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Dr. Jimenez Therapeutic Physical Massage Team. We all want to relax. Unfortunately, in our hectic lives, it’s hard to find time for R&R. If you deal with this in your life, a massage is in order. Massage therapy is a general term that refers to various types of soft tissue manipulation for therapeutic purposes. It utilizes manual manipulation to improve circulation, relax muscles, improve range of motion, and increase endorphin levels. Healthcare providers recognize massage therapy as a legitimate therapy for lower back pain. This therapy usually follows some medical treatment.
Types of therapy include neuromuscular, sports, and Swedish. For example, Neuromuscular therapy, which is the most effective treatment for low back pain, consists of alternating levels of pressure applied to muscles to alleviate the muscle spasms. First of all, make sure to drink plenty of water following a massage.
With massaging procedures, the tissues of your body will be stimulated, resulting in the release of toxins. Drinking at least 10 glasses of water throughout the day will flush out the toxins. Aim to drink 2-3 glasses within the first hour or so and then at least 8 more within the next 24 hours. In the hour following the massage, drink several glasses and then continue with eight more in the next 23 hours.
The Key Functions of Rhomboid Muscles in Upper Back Health
For individuals who sit regularly for work and are slumping forward, can strengthening the rhomboid muscles help…
The Power of Acupressure: Unlocking the Benefits of Healing Touch
Can incorporating acupressure provide effective relief and benefits for individuals looking to try natural…
Exploring the Benefits of Craniosacral Therapy
For individuals suffering from neck pain and headaches, can craniosacral head massage therapy help provide relief?…
Understanding Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization
Can physical therapy with instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization or IASTM improve mobility, flexibility, and…
Friction Massage: How To Improve Scar Tissue Mobility
For individuals having difficulty moving or functioning normally due to injury, surgery, or illness, can a…
Relieving Osteoarthritis Pain with Massage Therapy
For individuals managing osteoarthritis, could massage therapy provide added treatment benefits?
Massage Gun Head Attachments
Massage guns can help relieve aching muscles and prevent soreness when used before and after physical activity,…
Massaging The Body Regularly For Overall Health
When looking at an anatomical poster/image of the human body, there are all kinds of muscles connected and…
Body Stiffness: EP’s Chiropractic Injury Specialists
Body stiffness is common, especially as the body ages. Stiffness can result from intense work, lack of physical…
Using A Percussive Massager Correctly: EP Chiropractic Clinic
Percussive massage guns have become a standard tool in osteopathy, physical and massage therapy, and chiropractic…
Muscle Knots – Trigger Points: EP’s Chiropractic Team
Muscle knots or trigger points are tissues/segments of muscle fibers stuck in a contracted state that can ball up…
Increased Temperature and Circulation: EP’s Chiropractic Team
Massage is part of integrative medicine and can be used for various medical conditions. In massage therapy, a…
Years of Back Muscle Rigidity: EP Chiropractic Injury Team
Individuals can experience back muscle rigidity for years and not realize it. This is because the muscles tighten…
Venous Insufficiency: EP Chiropractic Functional Medicine Clinic
Arteries carry blood from the heart to the rest of the body. The veins transport blood back to the heart, and the…
Sciatica Massage: Injury Medical Chiropractic Team
A certified/licensed massage therapist performs chiropractic therapeutic massage under the direction of a…
Percussive Massage Therapy: Functional Chiropractor
The body's musculoskeletal system consists of bones, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, and connective tissues. These…
Neuropathy Therapeutic Massage Chiropractic Clinic
Neuropathy therapeutic massage is a system of structured palpations or movements of the body's soft tissues. When…
Muscle Twitching Chiropractor
Nerves control muscle fibers. Muscle twitching is an involuntary contraction of the muscle fibers. When individuals…
After Traveling Relieve Musculoskeletal Stress With Chiropractic Massage
After traveling, body/musculoskeletal aches and pains can present from continual standing in line, sitting, staying…
Decompression Massage Center
Massage is the manipulation of the body's muscles and tissues using controlled force, gentle and slow kneading, and…
Pregnant and Chiropractic
Pregnant and Chiropractic: Many women experience back/pelvis/leg/feet swelling, soreness, achiness, and pain during…
Orthopedic Massage
Orthopedic massage is part of injury rehabilitation that focuses on the muscles and soft tissues surrounding the…
Wellness as a Healthy Lifestyle
Nowadays, health can mean very different things when we consider our status. Indeed, being healthy is not the same…
Neuromuscular Massage For Muscular Pain
A neuromuscular massage is a form of manual massage used to release strained muscles. Strained areas are also known…
Therapeutic Massage During Pregnancy
Pregnancy can take a toll on a woman's body. New aches and pains start to present as the pregnancy progresses.…
Chiropractic Sports Massage for Injuries, Sprains, and Strains
A chiropractic sports massage will reduce the risk of injury and improve flexibility and the circulatory system.!-->…
Scar Tissue Break Down Restoration Chiropractor
If left untreated/unmanaged, scar tissue could lead to mobility and chronic pain issues. Individuals recovering!-->…
Massage Therapists and Spine Health
Massage therapists have come a long way in reducing pain and improving wellness. Back pain is one of the most!-->…
Self-Massage Techniques
When regular massage sessions are not available these self-massage techniques can relieve pain and loosen tense…
Massage Therapeutics Chiropractor
Massage therapeutics is not about the candles, aromatherapy, and the spa. Although those items can be beneficial!-->…
Whiplash Massage Chiropractic Therapy El Paso, TX | Video
Whiplash Massage: Sandra Rubio describes how whiplash-associated disorders resulting from an automobile accident…
Massage Therapy Chiropractic Care In El Paso, TX. | Video
Massage Therapy: Damaris Formeman is a massage therapist at Dr. Alex Jimenez's chiropractic care clinic. As an…
Chiropractic And Massage Work Hand In Hand
Chiropractic and Massage: Duos often create more exciting outcomes. Lewis and Clark, the Lone Ranger and Tonto, and…
Pope Francis & Sciatica Pain
Chiropractic, Massages & Spinal Injections Are Your Papal Prescription For Low Back & Leg Pain.
Should you…
Massage Therapy Center In El Paso
Massage is a popular therapy used to relieve fluid retention, spasms, inflammation, muscle tension, pains and…
5 Tips for Finding Great Alternative Healthcare
Synopsis: Finding the right healthcare provider for you isn’t always easy, especially if they aren’t in the…
A Visit to the Chiropractor Could Improve Your Sex Life
Most people don’t go to a chiropractor for a better sex life, but that extra benefits is a pretty happy accident.…
Chiropractic Exercises Doctor Recommended
Chiropractic Exercises as Recommended by Doctors
Having a chiropractic treatment is one of those options that…
Chiropractic & the Superbowl
Chiropractic in the Superbowl
By Beau Pierce13131
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This Sunday over…
El Paso Construction Accident Chiropractor
A broad number of construction or industrial accidents can result in serious and severe personal injuries,…