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Dr. Alex Jimenez El Paso Chiropractor and his Team of Back Specialists work with Athletes to achieve their body’s maximum performance by participating in numerous training regimens consisting of strenuous exercises and physical activity and making sure they meet all of their body’s nutritional requirements.
Through proper fitness and nutrition, many individuals can condition themselves to excel in their specific sport. Our training programs are designed for athletes that look to gain a competitive edge in their sport.
We provide sport-specific services to help increase an athlete’s performance through mobility, strength, and endurance. Occasionally, however, the excess workouts can lead many to suffer injuries or develop underlying conditions.
Dr. Alex Jimenez’s chronicle of articles displays in detail the many forms of complications affecting these professionals while focusing on the possible solutions and treatments to follow to achieve athlete’s overall well-being.
Yoga Has Been Shown To Help Reverse Scoliosis
A non-invasive method of treating scoliosis. Yoga Has Been Shown To Help Reverse Scoliosis. Scoliosis is the…
Aging: A New Disease.
Aging by definition is a “cascade of robustness breakdown triggered by a decrease in systemic NAD+ biosynthesis and…
Postmenopausal Osteoporosis and Aging Vs. Traditional Chinese Medicine
As previously stated, menopause is a turning point in a women's life, a rite of passage that will commence the next…
Playing Tennis With Back Pain
Tennis is a sport that can be enjoyed by individuals of all ages and provides optimal physical activity and…
How Inflamm-aging and Body Composition Influences Women’s Health
Women's health encompasses a multitude of factors that are carefully orchestrated by hormones. In turn, hormones…
Everyday Wear and Tear Recommended Chiropractic Stretches
Stretching out for everyday wear and tear. The body was designed for movement, mobility, and physicality. When…
Urolithin A vs. Osteoarthritis
Degenerative diseases, specifically those that affect joints and muscle, produce detrimental effects on movement,…
Urolithin A as an Anti-Aging Factor
Urolithin A is the most abundant type of urolithin produced by the human microbiota. This nutritional compound is…
Akkermansia muciniphila: Intestine’s Urolithin A Promoter.
The metabolic effect of gut-derived metabolites coincides with the prevention of conditions like obesity and…
Human Musculoskeletal System
Maintaining the body's musculoskeletal system and maintaining it strong can be done through chiropractic and…
The Ancestral Link Between the Microbiome and Mitochondria
It is not news that mitochondria are not the ONLY powerhouses of our body. Indeed, our gut microbiome can…
Ellagitannins: Gut-Derived Metabolites and their Thermogenic Effects
Gut microbiota has a wide variety of metabolic activities. I would like to rephrase that, more than activities,…
The Myth behind Exercise-Induced Immunosuppression.
Physical exercise has a powerful effect on our bodies. Most of the exercise benefits can be measurable such as body…
Summer Heat Can Affect Joints and Movement
Although it is not officially summer, the past few weeks sure feels like it. Especially for those with joint…
The Difference Between Muscle Mass and Lean Body Mass
There are different types of muscle from a biological perspective, however, there is no such thing as lean muscle.…
Herniated Disc Pain Stretches and Exercises
Here are a few recommended stretches and exercises for relieving herniated disc symptoms. The vertebrae are the…
Cardio Exercise Equipment That Won’t Worsen Back Pain
Working out with cardio exercise equipment at home or a gym can be a highly beneficial treatment for back…
Reverse Sedentary Habits and Improve Health With Chiropractic
Many of us spend much work time sitting at a desk/station every day. The damage to the spine and body can turn!-->…
The Body’s Joints and Protection From Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis is said to affect around 1.5 million individuals. Recognized as an autoimmune condition that!-->…
The Science Behind Genetic Encoding and Endurance Performance
The athletic potential is multifactorial; gender, age, specific discipline, weight, body composition, and genetics…
The Benefits of Regular Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments
Individuals tend to think of chiropractic treatment for pain relief, injury recovery, and help with poor posture.!-->…
Athletes: Peak Time and Caffeine Metabolism
Circadian rhythm and caffeine supplementation go hand in hand in many sports. Genetic profiling comes in handy!-->…
Supporting A Spouse, Partner With Chronic Pain
For individuals that have a partner or spouse with chronic back pain, life can feel like it revolves around the!-->…
Athletes: Nutritional Supplementation and Genetic Expression
Exercise is a challenge for our body's homeostasis. As such, athletic performance and training require an elevated!-->…
Gene Variations Influencing Inflammation and Injuries in Sport
Our body's capacity to endure in a sport and the inflammatory processes that this exercise exerts over it depends!-->…
Gene Expression, SNPs, and Injury Recovery
Physical activity has a heavy impact on our body composition. Body composition and specific methods like!-->…
ATV Accidents, Injuries, and Chiropractic Treatment/Rehabilitation
Many individuals enjoy riding all-terrain vehicles, or ATVs. It is a fun pastime and it gets individuals outdoors.!-->…
Science of Resting Energy and Body Composition: Master Athletes
Nutritional assessment has the primary purpose of evaluating the patient to provide the best dietetic advice and!-->…
Recovering From A Deadlift Lower Back Injury
The deadlift is a weight-training exercise that helps build muscle, strength, and stamina. When performed!-->…
Nerve Flossing Exercises for Sciatica
Traditional medical treatment for sciatica can sometimes be not as effective or ineffective for individuals, but!-->…
Frailty and Locomotive Syndrome: Phase Angle Detection
Bioelectrical impedance analysis allows an integrative, complete, duplicable, and easy body composition assessment!-->…
Neck Bulging Disc/s Chiropractic Exercises and Stretches
A bulging disc happens when the supportive gel-filling between the spinal vertebrae begins to slip out of place.!-->…
Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy and Chiropractic Protection
Age is the primary contributor to many spinal conditions. This is because of the strain that comes after decades!-->…
Trapezius Muscle Spasms: Chiropractic Treatment and Relief
The body's muscles function to produce force and motion. The trapezius muscle is one of the largest, which makes!-->…
Aging and A Few Ways To Keep The Spine In Top Form
Keeping an individual's spine in top form equals less pain and more mobility, flexibility, and freedom. The body!-->…
Metabolic Syndrome: What It Is & How to Fix It!-->…
Weight Loss Strategies That Are Evidence-Based
The human body is a complex system, that requires consistent development in all areas. When it comes to weight!-->…
Janus Kinase Inhibitors For Ankylosing Spondylitis Treatment
Individuals with ankylosing spondylitis have a new treatment option that was previously used for rheumatoid!-->…
Body Composition: High-Intensity Training or Bodybuilding
High-intensity interval training or bodybuilding? Getting to the gym, choosing a strength-training method, and!-->…
Achieving Better Sleep With Chronic Back Pain
Achieving better sleep with back pain through strategies that will address the pain. The spine is an amazing but!-->…