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Dr. Jimenez Proper Posture Treatment. This is the position in which you hold your body upright against gravity while standing, sitting, or lying down. A correct posture not only visually reflects on an individual’s health but also ensures the joints and muscles, as well as other structures of the body, are working properly. In a normal setting, we don’t consciously maintain a normal posture. What happens is certain muscles do it for us, and we don’t think about it.
Several muscle groups, including the hamstrings and large back muscles, are critically important in maintaining proper form. While the ligaments help to hold the skeleton together, these postural muscles, when functioning properly, prevent the forces of gravity from pushing us over forward. Postural muscles also maintain our posture and balance during movement.
Throughout a compiled group of articles, Dr. Alex Jimenez distinguishes the most common effects of bad posture as he specifies the recommended actions an individual should take to improve their stance and enhance their overall health and wellness. Sitting or standing improperly can occur unconsciously, but recognizing the issue and correcting it can ultimately help many individuals develop healthier lifestyles.
How to Identify Sciatica
Over-exercising, lifting, bending, or twisting abruptly into awkward positions, and even driving for extended…
Proper Posture And Spinal Health
In today’s society, its easy to identify a strong, confident individual by the way they carry themselves. From…
Maintaining Proper Posture During Exercise
Many individuals participate in some form of physical activity or sport to achieve their own personal fitness…
Causes for Low Back Pain Among Nurses
A study conducted in an acute care facility in Hong Kong to determine the occurrence of back pain in nurses…
Healthcare Workers & Back Complications
According to the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, or NIOSH, more than 24 percent of all…
Healthcare Provider Injury Prevention
Prolonged standing and walking for healthcare workers can cause or aggravate previous health complications and soft…
Injury and Illness on Healthcare Workers
According to a recent Public Citizen Report, the healthcare workplace is one of the most common industries where…
Improve Back Pain Through Weight Loss
Back pain is one of the most common back complications affecting the general population. About 80% of individuals…
Surprise: Chiropractors Can Treat These Five Conditions
The headline above comes from a November 30, 2015, article on the U.S. News and World Report website in the Health…
Important Facts of Sciatica Symptoms
Sciatica can best be described as a group of symptoms from an injury or an underlying medical condition rather than…
Chiropractor Develops “Text Neck” App
A South Florida chiropractor continues to draw attention for his invention that helps people who constantly bury…
UPRIGHT: The Easy Way to Good Posture
Upright’s wearable device connects to your back and helps improve your posture. Thankfully, we had the chance to…
Improving Posture to Relieve Text Neck
Text neck is a modern, cervical spine condition characterized by neck pain and discomfort as a result of constantly…
Foot Injury and its Causes
The feet are complex structures which function to provide protection and support to the body in relation to the…
Sciatica Symptoms & Chiropractic Treatment
Sciatica is described as a group of symptoms most commonly characterized by a persistent pain along the sciatic…
Returning to Work After Whiplash
A study published in the journal BMC Public Health found that only 44% of individuals suffering from whiplash had…
Teachers Experiencing Stress & Back Pain
Back pain is among the most common physical complication affecting a majority of educators. Whether you’re a…
Achieving Wellness with Physical Activity
Chiropractic treatment is used to treat soft-tissue injuries or conditions by rehabilitating the body naturally to…
The Importance of Building Muscle
The health benefits of weight lifting go beyond big muscles.Strength training for building and maintaining strong…
Causes for Sciatica & Chiropractic Care
Living a sedentary lifestyle, improper form or injury while participating in sports or physical activities,…
Benefits of Strength Training
Strength training and building strong muscles can help an individual lose weight. Exercising in general is a great…
Preventing Weight Lifting Injuries
Weightlifting is a common type of sport or physical activity many individuals prefer for strengthening their upper…
Preventing Injury with Chiropractic Care
As individual’s increase their cardiovascular activity, sprains and muscle strains on the surrounding tissues of…
Chiropractic Care for Children
Chiropractic care focuses on treating spinal injuries or conditions, as well as other musculoskeletal traumas or…
Choosing a Pillow for Neck Symptoms
For an individual with neck pain, the hardships that come with a deep sleep are not unusual, however, choosing a…
Preventing Back Injuries from Exercise
Back injuries and its associated pain, discomfort, and other symptoms are part of an undesirable situation which…
Yoga May Be Good for the Brain
A weekly routine of yoga and meditation may strengthen thinking skills and help to stave off aging-related mental…
Maintaining a Healthy Spine
In the human body, the spine functions to balance and support an upright posture but, when there is a spinal…
Golfing and Back Pain In El Paso, TX
About 80% of golf athletes experience re-occurring back pain. When the swings a golf professional takes during a…
Office Fitness & Wellness
The human body was designed to move for the majority of the day but, in today’s society, people live very different…
Back & Neck Pain Associated with Traveling
With summer right around the corner, many people have started planning for their annual summer vacation trip but,…
Causes And Treatment For Headaches
Headaches, identified as pain or discomfort in the head, are the most frequent form of pain experienced by the…
IT Band Syndrome and Chiropractic Treatment
Many athletes, specifically running athletes, frequently seek chiropractic treatment for iliotibial band syndrome.…
Back Injury Resulting from Yard Work
With summer coming into season, many people begin to take on those last summer yard projects or start their annual…
Children with Symptoms of Back Pain
Back pain is one of the most frequent reasons people seek chiropractic treatment. From back injuries to spinal…
Weight Lifting and Causes for Back Injury
Back injuries and its associated symptoms of pain occur frequently in athletes who perform weight lifting. There is…
Neck Pain Related to Texting
Overusing devices, such as constant texting on a smartphone, can create a complication known as “text neck” pain.…
How Weather Can Trigger Pain
Have you ever experienced feeling pain during cold weather? You had probably been symptom free for a period of time…
Sit up straight: Best smart posture trainers to save your back
If you're sick of slouching at your desk or at home, correcting yourself can be near impossible. However, there are…
Posture and Shoulder Tendonitis
Tendons are the fibrous band-like tissues that connect the muscle to bone. Tendonitis, or the inflammation and…