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Dr. Jimenez Injury Medical Chiropractic Team offers alternative treatment that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of various musculoskeletal injuries and conditions, especially those associated with the spine. Dr. Alex Jimenez discusses how spinal adjustments and manual manipulations regularly can greatly help both improve and eliminate many symptoms that could be causing discomfort to the individual.
Chiropractors believe among the main reasons for pain and disease are the vertebrae’s misalignment in the spinal column (this is known as a chiropractic subluxation). Through the usage of manual detection (or palpation), carefully applied pressure, massage, and manual manipulation of the vertebrae and joints (called adjustments), chiropractors can alleviate pressure and irritation on the nerves, restore joint mobility, and help return the body’s homeostasis.
From subluxations, or spinal misalignments, to sciatica, a set of symptoms along the sciatic nerve caused by nerve impingement, chiropractic care can gradually restore the individual’s natural state of being. Dr. Jimenez compiles a group of concepts on chiropractic to best educate individuals on the variety of injuries and conditions affecting the human body.
Fibromyalgia Relief with Chiropractic Care
Fibromyalgia is one of the most common chronic pain conditions presently affecting many individuals. According to…
Natural Ways to Treat Arthritis Naturally
Pain, stiffness, tenderness, and swelling in joints. Osteoarthritis most often affects the knees, hips, hands, and…
Fort Bliss: VA Helps Veterans Achieve Overall Health Goals
“Healthcare in the U.S. and the VA has operated on a ‘find it, fix it’ reactive disease model,” Gaudet said in a…
Rise in Non-drug Alternatives for Chronic Pain at VA
Lt. Col. Scott Griffith, MD, and Army’s pain management consultant, quoted in a recent interview, “Chronic pain can…
Fibromyalgia: Medication Use & Dependency
Fibromyalgia symptoms are presumed to occur subsequently from physical or emotional trauma where there’s been…
Research Shows Increase in VA Chiropractic Care
The Foundation for Chiropractic Progress (F4CP) outlined the inclusion of chiropractic services by the U.S.…
Chiropractic Treatment Efficient for Veteran Injuries
Many clinicians at the VA frequently argue whether chiropractic treatment methods, such as spinal adjustments and…
Chronic and Acute Back Pain From a Car Crash
Sometimes the worst injuries are the invisible ones. Even a slower impact collision can result in serious whiplash…
Spinal Complications Resulting from Auto Injuries
Automobile accidents are one of the principal causes of spine complications and are responsible for more than 40…
Holistic Treatment Available for Veterans
Cheri Bustos, U.S. Representative, D-Moline, toured Healing Heroes in the Heartland, a nonprofit organization which…
Veterans May Receive Free Chiropractic Care
In 2002, President George Bush signed Public Law 107-135, which assures chiropractic treatment for all eligible…
Auto Injuries Causing Chronic Neck Pain
A Canadian study found that a considerable percentage of individuals who’ve been injured in these types of car…
Use of Holistic Procedures to Assist Veterans
Healing Heroes of the Heartland held an open house at its offices at 2508 25th St., Rock Island, where many…
Innovative TriWest Healthcare Alliance Goals
David McIntyre, president and CEO of TriWest Healthcare Alliance quoted, “It made good business sense to expand our…
Veteran’s Rights & Chiropractic Care Progress
In recent years, in recognition of the value and benefits of chiropractic care, Congress has passed, and the…
Weight Loss Can Help Reduce Back Pain
Back pain can be relieved by controlled weight loss and a healthy lifestyle of good nutrition and…
Veteran’s Rights & Chiropractic Care Benefits
In the past few years, in acknowledgement of the many health benefits chiropractic care provides, a permanent…
Improve Back Pain Through Weight Loss
Back pain is one of the most common back complications affecting the general population. About 80% of individuals…
Surprise: Chiropractors Can Treat These Five Conditions
The headline above comes from a November 30, 2015, article on the U.S. News and World Report website in the Health…
Effective Treatment Options for Chronic Sciatica
Sciatica is medically defined as a set of symptoms, including radiating pain that can affect the back, hip, and…
Alternative Treatment Favored by Troops
Rebecca Halstead began supporting the idea of utilizing alternative medical treatments, such as chiropractic care…
Substantial Growth of Chiropractic Care by Veterans Affairs
"The Foundation for Chiropractic Progress highlights a new study which reports substantial growth in the use of…
Important Facts of Sciatica Symptoms
Sciatica can best be described as a group of symptoms from an injury or an underlying medical condition rather than…
Chiropractor Develops “Text Neck” App
A South Florida chiropractor continues to draw attention for his invention that helps people who constantly bury…
Veterans Finally Receive Chiropractic Coverage
For over 10 years, the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress has included chiropractic services provided by the U.S.…
UPRIGHT: The Easy Way to Good Posture
Upright’s wearable device connects to your back and helps improve your posture. Thankfully, we had the chance to…
Whiplash Injuries and the Use of Symptom Diaries
A research conducted from the University of Alberta demonstrated that consistent recording of an individual’s pain…
Neck Injury and Chiropractic Treatment
When first visiting a chiropractor, it's essential to provide the medical specialist with as much detail…
Improving Posture to Relieve Text Neck
Text neck is a modern, cervical spine condition characterized by neck pain and discomfort as a result of constantly…
Healthy Weight and Auto Injury Recovery
Research conducted by the University of North Carolina, Department of Anesthesiology has indicated that weight…
Foot Injury and its Causes
The feet are complex structures which function to provide protection and support to the body in relation to the…
The Cause and Effect of Heel Pain
Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of heel pain in many individuals. Although most commonly…
Peripheral Neuropathy Causes And Types Of Neuropathy
Peripheral neuropathy is a disease of the nerves and there are several common causes and types of neuropathy. Learn…
Similarities of Whiplash & Achilles Tendonosis
Research has discovered that individuals with whiplash-type injuries may share various characteristics of those…
Sciatica Symptoms & Chiropractic Treatment
Sciatica is described as a group of symptoms most commonly characterized by a persistent pain along the sciatic…
Achieving Overall Health Naturally
If you’re a person with a sedentary lifestyle, exercising more will bring many benefits for improving your health.…
Returning to Work After Whiplash
A study published in the journal BMC Public Health found that only 44% of individuals suffering from whiplash had…
Teachers Experiencing Stress & Back Pain
Back pain is among the most common physical complication affecting a majority of educators. Whether you’re a…
Reducing Stress with Chiropractic Treatment
Chiropractic care is not commonly utilized as a treatment option for stress but, many individuals who receive…
Piriformis Syndrome and Chiropractic Care
Piriformis Syndrome is a painful condition that occurs when the piriformis muscle is tight and intrudes upon the…