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Sleep Hygiene
Dr. Jimenez Sleep Hygiene. Sleep hygiene involves various habits often necessary to achieve proper sleep quality and rise with full daytime alertness. Sleep is essential for an individual’s mental and physical health and well-being because it is important in the body’s natural healing and repairing functions. Therefore, the most important measure is to maintain regular sleeping patterns.
According to Dr. Jimenez, heavy meals before bed, caffeine or alcohol before bed, and even improper sleeping postures accompanied by pain and discomfort can be frequent poor practices that can interfere with the sleep quality of many individuals. Paying attention to sleep hygiene is one of the most straightforward ways to sleep better. Hygiene means a bedroom environment and routines that promote consistent, uninterrupted sleep. Every sleeper can tailor their sleep practices to suit their needs, and in the process, you can harness positive habits to make it easier to sleep soundly throughout the night and wake up well-rested.
Choosing the Right Pillow for Neck Pain: A Comprehensive Guide
Can choosing the right pillow help many individuals with neck pain get a full night's sleep and reduce pain-like…
The Best Mattress for Back Pain: A Complete Buying Guide
What is the recommended way to choose a mattress for individuals with back pain?
Back Pain Mattress…
The Power of Sleep Sounds: Finding the Right Sound for You
Can listening to sleep sounds help achieve and maintain healthy sleep patterns for individuals having trouble…
Improving Eating Habits for Better Sleep
Insomnia is a condition with causes that vary from person to person and can be a result of stress, caffeine, and…
Understanding Sleep Debt: Impact on Health and Well-being
Individuals who don't get enough sleep at night can feel it in many ways. Can sleep deprivation or other sleep…
Maximize Your Productivity with Short Naps
Could regular daytime naps help individuals slow the aging process from natural brain shrinkage?
Taking Naps…
Overview of Narcolepsy: How it Affects Sleep
Can individuals dealing with narcolepsy find ways to reduce its effects on the musculoskeletal system and improve…
Athletes and Sleep: The Key to Performance and Recovery
Athletic individuals must train regularly, eat healthy, and rest properly to recover and perform their best. Is…
Sleeping with Lower Back Pain and Sciatica: Causes and Solutions
Sleeping with lower back pain and sciatica can be difficult and frustrating. What are ways to get more comfortable…
Overview: How Sleep Disturbances Affect Muscle Function
Can individuals receive a full night's rest by recognizing sleep disturbances to only get proper muscle function…
The Importance of a Good Mattress for Arthritis Management
Getting a good night’s sleep can be difficult for individuals suffering from arthritis. Can finding a mattress that…
Dealing with Primary Insomnia: Strategies for Better Sleep
Could learning to apply healthy sleep hygiene habits help improve sleep and overall health for individuals with…
Improving Sleep Posture for Better Sleep: A Comprehensive Guide
Can individuals have a full night of sleep by making small changes to their sleep posture to reduce general aches…
Tips for Maintaining the Right Amount of Sleep for Older Adults
Sleep is vital at all ages, but what is the amount of sleep for older individuals?
Amount of Sleep For Older…
Sleeping in Hot Weather: Tips for Restful Nights
High temperatures can disrupt the body's sleep cycles, leading to health problems. Can knowing strategies and…
The Impact of Eating at Night: How to Snack Mindfully
Can understanding night cravings help individuals who constantly eat at night plan meals that satisfy and choose…
Relieve Back and Hip Pain with a Pillow Between the Legs
For individuals with back pain, can sleeping with a pillow between or under their knees help bring relief during…
Acupuncture for Insomnia: A Holistic Approach to Better Sleep
Can acupuncture treatment help individuals dealing with or experiencing insomnia and sleep issues and/or disorders?…
Strategies & Exercises to Improve Sleeping Mobility
Individuals in post-surgery recovery or dealing with illness or an injury can experience weakened muscles and…
Learning To Sleep On Your Back
Individuals spend around one-third of their life sleeping or resting. Every person has their own preferred sleeping…
Overtraining Syndrome: EP’s Chiropractic Injury Team
Individuals can become overly passionate about exercising. However, constantly training the body without taking…
Nocturnal Leg Cramps: EP’s Chiropractic Specialists
Lying down on the couch or bed when the lower leg seizes with intense sensations and pain that doesn’t stop, and…
Late Night Healthy Nutritious Snacks: EP Chiropractic Clinic
With the summer approaching, the day's heat makes the body want to eat light or not at all. That's when late-night…
Sleep Affects Gut Health: EP’s Functional Chiropractic Clinic
Viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa are the microorganisms that naturally live in the digestive tract. Sleep…
Incorporating The MET Technique For Better Sleep
The body needs a good amount of rest after being in motion throughout the day in the form of sleep.…
Sleeping Health: EP’s Chiropractic Specialists
Healthy sleep is vital for having enough energy, thinking clearly, and managing everyday stresses confidently.…
Adjustable Bed Benefits: EP Chiropractic Functional Clinic
Getting healthy sleep can be difficult when dealing with back problems or recovering from surgery. It can be…
Sciatica Sleep Decompression
Sciatica Sleep: Poor sleep can leave the body feeling off and unable to function. Not getting the proper amount of…
How To Optimize Sleep For Brain Health
When a person is tired after a long day from doing either daily activities or having a long day at…
Healthy Sleep, Physical Activity, and Muscle Recovery
Healthy sleep plays a vital role in the body's overall health, as it ensures muscle growth, recovery, and illness…
Sleeping With A Bulging Disc
Sleeping with a bulging disc can be challenging for the body to achieve proper rest. And sleeping in an awkward…
Wellness as a Healthy Lifestyle
Nowadays, health can mean very different things when we consider our status. Indeed, being healthy is not the same…
Inadequate Sleep
Individuals talk about how they don’t sleep much because they have so much to do and can operate/function on only 5…
Chiropractic Reset For Traveling Stress
Chiropractic Reset: Traveling is not easy as it disrupts the body's internal clock. When driving or flying even…
Understanding Melatonin Benefits: Part 1 | El Paso, TX (2021)
In today's podcast, Dr. Alex Jimenez, Senior Health Coach Kenna Lee…
The Importance Of Sleeping On The Right Pillow
Many individuals do not realize the importance of the type of pillow they use for sleep. Sleeping on the wrong…
Use of Herbal Medicine in Menopause
Almost one-third of a woman's lifetime is composed of her post-menopausal years. However, to make it to that time,…
Learning How To Combat Insomnia With A Few Strategies
Learning how to manage and combat insomnia. Being wide awake early in the morning, trying hard to fall back to…
Sleep Apnea and Back Pain
A good portion of the population deals with night back pain. But there is another group that can attribute their!-->…
Combat Insomnia with Chiropractic Care
Combat insomnia with chiropractic care. Struggling to get a full night's sleep, wide awake at three in the!-->…