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Dr. Jimenez Chiropractic Functional Medicine Clinic Health Team. The level of functional and metabolic efficiency of a living organism. In humans, it is the ability of individuals or communities to adapt and self-manage when facing physical, mental, psychological, and social changes in an environment. Dr.Alex Jimenez D.C., C.C.S.T, a clinical pain doctor who uses cutting-edge therapies and rehabilitation procedures focused on total health, strength training, and complete conditioning.
We take a global functional fitness treatment approach to regain complete functional health. Dr. Jimenez presents articles from his own experience and various sources on a healthy lifestyle or general health issues. I have spent over 30+ years researching and testing methods with thousands of patients and understand what truly works.
We strive to create fitness and better the body through researched methods and total health programs. These programs and methods are natural and use the body’s own ability to achieve improvement goals, rather than introducing harmful chemicals, controversial hormone replacement, surgery, or addictive drugs. As a result, we want you to live a fulfilled life with more energy, a positive attitude, better sleep, less pain, proper body weight, and education on maintaining this way of life.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy For Mild Brain Trauma Injury
The brain's primary function is to make sure that the neuron signals are being transmitted and…
How S.H.I.E.L.D. Can Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease | Part 2
The central nervous system is consist of the brain and the spinal cord that sends out neuron signals…
How To Detect Alzheimer’s In The Brain | Part 1
The brain's main function in the central nervous system is to make sure that the neuron signals that…
A Look Into Neuropathic Pain | Part 2
With trillions of nerves that are inhibiting the body, the nervous system is consist of the central…
Understanding All Types Of Polyneuropathies | Part 1
In the body, there are trillions of nerves that inhabit the body and are connected to the central…
How Migraines and Headaches Affect The Brain
The brain's primary function is to send out neuron signals from the brain to the entire body. These…
Neurological Treatments For The Brain | Part 2
The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal that makes sure to send neuron signals…
The Effects Of Neurological Disorders On The Brain | Part 1
In the central nervous system, the brain's job is to send out neuron signals throughout the entire…
How To Optimize Sleep For Brain Health
When a person is tired after a long day from doing either daily activities or having a long day at…
A Look Into Virus-Mediated Neurocognitive Disorders
The brain's main function in the central nervous system is to send out neuron signals from the brain…
Treatments For Chronic Neuro-Metabolic Syndrome | Part 2
When the body has an underlying condition that can change how a person looks, this is due to unwanted…
A Look Into Chronic Metabolic Syndrome Symptoms | Part 1
The body has many jobs to make sure that unwanted pathogens don't enter and cause chronic issues to…
Factors That Can Affect The Brain | Part 2
The brain's main function in the central nervous system is to send out neuron signals all throughout…
The Neuroimaging Of The Brain | Part 1
The brain's main function is to send signals throughout the body in order for it to function…
Neuromusculoskeletal Optimization
Chiropractic is a form of neuromusculoskeletal care that repairs and re-optimizes the nervous system helps to…
Personalizing Cardiovascular Medicine For The Body
The cardiovascular system's main role is to make sure that blood is pumping from the heart to all…
Integrative Nutraceutical Approach To Dyslipidemia | Part 2
In the cardiovascular system, the heart's main purpose is to pump blood throughout the entire body…
An Integrative Approach To Dyslipidemia | Part 1
The body has a way to deal with unwanted pathogens that enter the body. The immune system will go and…
Emerging Nutraceuticals For Metabolic Cardiology | Part 2
The heart's primary role in the cardiovascular system is to make sure that blood, nutrients, and…
The Emerging Frontier In Metabolic Cardiology | Part 1
The heart's purpose in the cardiovascular system is to make sure that oxygen-riched blood, nutrients,…
Revolutionary Diagnosis Concepts For Cardiovascular Disease | Part 2
In the cardiovascular system, the heart's primary role in the body is to pump blood into the…
New Diagnosis Concepts For Cardiovascular Disease | Part 1
The heart plays an important role in the body by pumping blood into the arteries, veins, and blood…
Revolutionary Concept Treatments For Hypertension | Part 2
In the cardiovascular system, the heart's main job is to make sure that blood is pumping throughout…
New Concept Treatments For Hypertension | Part 1
The heart's job in the cardiovascular system is to make sure that blood is pumping through the veins,…
Cardiovascular Disease & Diabetes Prevention
The body needs insulin to make sure that the blood glucose is making each of the systems inside work…
Sports Specific Performance Training
Sports-specific performance training is an approach to develop an athlete's full potential in their sport. This…
The Gut’s Role In Cardiovascular Disease | Part 2
The body's microbiome is a host of trillions of microorganisms that help form an ecosystem that…
The Microbiome Role In Cardiovascular Disease | Part 1
The body has specific roles for each of the systems that are inside. The musculoskeletal system makes…
Nutritional Food Groups To Prevent Cardiovascular Disease | Part 2
Finding the right set of nutritional supplements and foods is hard when trying to go for a healthier…
Nutritional Diets To Prevent Cardiovascular Disease | Part 1
The cardiovascular system is consisting of the heart, the arteries, blood vessels, and the blood…
Preventing Cardiovascular Disease & Vascular Aging | Part 2
The heart is part of the cardiovascular system that makes sure that the blood is being pumped through…
Treating Vascular Aging & CVD | Part 1
The heart plays an important role in the body. It helps pump blood through the arteries and it makes…
An Insightful Guide Into HCTP Therapy | Part 2
The human body makes sure that everything is working properly. From regulating hormones to making…
A Guided Look Into HCTP Therapy | Part 1
When the body goes through different situations, it has the natural ability to repair itself.…
More Evidence On Medical Uses Of HCTP | Part 2
When unwanted pathogens are attacking the body, it can cause many chronic illnesses and can damage…
Medical Evidence On HCTP Uses | Part 1
The body has a way to make sure that each and every system inside are functioning normally and are…
Lowering Inflammation After Regenerative Post-Procedure | Part 2
When the body sustains an injury, the immune system springs into action by going to the injured area…
Post-Procedure Protocols For Regenerative Medicine | Part 1
The body goes through many scenarios that can impact its entire system. From stressful situations to…
Beneficial Foods Used In Regenerative Perioperative Protocols | Part 2
When the body sustains injuries, it goes through a process called inflammation. Studies show that…
Pre-Procedure Protocols For Regenerative Medicine | Part 1
The human body is truly amazing. It can handle stressful situations, it has the ability to heal…