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Dr. Alex Jimenez El Paso Chiropractor and his Team of Back Specialists work with Athletes to achieve their body’s maximum performance by participating in numerous training regimens consisting of strenuous exercises and physical activity and making sure they meet all of their body’s nutritional requirements.
Through proper fitness and nutrition, many individuals can condition themselves to excel in their specific sport. Our training programs are designed for athletes that look to gain a competitive edge in their sport.
We provide sport-specific services to help increase an athlete’s performance through mobility, strength, and endurance. Occasionally, however, the excess workouts can lead many to suffer injuries or develop underlying conditions.
Dr. Alex Jimenez’s chronicle of articles displays in detail the many forms of complications affecting these professionals while focusing on the possible solutions and treatments to follow to achieve athlete’s overall well-being.
A Healthy Middle-Aged Heart May Protect Your Brain Later
(HealthDay News) -- Healthy aging of the brain relies on the health of your heart and blood vessels when you're…
The Best Chair Yoga Moves For Back Pain
"Oh, my aching back!" I can't tell you how many of my students have back issues. And it's no wonder, considering…
Cheaper Healthier Food Can Lead to Healthy Choices
Governments could boost the consumption of healthy food by making it cheaper, as well as requiring that unhealthier…
Physical Inactivity Linked to Loss of Independence
Being physically inactive raises the risk of losing the ability to perform activities of daily living - both before…
Common Fats are Making You Lazy and Sabotaging Your Health
The types of cooking oils you eat may be sabotaging your health, making you lazy and setting you up to develop Type…
Exercise Can Prevent the Progression of Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson's disease can cause tremors, stiffness and trouble with walking. But a new study suggests that regular…
Dementia in Older Adults Caused by Inactivity
Parking yourself in front of the TV may make you as likely to develop dementia as people genetically predisposed to…
Activity Trackers Not Always Great for Monitoring Exercise Heart Rate
Some people who rely on fitness trackers to see how hard they work out may want to rethink this approach, according…
How Pre- and Probiotics Can Boost Your Health
Created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, National Nutrition Month® is celebrated annually every March…
B Vitamins Reduce Damage Caused by Pollution
If you live in the city, you might want to make sure you take your vitamins. A study from Columbia University found…
5 Detox Facts and Fictions
Over recent years, the detox has become a form of diet in its own right for losing weight with low-calorie…
Eating Veggies Every Day Keeps the Blues Away
An Australian study involving more than 60,000 volunteers aged 45 years and older found that eating fruits and…
5 Best Apps to Boost Your Health
For the more than 68 percent of Americans who own smart phones, it’s difficult to imagine doing without them,…
Pilates For A Healthy Spine
Pilates for Pain
Exercise can help with back pain—you've probably heard that before. And Pilates tops the list of…
How Ancient Grains Can Boost Your Health and Nutrition
Ancient grains are getting a lot of attention these days as a healthy alternative to processed wheat products. But…
Scheduling Meals Can Improve Heart Health
People who want a healthy heart should be mindful of not only what they eat, but when they eat, according to a…
Wal-Mart Supplier Recalls Pizzas in Listeria Scare
A Wal-Mart Stores Inc. supplier has recalled frozen pizzas available in 11 U.S. states due to concerns about…
MLB First to Field Fitness Monitors
Fitness monitors, or biometric trackers — those wristwatch-looking devices worn by weekend warriors and gym…
Exercise May Protect Kids From Depression Later in Life
New research has found more evidence to suggest a positive link between exercise and depression, this time finding…
Daily Fruit Juice OK for Kids
Pediatricians have long suggested that fruit juice may prompt weight gain in children, but a new review finds it…
Exercise: Great Prescription for Older Hearts
Regular exercise is potent medicine for older adults with heart disease, a new American Heart Association…
Low Fat & Sugar Labels May Confuse Consumers
Food labels that say ‘low salt’ or ‘no fat’ may be misleading, suggests a new study.
These ‘low-content’ claims…
Study: 10,000 Steps Per Day Not Enough
Wearable fitness monitors (think Fitbit) provide a "motivation alert" as you approach the magic number of 10,000…
Marathon Running May Cause Short-Term Kidney Injury
Any marathoner will tell you that the grueling 26-mile races can do a number on the hips, knees, ankles and feet.…
Are Any Fad Diets Good for Heart Health?
It may be tempting to latch on to the latest diet fad like juicing or going gluten-free to lose weight or achieve…
Regular Exercise May Slow Parkinsons Progression
Parkinson's disease can cause tremors, stiffness and trouble with walking. But a new study suggests that regular…
Saltiest Foods in American Diets
You probably know that Americans consume way too much salt, but a new U.S. government report points the finger at…
BMI Does Not Predict Heart Disease In Minorities
Even though obesity can indicate a risk for heart disease and diabetes in white people, it may not be as reliable…
Holiday Nutrition Boost: Your Guide to Healthy Easter, Passover Meals
With your Easter feast or Passover repast just around the corner, we’ve asked top nutritionists and…
10 Minutes of Vigorous Exercise Helps Kids Hearts
Just a bit of vigorous exercise each day could help some children and teens reduce their risk of developing heart…
Physical Therapy Center | El Paso, TX.
Physical Therapy Center: Physical therapists (PT's) are health care professionals who treat patients of all ages!-->…
If you’re like most Americans, health is the most important aspect of your life that needs improving. Without…
Pets Protect Kids From Allergies & Obesity
If you're thinking about adding a dog to the family, you have two good reasons to say "yes," say researchers from…
Ergonomics Center: The Human Body & Injury Prevention
Ergonomics is a scientific discipline that has existed for many years. Traditionally concerned with factory…
UTEP Women’s Golf Team In Eighth At Wyoming Cowgirl Classic
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MARICOPA, ARIZ. – The UTEP women’s golf team is in eighth place through 36 holes at the Wyoming…
Treatment and Recovery for a Ruptured Achilles Tendon
Whether your doctor recommends surgery for a ruptured Achilles tendon may depend partly on your age and activity…
Good Sleep Gets Tougher With Age
Most people see their sleep habits shift as they age, but a new review suggests that some seniors lose the ability…
Flexibility Training Tips – El Paso Back Center
There are 3 primary parts of exercise: cardiovascular exercise, strengthening exercises, and flexibility…
Exercise Is Good for The Brain Especially Stroke Survivors
The analysis of 13 clinical trials found that exercise therapy was generally good for stroke patients' "cognition."…
How Footwear Can Affect Running Injuries
Historically athletes were barefoot in the sporting arena and it is only a relatively recent phenomenon for shoes…