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Dr. Alex Jimenez El Paso Chiropractor and his Team of Back Specialists work with Athletes to achieve their body’s maximum performance by participating in numerous training regimens consisting of strenuous exercises and physical activity and making sure they meet all of their body’s nutritional requirements.
Through proper fitness and nutrition, many individuals can condition themselves to excel in their specific sport. Our training programs are designed for athletes that look to gain a competitive edge in their sport.
We provide sport-specific services to help increase an athlete’s performance through mobility, strength, and endurance. Occasionally, however, the excess workouts can lead many to suffer injuries or develop underlying conditions.
Dr. Alex Jimenez’s chronicle of articles displays in detail the many forms of complications affecting these professionals while focusing on the possible solutions and treatments to follow to achieve athlete’s overall well-being.
Recovery for Athlete’s with Jumper’s Knee
During jumping sports where great amounts of stress are suddenly placed on the lower extremities of the body,…
Back Pain Relief for Athletes Through Chiropractic
Athletes are at a higher risk of suffering a back injury due to the intense physical activity they participate in.…
Secret of Success Told: How Chiropractic Care Has Helped Me: Introducing Usain…
How Chiropractic Care Has Helped Me: Introducing Usain BoltBy Dr. Aaron Martin
Usain Bolt has been declared…
Secret Told: Chiropractic Care Has Helped Me: Introducing Usain Bolt
Usain Bolt has been declared the “fastest man in the world.” While this hasn’t always been technically true, he has…
Maintaining Proper Posture During Exercise
Many individuals participate in some form of physical activity or sport to achieve their own personal fitness…
Have You Tried The Top 15 Pushup Variations?
The beauty of the pushup is that you can do it anywhere, anytime. It's a great all-encompassing exercise that hits…
Improving Nurse Health and Performance
A nurse’s job can be very demanding, specifically in the hospital setting, where they must focus on applying…
Chiropractic Treatment Efficient for Veteran Injuries
Many clinicians at the VA frequently argue whether chiropractic treatment methods, such as spinal adjustments and…
Weight Loss Can Help Reduce Back Pain
Back pain can be relieved by controlled weight loss and a healthy lifestyle of good nutrition and…
Improve Back Pain Through Weight Loss
Back pain is one of the most common back complications affecting the general population. About 80% of individuals…
UPRIGHT: The Easy Way to Good Posture
Upright’s wearable device connects to your back and helps improve your posture. Thankfully, we had the chance to…
Healthy Weight and Auto Injury Recovery
Research conducted by the University of North Carolina, Department of Anesthesiology has indicated that weight…
Achieving Overall Health Naturally
If you’re a person with a sedentary lifestyle, exercising more will bring many benefits for improving your health.…
Building a Stronger Immune System
Chiropractic care not only focuses on the musculoskeletal system, a chiropractor will also focus on helping an…
5 Exercise Tips to Maintain Health
One of the most important exercise tips for chiropractic patients is to take steps to keep your body in alignment…
Chiropractic Care Benefits for Runners
A common reason runners end up hurt is their bodies had something “out of whack” in the first place. Since…
Achieving Wellness with Physical Activity
Chiropractic treatment is used to treat soft-tissue injuries or conditions by rehabilitating the body naturally to…
Treating Running Injuries with Chiropractic
Running injuries can occur unexpectedly over a variety of reasons and situations. Once you’ve suffered an injury as…
The Importance of Building Muscle
The health benefits of weight lifting go beyond big muscles.Strength training for building and maintaining strong…
Benefits of Strength Training
Strength training and building strong muscles can help an individual lose weight. Exercising in general is a great…
Preventing Weight Lifting Injuries
Weightlifting is a common type of sport or physical activity many individuals prefer for strengthening their upper…
The Importance Of Exercise For Overall Health
Health: Incorporating exercise into our days helps augment and manage our health, fitness, and wellness, primarily…
Sciatica Symptoms in Athletes
Exercises that focus mainly on the legs moving away from the body can increase the chance for individuals to…
The Difference of Sprains & Strains
A sprain is medically defined as a stretch or tear of the ligaments, the strong cords of fibrous tissue which…
Stretching and Flexibility
As a part of chiropractic care treatment, it’s essential for individuals who frequently suffer from joint and/or…
Benefits of Early Morning Hydration
Water is an essential element in the human body and keeping hydrated is crucial towards ensuring all of the systems…
Preventing Back Injuries from Exercise
Back injuries and its associated pain, discomfort, and other symptoms are part of an undesirable situation which…
Yoga May Be Good for the Brain
A weekly routine of yoga and meditation may strengthen thinking skills and help to stave off aging-related mental…
Exercise Routines & Aging
Exercise is a beneficial part of every individual’s lifestyle to accomplish overall health and wellness but, many…
Best Snacks During Workouts
A balanced, healthy nutrition consisting of carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats before any exercise or…
Maintaining a Healthy Spine
In the human body, the spine functions to balance and support an upright posture but, when there is a spinal…
Best Carbs, Fats, & Proteins Before Exercise
There’s a variety of foods that can help provide the body with the necessary amount of energy to perform well and…
Reducing Pre & Post-Workout Knee Pain
Individuals with a previous knee injury often describe feeling continuous symptoms for an extended period of time…
Core Strength & Performance
When participating in any sport, core strength is crucial towards an athlete’s overall performance. The body’s…
The Best Exercises To Relieve Sciatica Nerve Pain & Heal Sciatica (Video):…
If you have ever suffered from sciatica or sciatic nerve pain, you know it isn’t pleasant. Originating in the lower…
Golfing and Back Pain In El Paso, TX
About 80% of golf athletes experience re-occurring back pain. When the swings a golf professional takes during a…
Office Fitness & Wellness
The human body was designed to move for the majority of the day but, in today’s society, people live very different…
The Importance of Staying Hydrated
Drinking water should be an essential part of everyone's daily routines. The majority of the body's functions work…
Warming Up Before Physical Activity
The best way to warm up the body is to simply start gradually. As a runner for example, the individual can start…
Exercising After a Whiplash Injury
After being involved in an automobile accident, spinal injuries, such as whiplash, can commonly occur. While it’s…