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Dr. Jimenez Proper Posture Treatment. This is the position in which you hold your body upright against gravity while standing, sitting, or lying down. A correct posture not only visually reflects on an individual’s health but also ensures the joints and muscles, as well as other structures of the body, are working properly. In a normal setting, we don’t consciously maintain a normal posture. What happens is certain muscles do it for us, and we don’t think about it.
Several muscle groups, including the hamstrings and large back muscles, are critically important in maintaining proper form. While the ligaments help to hold the skeleton together, these postural muscles, when functioning properly, prevent the forces of gravity from pushing us over forward. Postural muscles also maintain our posture and balance during movement.
Throughout a compiled group of articles, Dr. Alex Jimenez distinguishes the most common effects of bad posture as he specifies the recommended actions an individual should take to improve their stance and enhance their overall health and wellness. Sitting or standing improperly can occur unconsciously, but recognizing the issue and correcting it can ultimately help many individuals develop healthier lifestyles.
Can Chiropractors Help With Posture?
Question: I work at a desk all day and have started to feel pain in my neck, back, shoulders and arms. Can…
Backpacks & Back Pain In School Kids
Backpack pain is an all too common condition of school-age children. While back pain is a known and widely studied…
Best Chair For Posture
Dr. Alex Jimenez takes a look at new concepts on posture and sitting. Fact: Sitting is the new smoking. It is…
The Simplest Way to Correct Back Posture
Thousands of Americans work in jobs that afford them the privilege of sitting for the majority of the day. But…
4 Principles For Pain-Free Workdays
4 Principles Pain Free: Doctor of Chiropractic, Dr. Alexander Jimenez shares some insights about a pain free…
How Chiropractic Treatment Helps Posture
Posture is position of the body while standing, sitting or lying down. Good posture, also referred to as neutral…
Promoting Spinal Health with Natural Treatment
Upper back pain is a common spinal disorder, which causes pain and discomfort. Joint dysfunction and muscle…
The Connection Between Stress, Posture and Back Pain
If getting through life without stress is a goal, it’s possible that expectations have been set a little too high.…
How Improper Posture Affects Overall Health and Wellness
Poor posture is an incredibly common problem in today’s world. With the increase in technology and decrease in…
Is Your Work Space Spine-Friendly?
Work Space: El Paso TX. Chiropractor Dr. Alex Jimenez looks at the work space environment to see if it is in fact…
Prone Shoulder Arcs: Better Posture
El Paso TX. Chiropractor Dr. Alex Jimenez looks at some exercises that are help posture.
Prone Shoudler Arcs Can…
The McKenzie System
The McKenzie system is a way of evaluating and treating spinal disorders. It's practiced commonly throughout the…
Ergonomics Center: The Human Body & Injury Prevention
Ergonomics is a scientific discipline that has existed for many years. Traditionally concerned with factory…
Study: Desks designed to increase ‘Standing Work’
According to a new University of Iowa study, employees with desks that force them to stand at regular intervals…
Corrective Posture Tips & Ergonomics
6 Tweaks For Posture & See What Happens To Back Pain
Your Guide for Getting Rid of Pain With Super-Easy…
Poor Posture & Brain Based Postural Correction
Neck Strains & Sprains Video
Poor Posture Causes Neck Pain
Neck pain that is not caused by whiplash or…
5 Exercises to Improve Posture
5 Easy Exercises to Improve Posture
The natural curve of the spine is reinforced by correct posture. Posture not…
A Healthy Spine Promotes Healthy Posture
From strong leaders to popular group members, the individual's confidence is notable due to how they carry…
Practicing Good Posture Can Relieve Back Pain
Back pain is one of the most prevalent symptoms reported in the United States. A variety of factors can result in…
Incorrect Posture Can Alter Overall Health
In the modern day, individuals sit for extended periods of time, whether it's for work or for leisure time.…
Chiropractic Treats Low Back Pain from Incorrect Posture
Low back pain is a common symptom reported among the majority of the population. Generally caused by direct trauma…
Thoracic Disc Herniation & Chiropractic Treatment
The goals of chiropractic treatment for thoracic disc herniation are to reduce pain and dysfunction while the body…
Chiropractic Exercises Doctor Recommended
Chiropractic Exercises as Recommended by Doctors
Having a chiropractic treatment is one of those options that…
Chiropractic & the Superbowl
Chiropractic in the Superbowl
By Beau Pierce13131
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This Sunday over…
El Paso Construction Accident Chiropractor
A broad number of construction or industrial accidents can result in serious and severe personal injuries,…
Practical, Handpicked Tips & Tricks For Arthritis Sufferers
Having to deal with arthritis in your daily life is stressful, so finding methods to cope with it better shouldn't…
Degenerative Scoliosis Pain and Chiropractic
Adult scoliosis, medically referred to as degenerative scoliosis, is distinguished by an unnatural, side-to-side…
The Risks Of Improper Sitting Postures On The Spine
Sitting postures can be the most difficult positions for the body to maintain. Improper sitting postures …
Tension Headaches Caused by Improper Postures
There are a wide variety of factors which can cause headaches. The most common reason for headaches, especially…
How to Prevent Injury Using Proper Pillow Posture
From childhood to adulthood, people are taught about the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle through good…
How to Prevent Pain & Achieve a Good Night’s Rest
The irritating neck pain or back pain symptoms present when waking up in the morning can be a troublesome situation…
Proper Sleeping Postures for Arthritis
As an individual who suffers from arthritis, you may know all too well how sleeping in certain positions can…
Neck Pain Associated With Improper Sleeping Posture
According to Sleep Disorders and Sleep Deprivation, human beings spend approximately 33 percent of their lives…
Sleep Posture and Sleep Quality
According to Steven Park, MD, author of Sleep, Interrupted and clinical assistant professor of otolaryngology at…
Neck Pain: Prevention With Posture & Ergonomic Techniques
Neck pain may occur as a result of various activities that add extra strain on your neck. An abundance of…
Physical Effects of Improper Posture
When an individual maintains a proper posture, the muscles and other tissues supporting the structure of the neck…
Neck & Shoulder Pain from Improper Posture
Forward head posture is the most common form of improper posture responsible for neck and shoulder pain in many…
Proper Posture & Back Pain Relief
Millions of Americans are encountered with some form of pain on their back and spine. There are a wide variety of…
Sleep Postures Associated with Back Pain
“There is not a lot of science behind sleep as a major cause of back pain,” states Santhosh Thomas, DO, a spine…
How to Identify Sciatica
Over-exercising, lifting, bending, or twisting abruptly into awkward positions, and even driving for extended…