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Complex Injuries
Dr. Jimenez Complex Injuries Team. These types of injuries occur when people experience severe or catastrophic injuries, or whose cases are more complex due to multiple trauma, psychological effects, and pre-existing medical histories. Complex injuries can be serial injuries of the upper extremity, severe soft tissue trauma, and concomitant (naturally accompanying or associated), injuries to vessels or nerves. These injuries go beyond the common sprain and strain and require a deeper level of assessment that may not be easily apparent.
El Paso, TX’s Injury specialist, chiropractor, Dr. Alexander Jimenez discusses treatment options, as well as rehabilitation, muscle/strength training, nutrition, and getting back to normal body functions. Our programs are natural and use the body’s ability to achieve specific measured goals, rather than introducing harmful chemicals, controversial hormone replacement, unwanted surgeries, or addictive drugs. We want you to live a functional life that is fulfilled with more energy, a positive attitude, better sleep, and less pain. Our goal is to ultimately empower our patients to maintain the healthiest way of living.
Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries: Chiropractic Wellness Team
The body has around 1,000 ligaments that connect bones and joints. Ligaments are strong bands of tissue that…
Trapped Sciatic Nerve In or Around Hamstrings: Chiropractic Clinic
Hamstring syndrome is a condition where the sciatic nerve gets pinched between the hamstring muscles and the pelvic…
Dr. Alex Jimenez Presents: How Hypertension Is Explained (Part 2)
Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., presents how hypertension affects…
Dr. Alex Jimenez Presents: How Hypertension Is Explained
Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., presents how hypertension affects the…
Sciatica From Working Out: EP’s Chiropractic Team
Sciatica From Working Out: There are benefits from strenuous exercise and a level of acceptance of the discomfort…
Different Diagnosis For Myofascial Pain Syndrome In The Body
The body is a complex machine with various muscles, tendons, ligaments, and vital organs that each…
Idiopathic Scoliosis: EP’s Chiropractic Team
Idiopathic scoliosis means that no cause congenital or neuromuscular that created the spinal deformation has been…
Pulled Back Muscles: EP’s Chiropractic Team
Back discomfort sensations and symptoms could indicate pulled-back muscles. Unless you’ve experienced the condition…
Tendons and Ligaments Injuries Chiropractic Team
Tendons and Ligaments: A tendon is a fibrous flexible, strong tissue similar to a rope that attaches the muscles to…
Misaligned Uneven Shoulders Chiropractor
When the body is correctly aligned, the shoulders are the same height, and face forward. Uneven shoulders are when…
Baseball Injuries Chiropractor
The game of baseball takes a toll on the body, especially when players advance from little league to high school,…
Sciatica Pain Can Radiate To The Knee: Injury Medical Chiropractic
Sciatica pain can radiate to the knee. Individuals with sciatica do report unique/unusual knee pain that was never…
Joint Dislocation Chiropractor
Dislocations impact the joint and are injuries that force/knock the bones out of position. Dislocations can be…
Reflex Pain Chiropractor
Reflex pain is a complex condition that involves the body’s pain withdrawal reflex failing to turn off after the…
Upper cross syndrome and Gastroesophageal reflux: When chiropractic and…
Gastroesophageal reflux disease(GERD) is a prevalent condition associated with many factors. Indeed, being…
Forearm Pain Chiropractor
Forearm pain refers to soreness, aches, or discomfort between the wrist and the elbow. An injury or inflammation…
Injury Medical Spinal Decompression
Injury Medical Spinal Decompression: Spinal decompression therapy/treatment can be surgical or non-surgical, with…
Sacral Fracture
For older individuals, experiencing frequent low back pain could turn out to be a sacral fracture. They tend to…
TMJ: Jaw Disorders
The temporomandibular (tem-puh-roe-man-dib-u-lur) joint TMJ acts as a sliding hinge that connects the jawbone to…
Thoracic Back Pain
The thoracic spine, also known as the upper or middle back, is designed for stability to anchor the rib cage and…
Musculoskeletal Disorders
Musculoskeletal Disorders, or MSDs, are injuries, conditions, and disorders that affect the body's musculoskeletal…
The Foot and Spine Connection
Arch Collapse and Back Pain
Many conditions start in the feet but eventually contribute to health concerns…
What to do after a Concussion: An Anti-inflammatory Nutritional Approach
Concussions are a fairly common injury in the world of sports medicine. As hard as it might be to admit it, the CDC…
Fever and Back Pain
It is one thing to wake up with back pain, but another when the pain is combined with a fever, body aches, and…
Cold Weather Muscle Spasms, Cramps
Muscle spasms, also referred to as muscle cramps, are painful contractions and tightening of the muscles. They are…
Pain Running Down The Leg
A common symptom of sciatica is radiating/spreading pain running down the leg. However, the leg pain could be…
Calf Soreness, Pain and Chiropractic Care
Calf pain is common in individuals that are on their feet for long periods. This could be standing, walking, as…
The Hands: Injuries, Symptoms, Causes, Medical Care
The hands are a magnificent piece of work. Its intricate design and functional form follow the hand. However, any…
Straining, Spasming, Injuring The Lat Muscles
The latissimus dorsi or lats are the large flat muscles on each side covering the width of the middle and lower…
Quadriceps Thigh Strain: Chiropractic
The quadriceps muscle consists of four muscles in front of the thigh that connects to the knee right below the knee…
Bursitis Types
Bursitis types: This is a condition that affects the bursae, which are the small, fluid-filled sacs that provide…
Chiropractic Wrist and Hand Adjustments
The hands are used for various tasks/chores day and night. Using the hands requires the wrists. When wrist pain…
Summer Heat Can Affect Joints and Movement
Although it is not officially summer, the past few weeks sure feels like it. Especially for those with joint…
Knee Injuries, Surgeries, and Vitamin D Status
Knee Injuries, Surgeries, and Vitamin D Status. The knee joint is one of the largest and complex joints. It…
Chiropractic Treatment or Physical Therapy: What Are My Options?
Chiropractic treatment and physical therapy are treatment methods/approaches that are conservative and!-->…
Regular Chiropractic for Injury Prevention and Maintenance
A common question that comes up is how often it is necessary to visit a chiropractor. Everyone is different, and!-->…
Chiropractic Manipulation Under Anesthesia
Chiropractic manipulation under anesthesia, also known as M.U.A is a non-invasive stretching and musculoskeletal!-->…
Janus Kinase Inhibitors For Ankylosing Spondylitis Treatment
Individuals with ankylosing spondylitis have a new treatment option that was previously used for rheumatoid!-->…
Inflamed Plantar Fascia, Foot Pain, and Chiropractic
One of the most likely causes of foot/heel pain is inflamed plantar fascia, which causes plantar fasciitis. It can!-->…
Scar Tissue Break Down Restoration Chiropractor
If left untreated/unmanaged, scar tissue could lead to mobility and chronic pain issues. Individuals recovering!-->…