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Lower Back Pain
Dr. Jimenez Lower Back Pain Chiropractic Team. More than 80% of the population suffers from lower back pain at some point in their lives. Most cases can be linked to the most common causes, which are muscle strain, injury, or overuse. But it can also be attributed to a specific condition of the spine: Herniated Disc, Degenerative Disc Disease, Spondylolisthesis, Spinal Stenosis, and Osteoarthritis. Less common conditions include sacroiliac joint dysfunction, spinal tumors, fibromyalgia, and piriformis syndrome. Pain is caused by damage or injury to the muscles and ligaments of the back.
Dr. Alex Jimenez’s compiled articles outline the importance of understanding the causes and effects of this uncomfortable symptom. Through various of his articles, Dr. Jimenez emphasizes the assortment of alternative treatments and solutions for individuals suffering from lower back pain, including chiropractic treatment. Chiropractic focuses on restoring a person’s strength and flexibility to help improve symptoms of lower back pain.
Does Jogging and Running Help With Back Pain?
Those who like to jog or run say there is nothing like the feeling of jogging and running. The breeze all around,!-->…
How To Handle Back Pain When You Can’t See A Doctor or Chiropractor
Staying at home means it can be tough to see a doctor, chiropractor, spine specialist, or neurosurgeon to handle!-->…
Spinal Stenosis Symptoms Early Diagnosis and Treatment
Recognizing and understanding common and not-so-common neck and low back spinal stenosis symptoms can help get an…
Bertolotti Syndrome An Unusual Suspect in Low Back Pain
Bertolotti syndrome is something that has not been heard of when it comes to lower back pain, but diagnostic work…
Menopause and Back Pain El Paso, Texas
A February 2020 research study explored the relationship between low back pain and menopause. Hormones and vitamin…
Yard Work and Gardening With a Bad Back
Dr. Alexander Jimenez looks at how to keep your back healthy while doing yard work and gardening. We’re looking for…
Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Back Pain El Paso, Texas
Can irritable bowel syndrome cause back pain? Is there some relation, what are the treatment options, and can those…
Reduce Stress and Reduce Neck and Back Pain
Reduce stress, reduce pain. Life creates stress, and while some stress can be good, too much causes health…
Weight Loss Can Reduce Back Pain El Paso, Texas
Industrialization/modernization has impacted our food, the way we eat and our weight. Processed fast food can be…
Lumbago Mild to Severe Low Back Pain Facts/Tips El Paso, TX.
Lumbago is a term that means mild to extreme pain in the muscles and joints of the lower spine/back. The pain can…
Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction Issues and Chiropractic Care
Sacroiliac joint dysfunction and its symptoms can cause low back pain and disorders.
This condition is also…
Shoveling Tips To Avoid Back Pain El Paso, Texas
Living in the desert means we don't have to deal with digging/shoveling through snow and ice, but there are still…
Using an Ergonomic Chair and Adjustments for a Healthy Back
Around 70% of America's workforce sits in an office chair most of the day. Then we spend extended time sitting…
Back/Spine Care and Standing Work
Back/spine injuries now rank either second or third overall for workplace injury/s. According to the Bureau of…
Inversion Therapy for Back Pain and Sciatica El Paso, TX.
Inversion tables and inversion treatment/therapy could help with low back/leg pain and sciatica. It’s non-surgical…
Reasons To Use Custom Foot Orthotics For Back Pain Relief
Are Your Shoes Causing Back Pain
Musculoskeletal health is one of the highest costs in healthcare today.
Low Back Pain When Sitting, Standing, and Walking
Lower back pain is a condition that pretty much affects most of us at some point in our lives. Some find:…
Aerobic Exercise Help With Low Back Pain
Q: Dr. Jimenez, I read one of your articles about physical therapy and spinal stenosis exercises focusing on…
Arachnoiditis and Persistent Pain In The Lower Back
Arachnoiditis is a condition that is characterized by stinging, burning pain, and neurological problems. Common…
Triggers and Acute Lower Back Pain
Sometimes low back pain comes out of nowhere, but that sudden lower back twinge has a cause. Sometimes, there’s a…
4 Exercise/Stretches for Sciatica Pain El Paso, TX.
What exercise/stretches help reduce sciatic nerve pain?
Here are four exercises/stretches that your…
Moderate Low Back Pain Treatment
Ever wonder what goes through your chiropractor's head when treating your moderate back pain? Using a patient as an…
How Prolonged Sitting Destroys Your Health! Fix It Today El Paso, TX.
A recent study conducted by an associate research scientist at Columbia has found that prolonged sitting destroys…
Personalized *SPINE & SCIATICA* Treatment | El Paso, Tx (2019)
April Hermosillo achieves overall health and wellness every day by following proper nutrition and engaging in!-->…
Low Back Pain Chiropractic Care | Video | El Paso, Tx
David Garcia developed low back pain which gradually affected his quality of life. As his painful symptoms!-->…
How the Feet, Knees & Hips Affect the Low Back
If you have low back pain, or have had it, you are not alone. Experts estimate that around 80% of people will!-->!-->!-->…
Low Back & Leg Pain: How Chiropractic Helps Radiculopathy
Low back pain affects millions of people each year and is the number one cause of disability worldwide. In the US,!-->…
Low Back & Neck Pain Treatment | Video | El Paso, TX.
Low back and neck pain are common symptoms which can tremendously affect a person's everyday physical activities.!-->…
Walking Vs. Running: Which is Better for Low Back Pain Sufferers?
If you are one of the seven out of 10 Americans who has back pain, you are probably looking for relief. What you!-->…
How Fallen Arches Can Cause Low Back Pain | El Paso, TX.
The human body is an intricate machine; everything is connected in one way or another. This means that when one!-->…
Why Low Back Pain Sufferers Prefer Chiropractic Care | El Paso, TX.
Throbbing, dull and achy, sharp and excruciating. All of these words can be used to describe lower back pain.
Piriformis Syndrome Management
Sciatica is a collection of symptoms in the low back, which radiate down one or both legs. Sciatica is generally!-->…
Athletic Pubalgia Mechanism of Injury
Athletic pubalgia is a debilitating health issue which affects the groin. The injury commonly happens through!-->…
Athletic Pubalgia and Adductor Strain
Athletic pubalgia, also known as a hockey hernia, hockey groin, Gilmore's Groin, sports hernia, or groin!-->…
Lower Back Pain When Sleeping: Which Position is Best?
Sleeping. New parents chase it, Type A personalities fight it, but everyone needs it. The thing is, most people!-->…
Evaluation of the Patient with Hip Pain
Hip pain is a well-known health issue which can be caused by a wide array of problems, however, the site of the!-->…
Vertebral Fracture Diagnosis Imaging Studies
A vertebral fracture is a common health issue which can often cause bone fragments to damage the spinal chord and!-->…
Lower Back Pain Chiropractic Treatment
Fitness is loved by April Hermosillo. She enjoys exercising and eating foods that are healthful. As an athlete!-->…
Spine Trauma Imaging Diagnostics Evaluation
Imaging diagnostics are an essential element in the evaluation of spine trauma. Over the last few decades, the!-->…
Imaging Diagnostics of Abnormalities of the Spine
Imaging diagnostics of the spine consist from radiographies to computed tomography scanning, or CT scans, in which!-->…