Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C.,C.C.S.T

Chiropractic Physician For Pain Management

Individuals with chronic pain, whether back, neck, arm, hips, etc., want to avoid surgery or drug treatments. This is where… Read More

July 6, 2020


Join Dr. Alexander Jimenez, Health Coach Kenna Vaughn, and Personal Trainer Lizette Ortiz to discuss healthy substitutions for homemade favorites!… Read More

July 2, 2020

LIVE podcast with Bridget Swinney, MS, RD, LD and Melissa Romano, RDN

You are invited to a Zoom webinar. When: Jul 23, 2020 01:30 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada) Topic: Live… Read More

July 2, 2020

LIVE podcast with local research UTEP team

Join us for a LIVE podcast with a local research team from UTEP to discuss leg length discrepancies and lower… Read More

July 2, 2020

LIVE podcast with Sonja Schoonenberg

LIVE WEBINAR with Sonja Schoonenberg DISCUSSING EPIGENETICS  Register in advance for this webinar: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_KmtNKGexRN2o8p2LOsKrmw  After registering, you will receive a… Read More

July 2, 2020

Massage Therapeutics Chiropractor

Massage therapeutics is not about the candles, aromatherapy, and the spa. Although those items can be beneficial for relaxation, the… Read More

July 2, 2020

Health & Wellness: Vitamin Metabolism

Vitamins are essential to the body as they are responsible for carrying out important biochemical pathways. Vitamins also play a… Read More

July 1, 2020

Chiropractic Athletics: Athletes, Sports Injuries, Performance

Chiropractic athletics is a natural treatment focused on athletes and sports injuries. It is a non-surgical, non-drug option that can… Read More

July 1, 2020

Spinal Tap used to Diagnose, Administer Medicine, and Imaging Assistance

Most of us have heard the term spinal tap, or have seen it on a tv medical drama show. It… Read More

June 30, 2020

Summer Footwear, Back Pain and What To Know

Summer footwear, although light and comfortable can lead to low back pain. Individuals with low back pain conditions/issues should opt… Read More

June 29, 2020

Health & Wellness: Insulin Sensitivity

Insulin resistance is directly related to many chronic health conditions. As the research continues to evolve, we see blood sugar… Read More

June 29, 2020

A Few Ways to Manage Chronic Back Pain During Summer

Chronic back pain does not have to ruin the summer season. The best approach is planning ahead remembering a few… Read More

June 26, 2020

Neck Braces, Cervical Collars: Types of Spinal Bracing

An individual may need to wear a neck brace or cervical collar after cervical spine surgery, or after experiencing a… Read More

June 25, 2020

Health & Wellness: Oxidative Stress

Oxidative stress represents an imbalance in the body. This imbalance is between reactive oxygen species (free radicals)  and our body’s… Read More

June 24, 2020