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Dr. Jimenez Chiropractic Functional Medicine Clinic Health Team. The level of functional and metabolic efficiency of a living organism. In humans, it is the ability of individuals or communities to adapt and self-manage when facing physical, mental, psychological, and social changes in an environment. Dr.Alex Jimenez D.C., C.C.S.T, a clinical pain doctor who uses cutting-edge therapies and rehabilitation procedures focused on total health, strength training, and complete conditioning.
We take a global functional fitness treatment approach to regain complete functional health. Dr. Jimenez presents articles from his own experience and various sources on a healthy lifestyle or general health issues. I have spent over 30+ years researching and testing methods with thousands of patients and understand what truly works.
We strive to create fitness and better the body through researched methods and total health programs. These programs and methods are natural and use the body’s own ability to achieve improvement goals, rather than introducing harmful chemicals, controversial hormone replacement, surgery, or addictive drugs. As a result, we want you to live a fulfilled life with more energy, a positive attitude, better sleep, less pain, proper body weight, and education on maintaining this way of life.
Muscle Inflammation Relieved By The MET Technique
When the body sustains an injury or a virus, the immune system springs into action by sending out…
Daily Ways To Stay Active: EP’s Chiropractic Functional Clinic
Learning how to stay active with busy lives and schedules takes practice. There are daily ways to incorporate…
Manual Treatment For Postural Muscles Using MET
When it comes to the body, the lower portion has three compartments of muscles that work together to…
Variations Of The MET Technique For Muscle Pain
The various muscle groups in the body allow the host to move around and function through many actions…
Groin Strain & The MET Technique
The muscles surrounding the hips in the lower extremities provide stability to the lumbar spine and…
Hamstring Injuries Relieved By The MET Technique
With the body being a complex machine with various muscle groups and sections that work to keep the…
Tibial Stress Fracture Relieved By The MET Technique
We are constantly on the move throughout the day, from walking, running, or standing doing errands,…
Overused Muscle Issues Relief With The MET Technique
The human body and the musculoskeletal system have a unique relationship as they help the host move…
The MET Technique For Exercise Regime
An exercise routine is highly important for anyone trying to get a kick start on their health and…
Incorporating The MET Technique For Better Sleep
The body needs a good amount of rest after being in motion throughout the day in the form of sleep.…
Everyday Poor Posture Relieved By The MET Technique
From a young age, parents will always tell their kids to sit up straight or else they will have bad…
Auto Accidents & The MET Technique
Many individuals are constantly in their vehicles and driving from one place to another in the…
The MET Technique On Myofascial Trigger Points & Gait Performance
How a person walks or their gait performance can determine how their body's balance and stability are…
Aerobic Exercise Health: EP Chiropractic Fitness Team
Aerobic Exercise Health: The body adapts differently to different types of exercise. Aerobic, cardio, and endurance…
Muscle Imbalances, Gait Patterns, & The MET Technique
When it comes to the body, the various muscles, tissues, joints, and organs provide functionality and…
How The MET Technique Is Used For Gait Analysis
Many people don't often realize that stability and balance are two of the most reliable abilities to…
Keeping The Nervous System Strong: EP Chiropractic
The nervous system is a network of roads that feed into highways that connect to an interstate system. The roads…
To Stretch Or Strengthen Connective Tissues Using The MET Technique
The human body has numerous musculoskeletal muscles that allow the host to do various movements…
Tips On Maintaining Good Posture Using The MET Technique
Every day, the body is in constant rest or active motion when needed, from working to exercising and…
Postural Dysfunction: EP Chiropractic Wellness Team
Postural dysfunction happens when unhealthy postures are practiced and maintained for prolonged periods. This can…
MET Techniques On Trigger Point Formation
Environmental factors can affect the body and lead to chronic conditions involving the …
An Introduction To Muscle Energy Techniques
The various muscles, tendons, and ligaments inside the body surround the skeletal joint to provide…
What You Need To Know About Venous Insufficiency
Dr. Jimenez, D.C., presents what you need to know about venous…
Applying Mindfulness To Fitness: EP’s Chiropractic Specialists
Mindfulness is a valuable tool for reflection and centering/balancing mind and body. Applying mindfulness to…
An Overview Of Implementing Exercise As A Routine (Part 2)
Dr. Jimenez, D.C., presents how implementing different…
Joint Flexibility Health: EP’s Chiropractic Functional Specialists
Flexibility is the ability of a joint/s to move through an unrestricted range of motion. To maintain joint health,…
Implementing Exercise As A Daily Routine (Part 1)
Dr. Jimenez, D.C., presents how to implement exercise as part of…
Various Treatments For Lyme Disease (Part 3)
Dr. Jimenez, D.C., presents how Lyme disease can cause…
An Overview Of Lyme Disease Affecting The Body (Part 2)
Dr. Jimenez, D.C., presents how different infections are…
Chronic Infections Associated With Lyme Disease (Part 1)
Dr. Jimenez, D.C., presents how chronic infections are associated…
Finding The Right Diet For Cardiometabolic Syndrome (Part 2)
Dr. Jimenez, D.C., presents how to find the right diet for…
The Best Diet For Hypertension (Part 1)
Dr. Jimenez, D.C., presents how to find the best diet approach to…
Understanding The Metabolic Connection & Chronic Diseases (Part 2)
Dr. Jimenez, D.C., presents how chronic metabolic…
The Metabolic Connections Between Chronic Diseases (Part 1)
Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., presents how metabolic connections are…
Various Hyperextension Exercises For Back Pain (Part 2)
When everyday factors affect how many of us…
An Overview Of Hyperextension On The Body (Part 1)
The body is an amazingly complex machine as it…
Why Magnesium Is Important For Your Health? (Part 3)
Nowadays, many individuals are incorporating…
Why Magnesium Is Important For Blood Pressure? (Part 2)
Many athletes that do an intense workout will start…
Why Is Magnesium Important? (Part 1)
The cardiovascular system allows oxygen-rich blood and…
What Are The Benefits Of Potassium?
As more and more people start to keep track of their…