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Complex Injuries
Dr. Jimenez Complex Injuries Team. These types of injuries occur when people experience severe or catastrophic injuries, or whose cases are more complex due to multiple trauma, psychological effects, and pre-existing medical histories. Complex injuries can be serial injuries of the upper extremity, severe soft tissue trauma, and concomitant (naturally accompanying or associated), injuries to vessels or nerves. These injuries go beyond the common sprain and strain and require a deeper level of assessment that may not be easily apparent.
El Paso, TX’s Injury specialist, chiropractor, Dr. Alexander Jimenez discusses treatment options, as well as rehabilitation, muscle/strength training, nutrition, and getting back to normal body functions. Our programs are natural and use the body’s ability to achieve specific measured goals, rather than introducing harmful chemicals, controversial hormone replacement, unwanted surgeries, or addictive drugs. We want you to live a functional life that is fulfilled with more energy, a positive attitude, better sleep, and less pain. Our goal is to ultimately empower our patients to maintain the healthiest way of living.
Athletes & Coaches: Difference Between Good Pain & Bad Pain
Question: What is the difference between good pain and bad pain? My coach cautioned me that if I feel bad pain,…
Golf and Consistent Shoulder Pain: Chiropractic Treatment
A club golfer was cured of a nagging consistent shoulder pain. Shoulder injury chiropractor, Dr.…
Core & Posture Stabilization: A Scientific Approach Part II
Core chiropractor, Dr. Alexander Jimenez continues from part I through the core stability routines.
Menu 6:…
Injury Proof Body: Endurance Events & Science
For many athletes following any major endurance event they will return to their houses, to recover, celebrate,…
Obturator Externus Injury: Unusual Cause Of Hip/Groin Pain
El Paso, TX. science based chiropractor, Dr. Alexander Jimenez looks at this uncommon problem – and how it can be…
Extension-Related Low Back Pain: Sports & Science
Most of us will experience it at some point, but how does it influence on athletic performance? Chiropractic injury…
Muay Thai Fighters and Injuries
Chiropractor Dr. Alexander Jimenez summarizes some fascinating injury stories in the combat game...
I was…
Iliotibial Band Syndrome & Distance Runners
Chiropractor, Dr. Alexander Jimenez looks at the way this common injury shows itself.
When Chiropractors Have Neck Pain
Chiropractor Neck Pain: Dr. Alexander Jimenez discusses a case study in which a chiropractor reports a problem.…
Gluteal Tendinopathy
Gluteus medius and minimus tendinopathy are painful and debilitating disorders in athletes. Chiropractor, Dr.…
The Gluteus Medius: Dysfunctions & Rehab
Chiropractor, Dr. Alex Jimenez looks at also the dysfunctions -- and also the gluteus medius and the way they are…
Lumbar Disc Herniation: Micro-Disectomy Surgery Rehab
In the first part of this 2-part series, chiropractor, Dr. Alexander Jimenez looked at the likely signs and…
Lumbar Disc Herniation & Micro-Disectomy Surgery
Chiropractor, Dr. Alex Jimenez looks at lumbar spine disc herniation. What are the Likely signs and symptoms…
Neck Injury In Sports: Management & Rehab
In this article chiropractor Dr. Alexander Jimenez focuses on neck injury management and rehabilitation, with the…
The Katie May Discussion Continues
Gerard W. Clum, D.C.
Director, The Octagon, Life University
Executive Committee, The Foundation for…
Advice For Young Athletes
Young athletes are not simply ‘mini adults’. With that in mind, chiropractor Dr. Alexander Jimenez brings…
Piriformis Muscle: A Vicious Syndrome
Chiropractor, Dr. Alexander Jimenez gives insight into the relevant anatomy and functional biomechanics of…
Cervicogenic Dizziness: Lost Equilibrium
Chiropractor Dr. Alexander Jimenez brings insights and explores the causes of cervicogenic dizziness in…
Chiropractors On The Move: Traveling With Teams
Doctor of Chiropractic, Dr. Alex Jimenez provides insights into the challenges and requirements of traveling with a…
The Way To Recover From Common Running Injuries
Doctor of Chiropractic, Dr. Alexander Jimenez along with exercise physiologist Daniel Alvarado discuss how to…
Spondylolisthesis: Back Condition & Treatment
El Paso, TX. Chiropractor Dr. Alex Jimenez discusses spondylolisthesis or a forward slip of a vertebra.
The word…
3 Causes Of “Tight” Upper Traps
Why is it that all of our patients seem to have "tight" and "overactive" upper trapezius.
A deep ache and…
Back Strains And Sprains Center | El Paso, TX.
Oh, My Aching Back! Back Sprains and Strains and How to Treat Them
About 80% of us experience back pain of some…
Back Pain Center: Upper, Mid & Lower Back
Back pain is just one of the very typical reasons people self-address and seek medical care. It will impact about…
Hip Fracture’s Link to Early Death May Last Years
Older people who suffer a hip fracture face a much higher risk of death soon after the injury, but the risk…
Sports Medicine Licensure Clarity Act & Chiropractic
The American Chiropractic Association (ACA) applauds the U.S. House of Representatives for passing H.R. 921, the…
ACL Tears, Concussions And Female Athletes
Female Athletes: As kids play sports like soccer and football with more frequency and force, many are damaging…
Common Painkillers Don’t Ease Back Pain, Study Finds
Painkillers Aspirin, Aleve & Advil Don't Help Most People With Back Pain
A new review finds that only one in…
Methods & Techniques to Strengthen the Gluteus Medius
For running athletes as well as a variety of other sport professionals, proper muscle strength, flexibility and…
Sports Injuries: Herniated Discs in the Low Back
Athletes are at higher risk of experiencing injuries or aggravating a previously existing condition due to the…
Low Back Pain & Sciatica Caused by a Broken Pelvis
Athletes are specially trained to exercise and compete vigorously without experiencing injury or aggravating a…
Anxiety Disorders & Chiropractic
People & Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety attacks can come from the smallest thing or without any trigger. Anxiety…
The Patriot Project: Chiropractic Care For Those Who Have Served in the Military
The Patriot Project is a grass roots movement to provide chiropractic care to all Active Military, their Families,…
Symptoms of Sciatica in Athletes Due to Shin Splints
Athletes who perform daily rigorous training and/or participate in regular competitions can often be at a higher…
Determining & Treating the Cause of Knee Pain
Over the years, I have equated what we do as chiropractors during our clinical evaluations to being “diagnosis…
Auto Accidents and Back Injuries
Auto Accidents & Back Injuries
The spine is a complex structure that consists of bone, muscle, tendons,…
Top Kinesiology Tape Jobs Everyone Should Know
* Relieves pain and muscle fatigue
* Ameliorate circulation and lymphatic flow via superficial activation while…
Choosing a Chiropractor to Diagnose Piriformis Syndrome
Sciatica is generally described as a set of symptoms, primarily characterized by pain and discomfort, along with…
The Relation Between Sciatica and Thigh Pain
Sciatica is a frequent diagnosis among the general population of individuals who report low back pain as well as…
Chiropractic Exercises Doctor Recommended
Chiropractic Exercises as Recommended by Doctors
Having a chiropractic treatment is one of those options that…