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Dr. Jimenez Proper Posture Treatment. This is the position in which you hold your body upright against gravity while standing, sitting, or lying down. A correct posture not only visually reflects on an individual’s health but also ensures the joints and muscles, as well as other structures of the body, are working properly. In a normal setting, we don’t consciously maintain a normal posture. What happens is certain muscles do it for us, and we don’t think about it.
Several muscle groups, including the hamstrings and large back muscles, are critically important in maintaining proper form. While the ligaments help to hold the skeleton together, these postural muscles, when functioning properly, prevent the forces of gravity from pushing us over forward. Postural muscles also maintain our posture and balance during movement.
Throughout a compiled group of articles, Dr. Alex Jimenez distinguishes the most common effects of bad posture as he specifies the recommended actions an individual should take to improve their stance and enhance their overall health and wellness. Sitting or standing improperly can occur unconsciously, but recognizing the issue and correcting it can ultimately help many individuals develop healthier lifestyles.
Reducing Inflammation in the body | El Paso, Tx (2023)!-->…
The Non-Surgical Solution “Chiropractic Care” | El Paso, Tx (2023)!-->…
From Diagnosis to Recovery: Navigating Sciatica with Chiropractic Care | El Paso,…!-->…
How Chiropractic helped me Recover *MUST WATCH* | El Paso, Tx (2023)!-->…
Pregnancy and Sciatica: How Chiropractic Helped | El Paso, Tx (2023)!-->…
Unlocking Athletic Potential with Chiropractic Care | El Paso, Tx (2023)!-->…
Chiropractic: The Secret to Unlocking Mobility | El Paso, Tx (2023)!-->…
The Benefits of a Healthy Diet and Chiropractic Care | El Paso, Tx (2023)!-->…
This is Chiropractic Care | El Paso, Tx (2023)!-->…
Chiropractic Care: The Natural Way to Recover from Injuries | El Paso, Tx (2023)!-->…
Natural Healing: Chiropractic Care for Injury Recovery | El Paso, Tx (2023)!-->…
Improving Athletic Performance Through Chiropractic | El Paso, Tx (2023)!-->…
*SCIATICA* Causes & Treatments | El Paso, Tx (2023)!-->…
From Pain to Gain: A Chiropractic Success Story | El Paso, Tx (2023)!-->…
Understanding Forward Head Posture – Avoiding Neck Pain
Individuals that sit at a desk/workstation for hours for work or school, or drive for a living, could be fostering…
Understanding Ankylosing Spondylitis: The Impact on Posture
Ankylosing spondylitis is an inflammatory arthritis that causes changes in posture that occur over time. Can…
Fixed Sagittal Imbalance
Individuals with fixed sagittal imbalance, a condition where the normal curve of the lower spine is greatly reduced…
Upper Crossed Syndrome Muscle Health
Can musculoskeletal therapies treat individuals with upper crossed syndrome to relieve pain, improve posture, and…
Understanding Why Poor Posture Happens and How To Fix It
Factors that cause poor unhealthy posture can be caused by the day-to-day effects of gravity on the body, personal,…
Stretches For Sitting and Standing Jobs: EP Chiropractic Clinic
Sitting at a desk or standing at a workstation in the same position for hours at a time every day or night can…
Body Stiffness: EP’s Chiropractic Injury Specialists
Body stiffness is common, especially as the body ages. Stiffness can result from intense work, lack of physical…
Improving Walking Posture: EP’s Chiropractic Injury Specialists
For individuals with aches and pains after walking, the first thing to check is posture. How an individual holds…
Balance Exercises For Stability and Performance: EP Chiropractic
Body balance is essential for walking, tying shoelaces, picking up objects, etc. Balance is an acquired skill that…
MET Treatment Of The Postural Muscles
Many of us are moving around from one location to another. When we are on our feet all the time, it…
Breathing and Posture: EP’s Chiropractic Team
Breathing nourishes the whole body and regulates important functions like heart rate and blood pressure. It also…
Manual Treatment For Postural Muscles Using MET
When it comes to the body, the lower portion has three compartments of muscles that work together to…
Pregnancy Posture Health: EP’s Chiropractic Functional Team
Healthy posture and movement are essential for everyone, but especially for mothers-to-be. Practicing healthy…
Incorporating The MET Technique For Better Sleep
The body needs a good amount of rest after being in motion throughout the day in the form of sleep.…
Everyday Poor Posture Relieved By The MET Technique
From a young age, parents will always tell their kids to sit up straight or else they will have bad…
Tips On Maintaining Good Posture Using The MET Technique
Every day, the body is in constant rest or active motion when needed, from working to exercising and…
Postural Dysfunction: EP Chiropractic Wellness Team
Postural dysfunction happens when unhealthy postures are practiced and maintained for prolonged periods. This can…
Slouching Causes: EP’s Chiropractic Functional Medicine Team
Unhealthy posture and slouching incorrectly position the body unnaturally, adding chronic strain on the muscles and…
Posture Adjustments Affects On The Muscles: Injury Medical Team
Making healthy posture adjustments is a process, especially for individuals that have been practicing unhealthy…
Healthy Posture Guidelines: EPs Chiropractic Team
Healthy Posture Guidelines: Posture is how an individual holds their body. Healthy posture is when minimal stress…
Oblique Muscle Strengthening: El Paso’s Chiropractic Team
The oblique muscles support and aid in side-to-side movement, helping maintain back strength and healthy posture.…
Myofascial Pain Syndrome On The Tensor Fasciae Latae
The thighs in the lower half of the body work together with the hips to stabilize the legs when the…
Lumbago Pain & Gluteus Medius Trigger Pain
Many individuals utilize the lower half of their bodies to go to different places and use the various…
Experiencing Pain In Your Gluteus Max? Could Be Trigger Points
The body's lower extremities have various muscles that allow the legs and feet to move around from…
Pelvic Floor Muscles & Trigger Points
The body's pelvic region has many functions crucial for functionality with the host. The various…
Scoliosis Diagnosis: The Adams Forward Bend Test Chiropractor
The Adams forward bend test is a simple screening method that can help with scoliosis diagnosis and help in…