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Dr. Jimenez Injury Medical Chiropractic Team offers alternative treatment that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of various musculoskeletal injuries and conditions, especially those associated with the spine. Dr. Alex Jimenez discusses how spinal adjustments and manual manipulations regularly can greatly help both improve and eliminate many symptoms that could be causing discomfort to the individual.
Chiropractors believe among the main reasons for pain and disease are the vertebrae’s misalignment in the spinal column (this is known as a chiropractic subluxation). Through the usage of manual detection (or palpation), carefully applied pressure, massage, and manual manipulation of the vertebrae and joints (called adjustments), chiropractors can alleviate pressure and irritation on the nerves, restore joint mobility, and help return the body’s homeostasis.
From subluxations, or spinal misalignments, to sciatica, a set of symptoms along the sciatic nerve caused by nerve impingement, chiropractic care can gradually restore the individual’s natural state of being. Dr. Jimenez compiles a group of concepts on chiropractic to best educate individuals on the variety of injuries and conditions affecting the human body.
Playing Tennis With Back Pain
Tennis is a sport that can be enjoyed by individuals of all ages and provides optimal physical activity and…
Use of Herbal Medicine in Menopause
Almost one-third of a woman's lifetime is composed of her post-menopausal years. However, to make it to that time,…
Chiropractic Wrist and Hand Adjustments
The hands are used for various tasks/chores day and night. Using the hands requires the wrists. When wrist pain…
Headache Trigger Points and Bio-Chiropractic Treatment
Individuals that experience frequent headaches can have sensitive headache trigger points. Every case is different…
The Sciatic Nerve
The sciatic nerve is the largest in the body and is created by five nerve roots that come together and exit the…
Summer Activities For Back Pain That Are Easy On The Spine
It is time for outdoor summer activities. Summer is iconic in its association with a wide range of outdoor…
Keeping The Neck In One Position For Too Long
Many individuals will be looking up at the fireworks this 4th of July weekend. A word of caution when keeping the…
The Link Of Inflammation
Fifty-four million adults currently suffer from Arthritis. In addition to that, about 9% of adults have some type…
Acute and Cumulative Soccer Injuries
Although many soccer injuries involve the legs and lower extremities, other body areas are susceptible to injury/s…
Anterior Pelvic Tilt Downward Posture Hip and Back Pain
APT is short for anterior pelvic tilt. APT is when the pelvis tilts more down than forward, which can cause strain…
Tissues Of The Body
The human body is composed of many tissues. Each organ in the body can be broken down into tissues.…
Different Individuals Different Sciatica Treatment Approaches
Living with sciatica can be debilitating and exhausting. Find out how different individuals reduced their pain from…
Chiropractic Care For Individuals Post Back Surgery or Spinal Fusion
Individuals that go through severe low back pain caused by degeneration, herniated discs, vehicle, personal, work,…
Lower/Lumbar Back Total Disc Replacement or Fusion Options
Many doctors/surgeons rely on the widely adopted lumbar spinal fusion. However, experts have asserted that lumbar…
Summer Heat Can Affect Joints and Movement
Although it is not officially summer, the past few weeks sure feels like it. Especially for those with joint…
The Impact of Inflammation and Cervical Neck Pain
For cervical pain, there is often more than one cause and more than one course of treatment. To begin, the first…
Chiropractic Treatment and Adjustment Schedule
A proper diagnosis goes a long way. Treatment and recovery can happen relatively quickly or broken up into parts,…
Knee Injuries, Surgeries, and Vitamin D Status
Knee Injuries, Surgeries, and Vitamin D Status. The knee joint is one of the largest and complex joints. It…
Spinal Misalignment Symptoms and Chiropractic
Individuals typically don't think about their spine as they go through their everyday lives, bending, reaching,…
Lower Back Muscle Knots Can Be Broken Down With Chiropractic
Muscle knots are common and can occur anywhere on the body. They can cause aching and pain in the muscles and…
Gaining Relief From Back Pain During Menstrual Cycle
Women are familiar with abdominal cramps, Pre Menstrual Syndrome, and headaches that accompany their menstrual…
Treating SIBO and IBS with the 5R’s Framework
Gastrointestinal issues are one of the main reasons why patients come into a doctor's office. Certainly, irritable…
Improper Posture Can Cause All Types Of Body Pain
Improper posture affects the whole body and can lead to various pain issues throughout the body. Correcting posture…
Learning How To Combat Insomnia With A Few Strategies
Learning how to manage and combat insomnia. Being wide awake early in the morning, trying hard to fall back to…
How A Doctor Of Chiropractic Heals Sciatica
The spinal cord is the information pathway that transmits signals from the brain to the rest of the body. The…
The Importance Of The Spine’s Curvature
Individuals believe that a straight spine is a healthy spine. This is a misconception; a chiropractor knows that a…
Cardio Exercise Equipment That Won’t Worsen Back Pain
Working out with cardio exercise equipment at home or a gym can be a highly beneficial treatment for back…
MTHFR Genetic Mutations and its Effects on Health
The evaluation of kidney filtration is the central point of diagnosing chronic kidney disease classification (CKD).…
Let me Treat you Right: Lowering Blood Pressure with some Vino?
Hypertension is one of the significant risk factors of cardiovascular heart disease (CVD), commonly…
Eating Healthy And Chiropractic Medicine
Eating healthy and spinal health are interconnected. Eating healthier will help to lose weight and provide a!-->…
Headaches Cervicogenic Underlying Triggers
Cervicogenic headaches can be easily confused with migraine headaches. They can have various underlying!-->…
The Body’s Proper Spinal Alignment And Chiropractic Repair
When a machine isn't working correctly because the mechanism's parts have slipped, shifted, become loose, and are!-->…
Reverse Sedentary Habits and Improve Health With Chiropractic
Many of us spend much work time sitting at a desk/station every day. The damage to the spine and body can turn!-->…
The Body’s Joints and Protection From Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis is said to affect around 1.5 million individuals. Recognized as an autoimmune condition that!-->…
Chiropractic Treatment or Physical Therapy: What Are My Options?
Chiropractic treatment and physical therapy are treatment methods/approaches that are conservative and!-->…
The Benefits of Regular Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments
Individuals tend to think of chiropractic treatment for pain relief, injury recovery, and help with poor posture.!-->…
Diabetic Back Pain Chiropractor
The diabetic disease process can be a contributor to chronic back pain. Diabetes can damage the human body from!-->…
Pelvic Pain and Chiropractic
The pelvis is designed to bear and distribute the body's weight along with regular everyday movement. It is built!-->…
Belly Fat Can Cause Back Pain and Injury
Belly fat is a gateway to back pain/spinal issues that can lead to various health problems. The bulging belly!-->…
Sciatica Pain and Symptoms Improvement
Determining if sciatica pain and symptoms are showing improvement can be as simple as the pain significantly!-->…