
Black Pepper Health Benefits

Should individuals increase their intake of black pepper to help with various health issues like fighting inflammation, strengthening the immune… Read More

August 8, 2023

Golfing Wrist Injuries

Golfing wrist injuries are common with treatment requiring 1-3 months of rest and immobilization and if tears are present surgery.… Read More

August 7, 2023

Joint Manipulation Health Benefits

Individuals at work, school, etc, perform all kinds of repetitive physical tasks that put their bodies through a great deal… Read More

August 3, 2023

Radial Nerve: Peripheral Upper Extremity

The brachial plexus is a network of nerves that begin in the cervical/neck spinal cord and travel down the cervicoaxillary… Read More

July 31, 2023

Chiropractic Therapeutic Neuromusculoskeletal Treatment

Chiropractors are neuromusculoskeletal system specialists that rehabilitate injuries, retrain healthy body posture, massage and relax the muscles to detoxify and… Read More

July 28, 2023

Understanding Why Poor Posture Happens and How To Fix It

Factors that cause poor unhealthy posture can be caused by the day-to-day effects of gravity on the body, personal, work,… Read More

July 26, 2023

Easily Digestible Foods

With the summer heatwave blasting through, some individuals can experience digestive health problems. The relationship between the temperature outside and… Read More

July 25, 2023

Stiffness and Pain Developing In The Shoulder

Stiffness and pain developing in the shoulder could be adhesive capsulitis, (frozen shoulder), a condition in the shoulder's ball-and-socket joint/glenohumeral… Read More

July 24, 2023

Massage Gun Head Attachments

Massage guns can help relieve aching muscles and prevent soreness when used before and after physical activity, work, school, and… Read More

July 21, 2023

Sacral Plexus Rundown

The lumbosacral plexus is located on the posterolateral wall of the lesser pelvis, next to the lumbar spine. A plexus is… Read More

July 20, 2023

Ice Water Bath For Sore Muscle Recovery

Athletes regularly take an ice-water bath after training or playing. It is known as cold water immersion/cryotherapy. It is used… Read More

July 18, 2023

Learning To Sleep On Your Back

Individuals spend around one-third of their life sleeping or resting. Every person has their own preferred sleeping position. However, not… Read More

July 17, 2023

Compressed Nerve In The Knee

A nerve becomes pinched/compressed when added pressure is placed on it by surrounding structures that can include muscles, bones, ligaments,… Read More

July 12, 2023

Stretches For Sitting and Standing Jobs: EP Chiropractic Clinic

Sitting at a desk or standing at a workstation in the same position for hours at a time every day… Read More

July 7, 2023

Overexertion, Repetitive Stress Injuries: EP Chiropractic Specialists

Overexertion and repetitive stress injuries make up a fourth of all work injuries. Repetitive pulling, lifting, punching in numbers, typing, pushing,… Read More

July 5, 2023

Joint Injury Rehabilitation Exercises: EP Chiropractic

Joints are the musculoskeletal areas where two bones connect. The joints have soft tissues around them, like cartilage, tendons, and… Read More

June 28, 2023

Nocturnal Leg Cramps: EP’s Chiropractic Specialists

Lying down on the couch or bed when the lower leg seizes with intense sensations and pain that doesn’t stop,… Read More

June 26, 2023

Starting Swimming Exercises For Back Health: EP Chiropractic

Individuals dealing with or managing chronic back pain should incorporate swimming exercises. Swimming is a low-impact aerobic conditioning exercise that's… Read More

June 21, 2023

Heat Induced Headaches: EP’s Chiropractic Clinic

When temperatures are elevated in summer, heat-induced and severe headaches like migraines are common during the hot months. However, a… Read More

June 20, 2023