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Spine Care
Dr. Jimenez Chiropractic Spine Care. The spinal column, also known as the backbone, is a strong, flexible structure. It holds the weight of the head and torso. It allows movement in many directions. If it were a straight, inflexible rod, it would make humans walk like robots. However, that is not the case. Instead, the spine is flexible (moved and supported by muscles), enabling the ability to twist, hit a golf ball, and bend.
The spinal column surrounds your spinal cord like a conduit around an electric cord. It protects the spinal cord, which can be thought of as a bundle of nerves running from the brain through the spinal column and branching out to the rest of the body. The spine consists of three natural curves; the neck curvature or cervical spine, the upper back curvature or thoracic spine, and the lower back curvature or lumbar spine, all of which make a slight “S” shape from the side.
The spine is an essential structure because it helps support the upright posture of humans and provides the body with the flexibility to move and protect the spinal cord. Spinal health is important to ensure the body is functioning to its fullest capacity. Dr. Alex Jimenez strongly indicates across his collection of articles on spine care how to properly support a healthy spine.
The Connection Between Chiropractic & Spinal Manipulation
What's the Connection?
About 80% of patients visiting a chiropractor receive some type of spinal manipulation,…
Herniated Discs: Definition, Progression & Diagnosis
What is a Herniated Disc?
Herniation of the nucleus pulposus (HNP) occurs when the nucleus pulposus (gel-like…
Chiropractic Neck Pain Center
What Is Neck Pain (Cervical Pain)? The cervical spine is a marvelous and complex structure. It is capable of…
Chiropractic & Pregnancy – Why They Go Together
Let’s chat about chiropractic and pregnancy. For those of you that didn’t read my last post, What I Wish I Would’ve…
10 Ways to Burn More Calories During Any Type of Workout
Let's face it: whether you're an experienced exerciser or totally new to working out, very few of us have the time…
Sports Medicine Licensure Clarity Act & Chiropractic
The American Chiropractic Association (ACA) applauds the U.S. House of Representatives for passing H.R. 921, the…
Manage Low Back Pain At Home
Perhaps you bent the wrong way while lifting something heavy. Or you’re dealing with a degenerative condition like…
Hunched Back Teen Stands Tall Through Chiropractic
After pulling out a tree root Muntathar experienced excruciating pain which forced him into a extreme hunched…
Lower Back Savers III: Bulletproof That Back
Sooner or later, you’re going to tweak your back, and there’s nothing you’ll ever experience, perhaps shy of limb…
Research 30 Former NFL Players Pledge Their Brains
Brain Trauma
Thirty former NFL players have joined the growing number of retired players who have pledged to…
New Guidelines Say Drug-Free Options First For Low Back Pain
People With Low Back Pain Should Try Drug-Free Remedies
From simple heat wraps to physical therapy -- before…
Back Pain Caused by Adult Degenerative Scoliosis
Back pain is one of the most common complaints reported by a majority of the population. Although the symptom…
How Can I Find a Qualified Chiropractor?
If you've suffered an injury or a previous condition is aggravated as a result of an accident, seeking immediate…
Who is the Best Chiropractor? How to Know
Being involved in an unexpected accident, such as an automobile collision, among others, is one of the most…
A Healthy Spine Promotes Healthy Posture
From strong leaders to popular group members, the individual's confidence is notable due to how they carry…
Correcting Lumbar Spine Herniation Can Benefit Sex Life
Low back pain is one of the most prevalent symptoms that lead people to seek diagnosis and treatment with a…
Anxiety Disorders & Chiropractic
People & Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety attacks can come from the smallest thing or without any trigger. Anxiety…
Basic Overview Pertaining to the Signs of Sciatica
Complications affecting the lumbar region of the spine can affect a wide amount of the population at least once…
Chiropractic & Other Techniques that Benefit Pregnancy
Chiropractic care is a natural treatment utilized to provide regular health maintenance to the spine,…
Tony Robbins Discusses “Network Techniques”
Tony Robbins, the #1 personal growth and business leader, talks about his experience with Network Chiropractic and…
Chiropractic Treatment Proven to Improve Sensory-Processing Disorders
Chiropractic Treatment Proven to Improve Sensory-Processing Disorders
Sensory processing disorders (SPD) are…
5 Ways Pregnant Women Can Use Kinesiotape by Dr. Alex Jimenez
5 Ways to Use Kinesiotape for Pregnant Women
Women often seek out chiropractic care during their pregnancies.…
Thoracic Disc Herniation & Chiropractic Treatment
The goals of chiropractic treatment for thoracic disc herniation are to reduce pain and dysfunction while the body…
How to Choose the Best Chiropractor
When an individual has experienced an injury or they’ve developed a condition as a result of trauma from an…
The Relation Between Sciatica and Thigh Pain
Sciatica is a frequent diagnosis among the general population of individuals who report low back pain as well as…
Chiropractic Care for Children & Five Myths
Five Myths About Chiropractic Care for Children
Chiropractors who provide care for children – and families – can…
Chosen A Top Rated Chiropractor in El Paso | 2016 thru 2021
Congratulations! You've now been catalogued as one of the Top 3 Chiropractors in El Paso, TX. We would like to take…
Chiropractic Exercises Doctor Recommended
Chiropractic Exercises as Recommended by Doctors
Having a chiropractic treatment is one of those options that…
Chiropractic Care for Cervical Disc Herniation
Symptoms of neck pain that radiate to the shoulders and down the arms can be caused due to a variety of injuries…
Chiropractic & the Superbowl
Chiropractic in the Superbowl
By Beau Pierce13131
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This Sunday over…
El Paso Construction Accident Chiropractor
A broad number of construction or industrial accidents can result in serious and severe personal injuries,…
Should You Visit a Chiropractor for Back Pain?
If you have persistent neck or back pain, you might be considering chiropractic manipulation, or realigning the…
What is Chiropractic Wellness?
Chiropractic is a healthcare profession which focuses on injuries and conditions of the musculoskeletal system and…
Chiropractic Care Can Reverse Aging
Aging: Our body is adapted to withstand the constant struggles for survival. Researchers estimate that each…
Chiropractic Directory and Health Resources
Chiropractic Directory and Health Resources
The following resources have been assembled to provide you with more…
Pursuing a Spinal Evaluation After an Auto Accident
Every year, approximately 400 million drivers and their passengers are at a potential risk of being involved in an…
The Anti-Aging Effects of Chiropractic Care
Many people have the common misconception that chiropractic treatment is only used to treat issues like back and…
Chiropractic: The True Rejuvenating Cocoon Approach
Chiropractic: Cocoon is a 1985 American science fiction, comedy-drama film directed by Ron Howard, which tells the…
Chiropractic Care for General Back Pain
Back pain is a common symptom which affects a majority of the population, although for most individuals, the…
The Difference Between a Disc Herniation and a Disc Bulge
The spine is a complex structure consisting of many vertebrae which are stacked upon one another and each of these…