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Dr. Alex Jimenez El Paso Chiropractor and his Team of Back Specialists work with Athletes to achieve their body’s maximum performance by participating in numerous training regimens consisting of strenuous exercises and physical activity and making sure they meet all of their body’s nutritional requirements.
Through proper fitness and nutrition, many individuals can condition themselves to excel in their specific sport. Our training programs are designed for athletes that look to gain a competitive edge in their sport.
We provide sport-specific services to help increase an athlete’s performance through mobility, strength, and endurance. Occasionally, however, the excess workouts can lead many to suffer injuries or develop underlying conditions.
Dr. Alex Jimenez’s chronicle of articles displays in detail the many forms of complications affecting these professionals while focusing on the possible solutions and treatments to follow to achieve athlete’s overall well-being.
Chiropractic Physical Therapy For Knee Discomfort and Pain
Chiropractors don't only work on the spine. Doctors of chiropractic are trained to treat the entire!-->…
***BREASTFEEDING*** and Formative years | El Paso, Tx (2021)!-->…
Personalized Medicine & Wellness | El Paso, Tx (2021)
We want to welcome you to our podcasts, in this edition we will!-->!-->!-->…
Diagnosis & Treatment of Food Allergies | El Paso, Tx (2021)
Welcome to part two of a Functional Medicine presentation titled!-->!-->!-->…
Chiropractic Shoulder Impingement Mobility Treatment
The shoulder is subject to different irritations, injuries, and conditions. Shoulder impingement is a common!-->…
Best Mattress Toppers for Back Pain Chiropractic Review
A mattress topper for back pain can help by conforming closely to the body, correctly aligning the spine, and!-->…
Root Causes of *GUT DYSFUNCTION* | Part 3 | El Paso, Tx (2021)!-->…
*GASTRO-INTESTINAL* dysfunction treatment | El Paso, Tx (2021)!-->…
Treatment of GI Dysfunction *PART THREE* | El Paso, Tx (2021)!-->…
A guide for Food Allergies, Hypersensitivity and Intolerances | El Paso, Tx (2021)!-->…
Diagnosis & Treatment of Food Allergies | El Paso, Tx (2021)!-->…
Easiest Exercises on The Spine and Back Muscles
When lower back pain presents many want to retreat to the couch, bed and just lay down, but doctors,!-->…
Whiplash, Herniated Neck, Radiculopathy, and Chiropractic Relief
Whiplash is one of the most devastating cervical/neck spinal injuries. Rapid acceleration and deceleration can be!-->…
Muscle Wasting: Treatment Options
Muscle wasting conditions have multiple etiologies. For example, sarcopenia is generally associated with aging,!-->…
Muscle Wasting Assessment
Muscle wasting is a prevalent finding in multiple chronic diseases, and it affects almost 70% of the patients!-->…
Strengthening The Core Muscles For Back Pain Relief
The core and the muscles involved are a group of muscles that wrap around the body's torso. The front, back, and!-->…
Any Low Back Tingling, Soreness Should Not Be Ignored
Participating in any sports or physical activities strengthens the mind and body. But working out and engaging in!-->…
What is Immune Dysfunction and Inflammation? – A Primary Mechanism | El…!-->…
Thyroid Dysfunction presentation *PART 3* | (2021) EL PASO, TX!-->…
What do HORMONES do in our body? | El Paso, Tx (2021)
This is the first of three episodes Dr. Alex Jimenez brings to!-->!-->!-->…
What is the role of HORMONES in our physiology? | El Paso, Tx (2021) EPISODE 2
This is the second of three episodes Dr. Alex Jimenez brings to!-->!-->!-->…
What do Hormones do? | El Paso, Tx (2021)!-->…
Post-Injury Chiropractic Health and Wellness
Post-Injury: We push ourselves throughout our lives, and accidents resulting from injuries are just part of the!-->…
What is Thyroid Dysfunction? | El Paso, Tx (2021)
Dr. Alex Jimenez brings to you this episode of Functional!-->!-->!-->…
Chiropractic Sedentary Prevention for Seniors and Staying Active
Sedentary lifestyle prevention through chiropractic is highly recommended for seniors. With advanced age, the!-->…
Bulging Discs and Chiropractic Posterior Adjustments
Bulging discs usually present in the lower back. Chiropractic studies have shown that the L4 and L5 segments are!-->…
Back, Neck, General Pain Therapeutic Tools for Wish List
Individuals with neck and back pain should consider adding a few pain-relieving therapeutic tools to the holiday!-->…
Overuse/Repetitive Injuries and Chiropractic Care
Overuse/repetitive body movements occur in jobs, chores, video gaming, texting, and other forms of physical work.!-->…
Activity Modification and Chiropractic To Help With Chronic Pain
Chronic pain and a healthy spine can require activity modification. This is so an individual can participate in!-->…
Disc Pain and Nerve Root Pain Spinal Disc Problems
Back or disc pain is becoming increasingly common for individuals of all ages. The spinal discs are prone to!-->…
Brachial Neuritis: Shoulder, Arm, Hand Pain, and Chiropractic Intervention
Shoulder and arm pain can be debilitating, especially when there is no obvious cause or injury that needs to be!-->…
Young Adult Degenerative Disc Disorder and Optimal Spine Health
Young adults don't think about disc deterioration/degeneration until it's time for the golden years. The disorder!-->…
The Olympic Journey – Evonne Britton & Dr. Alex Jimenez | El Paso, Tx…!-->…
An Olympic Athlete’s Journey | El Paso, Tx (2021)!-->…
Becoming an Olympic Athlete | Evonne Britton (2021) El Paso, Tx!-->…
WHO IS EVONNE BRITTON? | El Paso, Tx (2021)!-->…
Multiple Traumas and Chiropractic Injury Rehabilitation
With intense automobile, work, and sporting/fitness accidents, and natural disasters, individuals can experience!-->…
Chiropractic Spinal Mobilization/Manipulation Techniques
Chiropractic spinal mobilization techniques involve the slow and steady movements of the spine's joints,!-->…
Spinal Issues or Kidney Problems and An Accurate Diagnosis
Understanding what is causing back pain that comes out of nowhere, whether a spinal issue or a kidney issue, can!-->…
Muscle Strength Chiropractic Fitness and Optimal Health
Muscle strength can mean different things to different people. But in general, the body's muscles need to be!-->…