Nutrition: Choosing the Right Type for a Healthy Diet
For individuals trying to lose weight or improve their diet, can incorporating more fish help improve overall…
A Guide to Low-Sugar Fruits
Can fruit help with a sweet craving for individuals trying to limit sugar?
Fruits Low In Sugar
Fruits and their…
Unlocking the Secrets of Tonic Water: Health Benefits and More
Can incorporating tonic water benefit individuals who want to drink more water?
Tonic Water
Tonic water is more…
Understanding the Nutritional Value of Dried Fruit
Can knowing the serving size help lower sugar and calories for individuals who enjoy eating dried fruits?
Discover the Benefits and Uses of Almond Flour
For individuals practicing a low-carbohydrate eating style or want to try an alternative flour, can incorporating…
The Health Benefits of Nopal: A Nutritious and Versatile Vegetable
Can incorporating nopal or prickly pear cactus into one's diet help individuals trying to lower blood glucose,…
The Health Benefits of Pita Bread: A Nutritious and Delicious Option
Could pita bread be a possible option for individuals trying to eat healthier?
Pita Bread
Pita bread is a…
Oven Roasted Potatoes – A Healthy Choice
For a hearty side of potatoes, can oven roasting and paying attention to portion size make for a healthy meal?…
Know the Benefits of Sunflower Seeds & Improve Your Diet
For individuals looking for a quick healthy snack, can adding sunflower seeds to one's diet provide health…
Muscle Growth: Nutrition, Genetics, and Training Explained
For individuals trying to build muscle but are not seeing results, can knowing factors like what foods to eat, how…
Protein Bars: Get the Most Out of Yours
For individuals trying to make healthy lifestyle adjustments, can adding protein bars into their diet help achieve…
Resistant Starch: All You Need to Know
For individuals with digestive and other health issues, could resistant starch provide health benefits?…
Onions: Natural Health Enhancers
For individuals looking to maintain wellness or begin their wellness journey like increasing antioxidants,…
Tomato Nutrition: Health Benefits, Low Calories & Low Fat
Tomatoes are low-calorie and nutrient-dense, what health benefits can individuals gain from their consumption?…
Food Substitutions: A Simple Guide to Eating Well
For individuals looking to improve their quality of life, can substituting healthy meal ingredients be a simple…
Garlic Tea Health Benefits
Garlic tea is an herbal tonic made from garlic, lemon, and honey. What medicinal uses and benefits can garlic…
Walking Energy Snacks: EP’s Functional Chiropractic Clinic
Walking is a great physical exercise activity that requires endurance. When walking for two hours or more,…
Protein Deficiency: EP’s Functional Chiropractic Clinic
Protein deficiency, or hypoproteinemia, is when the body has lower-than-normal protein levels. Protein is an…
Fiber and Gut Health: EP’s Chiropractic Functional Team
Not getting enough fiber in one's diet can lead to fiber deficiency. Fiber helps support gut and microbiome health.…
When The Body Craves Salt: EP Functional Chiropractic Team
Although salt is satisfying to the palate and necessary for survival, when the body craves salt, it can be a…
Food Allergies, Inflammation, & MET Therapy
Around the world, many individuals will have some reaction to the foods they consume. This type of…
Staying Hydrated Can Help Relieve Back Pain: EP Chiropractic
Individuals may not be aware that back discomfort/pain symptoms can be connected to not staying hydrated. When the…
Foods For Stress: EP Chiropractic Functional Team
Maintaining a healthy and well-balanced nutritional plan is recommended for overall health. When the body is…
Why Magnesium Is Important For Your Health? (Part 3)
Nowadays, many individuals are incorporating…
Bone Broth Benefits: EP’s Chiropractic Functional Wellness Team
Bone Broth Benefits: Bone broth is made by simmering the bones and connective tissue from just about any animal,…
Managing Holiday Eating: Chiropractic Functional Nutrition Clinic
The holidays are a wonderful time to gather with family and friends and celebrate. However, it can be a time of…
Sugar Consumption Thickens Fascia: Functional Chiropractor
The fascia is important for connecting the musculoskeletal system, stabilizing function, and keeping the body…
Working With A Nutritionist: Chiropractic Functional Medicine Team
Nutritionists are medical professionals in food and nutrition and work one-on-one to develop an optimal nutrition…
Nutrients, Metabolism, and Disk degeneration
Spinal disease, disk degeneration, and herniated disk are leading causes of pain radiation affecting movement and…
Healing Nutrients and Non-Surgical Decompression
Nerve impingement, sciatica, disc herniation/degeneration, or spinal stenosis can cause sharp, debilitating nerve…
Nutritional Supplements For Gut Health | Part 1
The gut system has an important job: making sure that the consumed food is being digested and…
Nutritional Food Groups To Prevent Cardiovascular Disease | Part 2
Finding the right set of nutritional supplements and foods is hard when trying to go for a healthier…
Nutritional Diets To Prevent Cardiovascular Disease | Part 1
The cardiovascular system is consisting of the heart, the arteries, blood vessels, and the blood…
Nutritional Treatment for Ankylosing Spondylitis: Treat the gut to Heal the Body
Ankylosing Spondylitis was first described two centuries ago and is the most common form of spondyloarthritis.…
Beneficial Foods Used In Regenerative Perioperative Protocols | Part 2
When the body sustains injuries, it goes through a process called inflammation. Studies show that…