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Headaches & Treatments
Dr. Jimenez Headaches & Treatments Chiropractic Team. The most common cause of headaches can relate to neck complications. From spending excessive time looking down at a laptop, desktop, iPad, and even from constant texting, an incorrect posture for extended periods of time can begin to place pressure on the neck and upper back, leading to problems that could cause headaches. The majority of these types of headaches occur due to tightness between the shoulder blades, which in turn causes the muscles on the top of the shoulders to tighten and radiating pain into the head.
If the source of the headaches is related to a complication of the cervical spine or other regions of the spine and muscles, chiropractic care, such as chiropractic adjustments, manual manipulation, and physical therapy, can be a good treatment option. Also, a chiropractor may often follow up chiropractic treatment with a series of exercises to improve posture and offer advice for future lifestyle improvements to avoid further complications.
ACL Tears, Concussions And Female Athletes
Female Athletes: As kids play sports like soccer and football with more frequency and force, many are damaging…
Chiropractic for QB Legend Jim McMahon
Jim McMahon Hope For A Better Tomorrow
Jim McMahon knows the questions will come — about his health, about his…
Research 30 Former NFL Players Pledge Their Brains
Brain Trauma
Thirty former NFL players have joined the growing number of retired players who have pledged to…
Low Vitamin D Linked to Increased Headache Risk
News Bite: Vitamin D may be a component factor in headache a new study demonstrates.
More research is adding to…
A New Health Epidemic Has Arrived, It's Called “Digital Dementia.”
Overall 1.8 billion people own smartphones and…
Text Neck Syndrome and Chiropractic Care
The Modern Sore Neck
Text neck is the term used to describe the neck pain and damage sustained from looking down…
Anxiety Disorders & Chiropractic
People & Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety attacks can come from the smallest thing or without any trigger. Anxiety…
Chiropractic Treatment Proven to Improve Sensory-Processing Disorders
Chiropractic Treatment Proven to Improve Sensory-Processing Disorders
Sensory processing disorders (SPD) are…
Chiropractic & the Superbowl
Chiropractic in the Superbowl
By Beau Pierce13131
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This Sunday over…
El Paso Construction Accident Chiropractor
A broad number of construction or industrial accidents can result in serious and severe personal injuries,…
Scientists Constrain Brain Tumor Cell Growth
Glioblastoma is a particularly aggressive form of brain cancer that can be difficult to treat. New research,…
Whiplash & Neck Sprains from Traffic Collisions
Whiplash frequently occurs after a traffic collision. While the symptoms for this type of injury generally ease on…
The Prevalence of Cervicogenic Headaches in Athletes
Headaches are a highly common afflicting, affecting approximately 66 percent of the general population, causing…
Benefits Of Chiropractic Care After An Auto Accident
The most common type of car accident that many people face is where both involved parties seem to be either not…
Whiplash Headaches After An Auto Accident
A headache is a symptom of pain felt in any region of the head or neck. From a mild and irritating discomfort to a…
5 Things You Need to Do After a Car Accident
It’s not always safe to assume the individual was left unharmed from an auto accident simply because there were no…
Personal Injury Chiropractor: Auto Accidents
Chiropractic care is an effective, alternative treatment option for a variety of injuries or conditions surrounding…
Car Accidents and Whiplash
For those who’ve suffered a car accident, whiplash type injuries should be a very serious concern. Often times, the…
The Basics of Car Accident Whiplash Injuries
The neck is a complex structure composed of vertebral bones, joints, discs, muscles, tendons, ligaments, blood…
The True Importance of a Car Accident Doctor
When an unexpected automobile accident occurs, it’s essential to seek immediate medical attention from a…
The True Physical Effects of a Car Accident
A majority of people choose to ignore their symptoms after the car accident, hoping these will resolve on their own…
Holistic Chiropractic -vs- Allopathic Healthcare †
When it comes to making the proper health care decision nowadays, allopathic medicine and holistic medicine are two…
Preventing Work Injuries with Chiropractic †
Approximately, two-thirds of employees spend their work days sitting in front of a computer at a desk job. Hunching…
Treating Neck Arthritis with Chiropractic
Cervical spondylosis, commonly known as arthritis of the neck, is the medical term used to describe these…
How to Ease Myofascial Pain Syndrome
The fascia is a layer of connective tissue that supports the framework of the spine and musculoskeletal system.…
Recovering from Whiplash Injuries
The symptoms of whiplash generally occur immediately after the automobile accident, but occasionally, these can…
How Chiropractic Can Save Medical Costs
Healthcare assistance is implemented by a practitioner according to every individual’s health concerns and needs.…
The Effects of Fibromyalgia on the Body
According to the National Fibromyalgia Association, the painful disorder affects approximately 10 million…
Chiropractic Treatment is Effective and Affordable
Chiropractic is a natural form of health care that targets disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous…
The Risk of Whiplash During an Auto Accident
Whiplash and other type of neck injuries can occur from any type of auto accident, especially a rear-end collision.…
Headaches Caused By Auto Injuries
After being involved in an automobile accident, many individuals frequently experience symptoms of pain, discomfort…
Tension Headaches Caused by Improper Postures
There are a wide variety of factors which can cause headaches. The most common reason for headaches, especially…
Sleep Posture and Sleep Quality
According to Steven Park, MD, author of Sleep, Interrupted and clinical assistant professor of otolaryngology at…
Neck & Shoulder Pain from Improper Posture
Forward head posture is the most common form of improper posture responsible for neck and shoulder pain in many…
Fibromyalgia: Medication Use & Dependency
Fibromyalgia symptoms are presumed to occur subsequently from physical or emotional trauma where there’s been…
Research Shows Increase in VA Chiropractic Care
The Foundation for Chiropractic Progress (F4CP) outlined the inclusion of chiropractic services by the U.S.…
Spinal Complications Resulting from Auto Injuries
Automobile accidents are one of the principal causes of spine complications and are responsible for more than 40…
Veterans May Receive Free Chiropractic Care
In 2002, President George Bush signed Public Law 107-135, which assures chiropractic treatment for all eligible…
Surprise: Chiropractors Can Treat These Five Conditions
The headline above comes from a November 30, 2015, article on the U.S. News and World Report website in the Health…
Chiropractor Develops “Text Neck” App
A South Florida chiropractor continues to draw attention for his invention that helps people who constantly bury…