
Intuitive Eating: The Non-Diet Approach for Health and Well-being

Can understanding the philosophy of intuitive eating help individuals achieve and maintain health goals by breaking free from diets and… Read More

July 3, 2024

Tomatillo: What You Need To Know

For individuals looking to add other fruits and vegetables to their diet, can adding tomatillos provide variety and nutrition? Tomatillo… Read More

February 2, 2024

Colon Cleanse Benefits: What the Research Says

For individuals experiencing frequent bloating or constipation, could performing a colon cleanse help alleviate your symptoms? Colon Cleanse Individuals can… Read More

January 23, 2024

Resistant Starch: All You Need to Know

For individuals with digestive and other health issues, could resistant starch provide health benefits? Resistant Starch Typical starchy foods are… Read More

October 17, 2023

Peanut Butter Sandwich Alternatives

For individuals with peanut allergies, can finding a peanut alternative be as satisfying as a real creamy or crunchy peanut… Read More

August 28, 2023

Recommended Nutrition For Constipation

The digestive system breaks down the foods eaten so the body can absorb the nutrients. During digestion, the unnecessary parts… Read More

August 2, 2023

Easily Digestible Foods

With the summer heatwave blasting through, some individuals can experience digestive health problems. The relationship between the temperature outside and… Read More

July 25, 2023

Protein Deficiency: EP’s Functional Chiropractic Clinic

Protein deficiency, or hypoproteinemia, is when the body has lower-than-normal protein levels. Protein is an essential nutrient in bones, muscles,… Read More

June 8, 2023

Fiber and Gut Health: EP’s Chiropractic Functional Team

Not getting enough fiber in one's diet can lead to fiber deficiency. Fiber helps support gut and microbiome health. Individuals… Read More

May 23, 2023

Supplements To Ease Headaches: EP Chiropractic Clinic

Supplements To Ease Headaches: Individuals dealing with headaches or migraines should consider incorporating supplements to ease headaches' severity and frequency.… Read More

May 2, 2023

Pre-Workout Nutrition: EPs Chiropractic Fitness Team

Providing the body with adequate hydration and nutrition at the right time can maximize performance abilities, endurance, and muscle repair… Read More

April 6, 2023

Foods For Stress: EP Chiropractic Functional Team

Maintaining a healthy and well-balanced nutritional plan is recommended for overall health. When the body is nourished healthily, it will… Read More

March 21, 2023

Digestive Enzymes: EP’s Functional Chiropractic Team

The body makes digestive enzymes to help break down food carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Healthy digestion and nutrient absorption depend… Read More

March 9, 2023

Mushroom Health Benefits: EP’s Chiropractic Functional Team

Nutrition is integral to optimal health and can help treat and manage diseases that threaten the body. Mushrooms come in… Read More

February 27, 2023

Monk Fruit Sugar Alternative: EP Functional Chiropractic Team

As individuals try to avoid sugar as best as possible, alternative sweeteners are becoming more popular. A new addition is… Read More

February 14, 2023

Foods That Help Maintain Flexibility: EP Chiropractic Clinic

Having and maintaining flexibility in the joints depends on the connective tissues surrounding the muscles. Proper lubrication in the connective… Read More

February 2, 2023

Trail Mix Health: EP’s Chiropractic Functional Team

Trail mix is a favorite snack for many individuals. A typical mix combines granola, dried fruits, nuts, seeds, cereals, and… Read More

January 18, 2023

Nutrition Support for Adrenal Fatigue: A Food-Based Approach

The adrenal glands are small and sit above the kidneys. The glands help the body burn fat and protein and… Read More

December 9, 2022

Vitamins For Immune System Health: Chiropractic Functional Clinic

Immune system health and keeping the system strong and healthy can be accomplished by maintaining healthy eating habits. Eating foods… Read More

December 5, 2022