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Sports Injuries
Dr. Jimenez Sports Injuries Team. Sports injuries occur when an athlete’s participation in a specific sport or physical activity leads to an injury or causes an underlying condition. Frequent sports injuries include sprains and strains, knee injuries, shoulder injuries, Achilles tendonitis, and bone fractures. But most of all, chiropractic can also help with injury prevention. Therefore, athletes from all sports can benefit from chiropractic treatment.
Adjustments can help treat injuries from high-impact sports, i.e., wrestling, football, and hockey. Athletes that get routine adjustments may notice improved athletic performance, improved range of motion along with flexibility, and increased blood flow. In addition, spinal adjustments will reduce the irritation of the nerve roots between the vertebrae, the healing time from minor injuries can be shortened, which improves performance. Both high-impact and low-impact athletes can benefit from routine spinal adjustments.
It increases performance and flexibility for high-impact athletes and lowers the risk for injury for low-impact athletes, i.e., tennis players, bowlers, and golfers. In addition, chiropractic is a natural way to treat and prevent different injuries and conditions that impact athletes. According to Dr. Jimenez, excessive training or improper gear, among other factors, are common causes of injury.
Dr. Jimenez summarizes the various causes and effects on the athlete and explains the types of treatments and rehabilitation methods that can help improve an athlete’s condition.
Chiropractic & the Superbowl
Chiropractic in the Superbowl
By Beau Pierce13131
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