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Spine Care
Dr. Jimenez Chiropractic Spine Care. The spinal column, also known as the backbone, is a strong, flexible structure. It holds the weight of the head and torso. It allows movement in many directions. If it were a straight, inflexible rod, it would make humans walk like robots. However, that is not the case. Instead, the spine is flexible (moved and supported by muscles), enabling the ability to twist, hit a golf ball, and bend.
The spinal column surrounds your spinal cord like a conduit around an electric cord. It protects the spinal cord, which can be thought of as a bundle of nerves running from the brain through the spinal column and branching out to the rest of the body. The spine consists of three natural curves; the neck curvature or cervical spine, the upper back curvature or thoracic spine, and the lower back curvature or lumbar spine, all of which make a slight “S” shape from the side.
The spine is an essential structure because it helps support the upright posture of humans and provides the body with the flexibility to move and protect the spinal cord. Spinal health is important to ensure the body is functioning to its fullest capacity. Dr. Alex Jimenez strongly indicates across his collection of articles on spine care how to properly support a healthy spine.
Facet Arthropathy: Dealing with Pain and Stiffness in the Spine
Can individuals managing facet arthropathy treat the condition with over-the-counter pain relievers, prescription…
Discover the Benefits of Exercising to Reduce Scoliosis
Can individuals dealing with scoliosis incorporate various exercises and stretches to improve their posture and…
Cervical Retraction: An Effective Exercise for Neck Pain Relief
Can cervical retraction be a good addition to a home exercise program for individuals with neck pain, spinal…
Lumbosacral Joint (L5-S1): Anatomy and Common Issues
For individuals trying to retrain their body movements for back health improvement, what is the spinal area that…
Improving Joint Health with the Beneficial Properties of Turmeric
Can individuals dealing with joint pain incorporate turmeric as part of their treatment to reduce inflammation and…
Avoiding Back Pain: The Key to Correct Manual Lifting Technique
Incorrect manual handling and lifting is a leading cause of workplace injuries. Can health and safety training help…
Surgical Decompression: A Solution for Nerve Root Encroachment
Individuals experiencing persistent pain, weakness, numbness, and tingling in the back could be suffering from…
Cervical Arthritis: Managing Neck Pain and Stiffness
For individuals with cervical arthritis, can physical therapies help manage symptoms and bring pain relief?…
Improve Your Spine Health with These 7 Essential Exercises
Can incorporating these 7 exercises help individuals dealing with back pain help promote a healthy spine and…
Everything You Need to Know about Anterolisthesis
Individuals who have experienced spinal or back trauma, suffered fractures, are going through spinal degeneration,…
Household Ergonomics: Preventing Back Problems
It can be challenging for individuals trying to keep their homes clean with chronic back pain. Can learning and…
Treating Annular Fissure: Medical Care for Pain and Symptoms
An annular fissure is caused by age-related changes to the spine, which often do not cause symptoms but can cause…
The Importance of Gluteus Maximus for Body Stability
Individuals dealing with pain in the buttocks can make life difficult to sit, walk, or perform simple, everyday…
Mastering the Pilates Neutral Spine: Benefits and Technique
For individuals wanting to try Pilates for back pain and exercise, can learning how to find their neutral spine…
The Role of Nucleus Pulposus in Spinal Shock Absorption
Can understanding the nucleus pulposus help in body positioning and prevention for individuals wanting to practice…
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome: An In-depth Look at the Condition
Can individuals with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome find relief through various non-surgical treatments to reduce joint…
Understanding Laser Spine Surgery: Benefits and Procedure
For individuals who have exhausted all other treatment options for low back pain and nerve root compression, can…
A Comprehensive Guide to Spinal Stenosis Treatments
Spinal stenosis is the term used to describe a narrowing spine. Treatments vary because everybody's case is…
Reducing Joint Hypermobility: Nonsurgical Treatment Options
Can individuals with joint hypermobility find relief through nonsurgical treatments in reducing pain and restoring…
Herniated Disc Treatment: Effects and Benefits of Traction Therapy
Can individuals with herniated discs find the relief they are looking for from traction therapy or decompression to…
Restoring Spinal Disc Height: How Decompression Therapy Can Help
Can individuals with spinal pain in their necks and back utilize decompression therapy to restore spinal disc…
Preventing and Alleviating Back Spasms: Tips and Techniques
Learning the cause of the problem and how to effectively manage it can help individuals experiencing back spasms to…
The Intervertebral Foramen and Its Importance in Spine Health
For individuals looking to improve their spinal health, can understanding the anatomy of the intervertebral foramen…
Understanding Chiropractic Terminology: A Guide
For individuals suffering from back pain, can knowing basic chiropractic terminology help in understanding…
Essential Guide To Decompression For Degenerative Pain Syndrome Relief
Can working individuals dealing with degenerative pain syndrome incorporate decompression to provide body relief…
Learn About Osteoarthritis and Spinal Decompression
Can individuals with osteoarthritis incorporate spinal decompression therapy to restore spinal mobility and quality…
The Effects Of Spinal Decompression Therapy
Can individuals dealing with neck and back pain find the relief they need from the effects of spinal decompression…
Relieving Herniation Pain: Learn How Decompression Can Help
Can individuals with herniated pain associated with low back pain find relief through spinal decompression to…
Improve Spinal Rotation: Prevention and Benefits
For individuals trying to maintain a healthy spine, can understanding the causes and prevention of rotated…
Sit and Reach Test for Lower Back and Hamstring Flexibility
For individuals experiencing tightness in the lower back and hamstrings, can utilizing the sit and reach test help…
Kinesiology Tape for Neck and Shoulder Pain Relief: a Guide
Individuals with neck and shoulder pain may experience what feels like tightened lumps or knots in and around the…
Discover Effective Non-Surgical Solutions for Back Pain
For individuals with back pain, how can health practitioners incorporate non-surgical solutions to reduce spinal…
Understanding Facet Hypertrophy – Symptoms and Treatment
Facet hypertrophy is an incurable, chronic disease that affects the facet joints in the spine. Can recognizing…
Rehabilitation Exercise Program: Maintain Posture and Strength
Individuals who have gone through recent low back surgery, like a lumbar laminectomy and discectomy, could they…
The Sacrum’s Critical Role in Everyday Activities and Movements
"Various problems with the sacrum make up or contribute to a significant portion of lower back problems. Can…
Who Can Benefit From Therapeutic Options For Upper Crossed Syndrome?
Can various therapeutic options provide relief for individuals with upper crossed syndrome to restore muscle…
Understanding Ankylosing Spondylitis: The Impact on Posture
Ankylosing spondylitis is an inflammatory arthritis that causes changes in posture that occur over time. Can…
The Best Treatment Strategies for Painful Lumbar Degenerative Disorders
How can spinal decompression reduce pain while restoring spinal flexibility in many individuals with lumbar…
Clinical Trials On Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression For Pain
Can healthcare professionals help individuals with spinal pain by incorporating non-surgical spinal decompression…
Back Pain Specialists: Exploring Your Options
Back problems and discomfort symptoms are a common ailment that many types of healthcare providers diagnose and…