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Chronic Back Pain
Injury Medical Chiropractic Chronic Back Pain Physical Therapy Team. Chronic pain has a far-reaching effect on many physiological processes. Dr. Jimenez reveals topics and issues affecting his patients. Understanding the pain is critical to its treatment. So here we begin the process for our patients in the journey of recovery.
Just about everyone feels pain from time to time. When you cut your finger or pull a muscle, pain is your body’s way of telling you something is wrong. Once the injury heals, you stop hurting.
Chronic pain is different. Your body keeps hurting weeks, months, or even years after the injury. Doctors often define chronic pain as any pain that lasts for 3 to 6 months or more. This type of pain can have real effects on your day-to-day life and your mental health. But you and your doctor can work together to treat it. Do call upon us to help you. We do understand the problem that should never be taken lightly.
Various Hyperextension Exercises For Back Pain (Part 2)
When everyday factors affect how many of us…
An Overview Of Hyperextension On The Body (Part 1)
The body is an amazingly complex machine as it…
Exercises For Upper Back Pain
The various muscles and ligaments that encompass the back help protect the spine's thoracic region.…
Lumbago Pain & Gluteus Medius Trigger Pain
Many individuals utilize the lower half of their bodies to go to different places and use the various…
Stomach Back Pain Causes: Functional Chiropractic
Back pain is one of the most common reasons individuals go to a doctor, massage therapist, physiotherapist,…
Experiencing Abdominal Pain? Could Be Trigger Points
When it comes to the torso is surrounded by various muscles that help protect the vital organs known…
An Overview Of Lumbago
Many individuals don't realize that the various muscles in their back help provide functionality to…
Residual Backache On The Serratus Posterior Inferior
As the "backbone" of the body, the thoracic region of the back has various muscles that help support…
It Could Be More Than Upper Back Pain
The upper back is part of the thoracic region of the spine, surrounded by various muscles that…
Spondylitis Types Injury Medical Chiropractic Clinic
Spondyloarthritis is a group of inflammatory, immune-mediated diseases that cause chronic low back pain,…
Superficial Backaches & Round Shoulders
Many individuals do not realize they are in pain until they begin to feel symptoms of stiffness or…
The Beneficial Properties Of Yoga For The Body
When many individuals look for ways to relax after a stressful event in their daily lives, many…
Fatigue Ankylosing Spondylitis
Fatigue Ankylosing Spondylitis: Fatigue is a significant complaint for individuals dealing with ankylosing…
Ways To Improve Musculoskeletal System For Optimal Health
Everyone wants to be healthier at some point in their lives. Some individuals train to be athletes …
The Gallbladder & The Parasympathetic Nervous System Function
The digestive system in the body helps with the process of digesting food that the host consumes. The…
An Advanced Look Between Thoracic & Visceral Pain
The spine has three areas: cervical, thoracic, and lumbar in the back, encased with muscles, tissues,…
Auto Accidents, Back Pain, & Decompression Therapy
Everybody is always moving in their vehicles as they go from one place to another in less time.…
Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression For Chronic Low Back Pain
The body makes sure that the spine is keeping it upright as the body allows the spine to twist, bend,…
The Effects Of Spinal Decompression For Lumbar Disc Herniation
The spine is encompassed by soft tissues, the spinal cord, ligaments, and cartilage in an S-shaped…
How To Manage Low Back Pain With Spinal Decompression
As a support structure connected to the musculoskeletal system, the spine makes sure that the body…
Kinesthesia: Body Sense Positioning
Kinesthesia is the body's ability to sense movement, position, action, and location, also known as proprioception.…
Classes For Chronic Back Pain Management
Medical experts have seen how pain education and cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT classes effectively manage…
When Chronic Back Pain Is Actually A Medical Condition
Back pain usually comes from lifting an object the wrong way or awkwardly moving the body, injuring the spinal…
Back Pain: Inflammatory or Mechanical and Chiropractic Care
It is estimated that every adult will experience some form of back pain at least once in their lives. There’s a…
Drinking Tea For Inflammation and Back Pain
Individuals and doctors have praised the anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving properties of drinking tea. Inflammation…
Cardio Exercise Equipment That Won’t Worsen Back Pain
Working out with cardio exercise equipment at home or a gym can be a highly beneficial treatment for back…
Diabetic Back Pain Chiropractor
The diabetic disease process can be a contributor to chronic back pain. Diabetes can damage the human body from!-->…
Achieving Better Sleep With Chronic Back Pain
Achieving better sleep with back pain through strategies that will address the pain. The spine is an amazing but!-->…
Texas Supreme Court’s Decision in “Texas Board of Chiropractic…
After all of these years, I am happy to announce that the Texas Supreme Court has finally made a decision!-->…
Easiest Exercises on The Spine and Back Muscles
When lower back pain presents many want to retreat to the couch, bed and just lay down, but doctors,!-->…
Spinal Misalignments The Root Of Pain And Discomfort
When spinal misalignments happen, the body experiences soreness, inability to rotate the neck, or after!-->…
Smoking, Spinal Health, and Chronic Back Pain
Smoking negatively impacts an individual's health, as most know about its effect on the lungs. However, it can!-->…
Sarcopenia Muscle Mass Loss With Chronic Back Pain
Sarcopenia means the loss of muscle tissue/mass from the natural aging process. Something that all of us are going!-->…
Osteoid Osteoma of the Spine: Muscle Spasms, and Pain
Osteoid osteoma is a benign tumor/s that can grow on the spine and other areas of the body. They are not!-->…
A Few Ways to Manage Chronic Back Pain During Summer
Chronic back pain does not have to ruin the summer season. The best approach is planning ahead remembering a few!-->…
Health & Wellness: Bone Health
In order to have proper bone health, it takes a lot of focus and a lot of nutrients. Bone health is not only an…
What is Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD)?: An Overview
Degenerative Disc Disease is a general term for a condition in which the damaged intervertebral disc causes chronic…
Spinal Stimulation and Chronic Back Pain
Spinal stimulation is a treatment option that could help bring relief from pain and improve the quality of life!-->…
CBD Oil for Back Pain and Other Health Benefits
CBD or cannabidiol oil is not medical marijuana and will not get an individual high, stoned, etc. It has shown to!-->…
The Chiropractor’s Guide to Back Spasms
Back spasms can be compared to a Charley horse in the back. These are common complaints in doctors' clinics!-->…