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Conditions Treated
Dr. Jimenez Conditions Treated Team. Chronic Pain, Auto Accident Care, Back Pain, Low Back Pain, Back Injuries, Sciatica, Neck Pain, Work Injuries, Personal Injuries, Sports Injuries, Migraine Headaches, Scoliosis, Complex Herniated Discs, Fibromyalgia, Wellness & Nutrition, Stress Management, and Complex Injuries.
At El Paso’s Chiropractic Rehabilitation Clinic & Integrated Medicine Center, we focus on treating patients after debilitating injuries and chronic pain syndromes. In addition, we focus on improving your ability through flexibility, mobility, and agility programs tailored for all age groups and disabilities.
If Dr. Alex Jimenez feels you need other treatment, you will be referred to a clinic or physician best suited for you. Dr. Jimenez has teamed with the top surgeons, clinical specialists, medical researchers, and premiere rehabilitation providers to bring El Paso, the top clinical treatments, to our community. Providing the top non-invasive protocols is our priority. Clinical insight is what our patients demand to give them the appropriate care required.
Treating Elbow Pain Caused from Lifting: Effective Solutions
Elbow pain from lifting is a common symptom among individuals who lift weights, heavy objects, children, grocery…
Implementing a Heart-Clinical Approach to Trafficking: What You Need to Know
Can healthcare professionals implement H.E.A.R.T. protocols for trafficked individuals while providing a safe…
Healing a Gluteal Contusion: Treatment Options and Timeline
For individuals and athletes with a gluteal contusion with severe bruising, can a healthcare provider determine if…
Understanding Hamstring Pain Behind the Knee
Individuals dealing with symptoms like sudden pain, weakness, and tenderness in the back of the knee could have a…
Treating Annular Fissure: Medical Care for Pain and Symptoms
An annular fissure is caused by age-related changes to the spine, which often do not cause symptoms but can cause…
Swimmer’s Shoulder: A Comprehensive Guide
Competitive swimmers, recreational, and swimming enthusiasts who experience pinching and sharp shoulder pain while…
Exploring the Clinical Approach and the Importance of Nursing
How do healthcare professionals provide a clinical approach in the role of nursing to reducing pain in individuals?…
Various Exercises for Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Comprehensive Guide
Can individuals with rheumatoid arthritis incorporate various exercises to reduce joint pain and inflammation in…
Clinical Approach in Recognizing Trafficking: Part 2 Explained
How can healthcare professionals recognize and establish protocols for individuals who are being trafficked and…
Trafficking Recognition in Chiropractic Clinics: A Clinical Approach (Part 1)
How do healthcare professionals provide a clinical approach to recognizing trafficking to individuals seeking a…
A Clinical Approach to Recognizing HIV: What You Need to Know
How do healthcare professionals provide a clinical approach to recognizing HIV for individuals in pain and…
Say Goodbye to TMJ Pain: Try These Effective Stretches
Can various stretches provide beneficial results for individuals experiencing TMJ pain by providing relief to the…
Recognizing Impairment in a Chiropractic Clinic: A Clinical Approach
How do healthcare professionals in a chiropractic clinic provide a clinical approach to recognizing impairment for…
Managing Peripheral Neuropathy: Effective Treatment Strategies
Certain neurological disorders can cause acute episodes of peripheral neuropathy, and for individuals diagnosed…
Exploring the Benefits of Acupuncture for Chronic Fatigue
For individuals dealing with chronic fatigue syndrome, can incorporating acupuncture with other treatment protocols…
Unlocking the Benefits of Acupuncture for Eye Health
For individuals experiencing eye problems, can acupuncture treatment help and benefit overall eye health?…
Understanding the Benefits of Acupuncture for Jaw Pain
Can individuals with jaw pain find relief in acupuncture therapy to reduce pain and improve jaw mobility in the…
A Guide To Identifying and Treating Heat Cramps
Individuals that engage in heavy exercise can develop heat cramps from overexertion. Can knowing the causes and…
Spinal Stenosis Physical Therapy: A Guide to Relief
Can spinal stenosis physical therapy improve quality of life and decrease pain symptoms for individuals dealing…
Managing Chronic Tension Headaches: A Step-by-Step Guide
For individuals affected by headaches that occur 15 or more days a month for more than three months, can knowing…
What Causes Nerve Pain In The Foot?
Individuals that experience nerve pain in the foot could be caused by a number of different conditions, can…
What Not To Do With Temporomandibular Joint Disorder
Temporomandibular joint disorder causes pain and jaw locking that can be worsened with certain activities. How…
Head Pressure
Can chiropractic treatment protocols diagnose what's causing head pressure in individuals, and provide effective…
Stiffness and Pain Developing In The Shoulder
Stiffness and pain developing in the shoulder could be adhesive capsulitis, (frozen shoulder), a condition in the…
Nocturnal Leg Cramps: EP’s Chiropractic Specialists
Lying down on the couch or bed when the lower leg seizes with intense sensations and pain that doesn’t stop, and…
Glute Muscle Imbalance: EP’s Chiropractic Team
The gluteal muscles/glutes comprise the buttocks. They are a powerful muscle group that consists of three muscles.…
Pinched Nerve Duration: EP’s Chiropractic Injury Specialists
A pinched, compressed, overly stretched, twisted, and entangled nerve can happen throughout the body. The most…
The Breathing Connection & The MET Technique
Throughout the world, pain and stress are related to musculoskeletal disorders affecting joints and…
The Sources of Shoulder Nerve Pain and How to Treat It
An acute injury or changes to the upper body over time can cause a compressed/pinched nerve in the shoulder. A…
The MET Technique On Myofascial Trigger Points & Gait Performance
How a person walks or their gait performance can determine how their body's balance and stability are…
Muscle Imbalances, Gait Patterns, & The MET Technique
When it comes to the body, the various muscles, tissues, joints, and organs provide functionality and…
How The MET Technique Is Used For Gait Analysis
Many people don't often realize that stability and balance are two of the most reliable abilities to…
To Stretch Or Strengthen Connective Tissues Using The MET Technique
The human body has numerous musculoskeletal muscles that allow the host to do various movements…
Tips On Maintaining Good Posture Using The MET Technique
Every day, the body is in constant rest or active motion when needed, from working to exercising and…
MET Techniques On Trigger Point Formation
Environmental factors can affect the body and lead to chronic conditions involving the …
An Introduction To Muscle Energy Techniques
The various muscles, tendons, and ligaments inside the body surround the skeletal joint to provide…
What You Need To Know About Venous Insufficiency
Dr. Jimenez, D.C., presents what you need to know about venous…
An Overview Of Implementing Exercise As A Routine (Part 2)
Dr. Jimenez, D.C., presents how implementing different…
Implementing Exercise As A Daily Routine (Part 1)
Dr. Jimenez, D.C., presents how to implement exercise as part of…
Various Treatments For Lyme Disease (Part 3)
Dr. Jimenez, D.C., presents how Lyme disease can cause…