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Dr. Jimenez’ Senior Chiropractic Therapy Team: Seniors don’t have to learn how to live with pain! Chiropractic care for the elderly can help, as it is one of the most effective and safest forms of health care to treat pain-related conditions. The elder we live, the more issues we have with our muscles and joints. Dr. Jimenez discusses the aging process and how it affects those in their prime of life. Dr. Jimenez offers a range of treatment options.
From deep tissue massage, manual therapy, and spinal manipulation. Seniors experiencing problems and or pain can benefit from chiropractic treatment. Chiropractic treatment has been shown to have multiple benefits for the elderly. Increased mobility, decreased risk of falls, and other injuries. And routine chiropractic treatment can help improve overall health and well-being and give them more sense of independence in their lives.
Older Athletes and Maintaining Fitness: EP Chiropractic Clinic
Healthy aging has been linked to a lifestyle consisting of proper nutrition and exercise. However, even with a…
Herniated Disc Decompression
Older and elderly individuals have an increased risk of developing a herniated disc/s. The age of the…
Body Flexibleness: Decompression
Body Flexibleness: The body loses a small amount of flexibility during normal aging. Decreased body flexibility can…
Elderly Sciatica
As individual bodies age, the nerves and muscles begin to degenerate, especially in the lower spinal region. This…
Tremors and Spinal Cord Compression
Tremors are extremely rare, but they can result from spinal compression and not necessarily a brain condition like…
Aging: A New Disease.
Aging by definition is a “cascade of robustness breakdown triggered by a decrease in systemic NAD+ biosynthesis and…
Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy and Chiropractic Protection
Age is the primary contributor to many spinal conditions. This is because of the strain that comes after decades…
Muscle Wasting Assessment
Muscle wasting is a prevalent finding in multiple chronic diseases, and it affects almost 70% of the patients…
Chiropractic Sedentary Prevention for Seniors and Staying Active
Sedentary lifestyle prevention through chiropractic is highly recommended for seniors. With advanced age, the…
Spinal Stenosis Causes and Prevention
Understanding the cause of spinal stenosis is important for accurate diagnosis and in creating a customized…
What to Look For When Choosing a Cane or Walker El Paso Texas
Back soreness, pain, and discomfort can make walking even moving a challenge, but through assistive devices, you…
Preventing Falls Around the House El Paso, Texas
As parents and grandparents, we first need to think about the activities that we will be doing throughout the day…
Osteoporosis and Increasing Bone Fractures El Paso, TX.
Bone fracture rates have been on the rise in the last few years and a study predicts that they are going to…
How Senior Citizens Benefit From Chiropractic El Paso, TX.
As you move into your senior years, you expect a certain amount of discomfort and loss of mobility. Aging is always…
Why Senior Citizens Need Chiropractic | El Paso, Tx.
Chiropractic care is a safe, natural treatment for people of all ages and senior citizens can definitely benefit…
Why We Get Shorter As We Age | El Paso, TX.
If you are in your 40s, and you measured your height, chances are you would not be the same height that you were…
What Is Cervical Spondylosis & Can Chiropractic Help? | El Paso, TX.
As we age there are certain changes that take place in the body. The spine gets a lot of wear and tear because it…
Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction And Chiropractic Care
You try to stand up from a seated position and feel a stab of pain in your lower back. It may even shoot through…
Osteoporosis vs. Osteopenia: What’s The Difference?
Osteoporosis is a significant health problem in the United States and worldwide. An estimated 10 million…
Senior Citizens And Chiropractic Benefits | El Paso, TX.
The aging process can usher in a variety of conditions and health issues that are confined (mostly) to the elderly.…
This Combo Workout May Suit Obese Seniors Best
Research is in, getting old and being able to move is a top issue affecting those in their "Golden Years".…
Diana Alvarado | PUSH’s Greatest Fan! | PUSH-as-Rx ®
Diana Alvarado, mother of Danny Alvarado, shares her incredible life changing experience at Push-as-Rx ®. From a…
Exercise Benefits Aging Hearts, Even Those of The Obese
Exercise can reduce the risk of heart damage in middle-aged adults and seniors -- even in those who are obese,…
Bill Skov | Client | PUSH-as-Rx ®
Ever since coming to Push-as-Rx ®, Bill Skov has felt much more capable with his everyday activities and has…
Supportive Older Children Can Stave Off Dementia
Seniors who have a good relationship with their adult children also have a reduced risk of developing dementia,…
Seniors Face Steep Costs for Many Generic Skin Creams
Prices for generic topical steroids to treat skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis are on the rise, and many…
8 Quick Ways to Slash Heart, Cancer, and Diabetes Risk
"Eat a healthy diet" and "exercise for at least 30 minutes three times a week" are the two top suggestions from…
Raising Awareness Of Opioid Use In Older Adults & The Elderly
El Paso, TX. Chiropractor Dr. Alex Jimenez focuses on the rise in opioid use among older adults.
Exercise Center
El Paso, TX. Chiropractor Dr. Alex Jimenez looks at exercise and fitness from a chiropractic perspective.
Alleviate Joint Inflammation With Chiropractic Therapy
El Paso TX. Chiropractor Dr. Alex Jimenez looks at how chiropractic treatment can help with joint inflammation.…
Forget Brain Games They Won’t Make You Smarter
If you think that you can improve your brain by playing brain-training games, save your time and money, say…
Magnesium Could Prevent Fractures in Elderly
You should be adding a magnesium supplement to your daily vitamin regimen in middle age to prevent fractures later,…
High-Intensity Exercise: Fountain of Youth for Seniors?
The health benefits of exercise are well-established for people of all ages. But until now, little has been known…
A Healthy Middle-Aged Heart May Protect Your Brain Later
(HealthDay News) -- Healthy aging of the brain relies on the health of your heart and blood vessels when you're…
Ergonomics Center: The Human Body & Injury Prevention
Ergonomics is a scientific discipline that has existed for many years. Traditionally concerned with factory…
Good Sleep Gets Tougher With Age
Most people see their sleep habits shift as they age, but a new review suggests that some seniors lose the ability…
Flexibility Training Tips – El Paso Back Center
There are 3 primary parts of exercise: cardiovascular exercise, strengthening exercises, and flexibility…
Exercise Is Good for The Brain Especially Stroke Survivors
The analysis of 13 clinical trials found that exercise therapy was generally good for stroke patients' "cognition."…
Defense Registers Seven Sacks in UTEP Spring Scrimmage
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Sky Logan and Dylan Parsee accounted for two sacks each, and the UTEP defense tallied seven…
Exercise A Great Prescription To Help Older Hearts
Regular exercise is potent medicine for older adults with heart disease, a new American Heart Association…