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Dr. Alex Jimenez El Paso Chiropractor and his Team of Back Specialists work with Athletes to achieve their body’s maximum performance by participating in numerous training regimens consisting of strenuous exercises and physical activity and making sure they meet all of their body’s nutritional requirements.
Through proper fitness and nutrition, many individuals can condition themselves to excel in their specific sport. Our training programs are designed for athletes that look to gain a competitive edge in their sport.
We provide sport-specific services to help increase an athlete’s performance through mobility, strength, and endurance. Occasionally, however, the excess workouts can lead many to suffer injuries or develop underlying conditions.
Dr. Alex Jimenez’s chronicle of articles displays in detail the many forms of complications affecting these professionals while focusing on the possible solutions and treatments to follow to achieve athlete’s overall well-being.
Power Walking: EP’s Chiropractic Functional Wellness Team
Power walking is a fast-paced walking activity quicker than a typical walking pace. It is an exercise technique…
Skiing Training: Chiropractic Functional Wellness Team
Skiing sports require balance, strength, endurance, and muscle power. It is recommended to start training for ski…
Issues In Your Calves? It Might Be Trigger Points In The Soleus Muscles
The calves are extremely important to the lower portions of the legs as they allow the individual to…
Muscle Cramps In The Calves? Might Be Trigger Point Pain
Various muscles help support the lower legs in the body and allow movement to the host. The lower…
Peroneal Muscles, Weak Ankles, & Trigger Points
The ankles and the lower legs have a casual relationship by allowing movement to the foot that causes…
Shin Splints & Myofascial Trigger Points
The legs are crucial for many individuals to move, jump, run, walk, and stand in various locations.…
Having Unquestionable Knee Pain? Could Be Trigger Points
As one of the stabilizers for the body, the knees are located between the thighs and legs, allowing…
Expert recommended Top 3 Chiropractors in El Paso. Our chiropractors face a rigorous 50-Point Inspection, which…
Running With A Prosthetic Leg: Injury Medical Chiropractic Team
Before you begin running, talk with your physician, prosthetist, and other clinicians involved in your…
Dealing With Upper Thigh Pain? Could Be Trigger Points In the Hamstrings
Many individuals utilize their lower muscles to move around and stay active as each muscle does its…
Pain In Your Adductor Muscles? Could Be Myofascial Trigger Points
The hips and thighs have a working relationship as their jobs are to maintain stability for the legs…
Baseball Training: Injury Medical Chiropractic Clinic
All sports differ in the relative importance of various physical skills contributing to the game and individual…
Muscle Recovery Supplements: Injury Medical Chiropractic Clinic
Workout recovery is as important as working out. Pushing muscle past its normal levels creates tiny tears in the…
The Pectoralis Minor Being Affected By Myofascial Pain
The chest has the pectoralis major muscle that works with the upper half of the body that provides…
Myofascial Trigger Pain Affecting The Thumb Muscles
Many people use their hands when going to work or doing normal things in their daily lives. The hands…
Trigger Fingers & Lightning Pain On Hand
When it comes to the body, the hands and fingers correlate with each other by giving the host the…
Long Distance Running: Chiropractic Clinic
Long-distance running, also known as endurance running, is a great way to improve fitness and relieve stress.…
Staying Active With Sciatica
Sciatica is one of the most common injuries, with as many as 40% of individuals experiencing the condition, and it…
Sports Training Principles Chiropractor
Training means engaging in activity for fitness purposes or improving performance skills. Sports training is a…
Yoga and Chiropractic
Chiropractic care focuses on whole-body health, restoring optimal body function, helping injuries…
Football Training: Chiropractor
Football season is here, and the sport demands healthy, strong bodies. It is explosive, with high-intensity plays…
Functional Fitness Conditioning Chiropractor
Functional fitness conditioning exercises train the muscles for everyday activities safely and efficiently. It…
Aqua Therapy For Low Back Pain
When it comes to the body, many factors can cause low back pain without a person knowing they…
Sticking To A Fitness Regimen: Chiropractic Team
Everybody understands that exercise is necessary for optimal physical and mental health. Beginning a workout…
Knee Discomfort and Pain Chiropractor
Many live with chronic discomfort and pain regularly in one or both knees. This could be from past injuries, being…
A Look Into Pilates For Back Pain
Many people worldwide know that exercising has impressive benefits that help improve the body's…
The Beneficial Properties Of Yoga For The Body
When many individuals look for ways to relax after a stressful event in their daily lives, many…
Wrestling Injuries Chiropractor
Wrestling is a sport that requires speed, strength, and endurance that involves intense physical contact, pushing…
Cheerleading Conditioning Chiropractor
Cheerleading and the physically intensive gymnastics and acrobatics put participants' body's/musculoskeletal…
Dancing For Your Health & Wellness
Everyone is trying to find what exercise works for them as they start looking for ways to improve…
Swimming Might Improve Your Musculoskeletal System
When the weather becomes hot, and everyone begins to plan fun activities to enjoy, one of the many…
Sports Performance Competitive Anxiety: Chiropractic Tension Release
Athletes train and practice constantly to prepare their mind and bodies for the big games, matches, etc. When the…
Gardening Tips and Stretches For Pain Prevention
Gardening is healthy for the body and does count as exercise, which works the major muscle groups that include the…
Internal Abdominal Injuries Athletes
Children, teens, and adults participate in organized and recreational sports activities for fun, exercise, and…
Athletic Referred Pain Treatment
Referred pain is the interpretation of feeling pain in a different location than the actual cause. For example, a…
Nutrients, Metabolism, and Disk degeneration
Spinal disease, disk degeneration, and herniated disk are leading causes of pain radiation affecting movement and…
Herniated Disc Decompression
Older and elderly individuals have an increased risk of developing a herniated disc/s. The age of the…
Is Supplementation Needed for Joint Health?
The definition of nutrition has changed considerably through time. The modern purpose of nutrition includes…
Sports Strength, Balance, Core Decompression Clinic
Injury Medical Chiropractic Decompression Clinic focuses on the whole-body, realigns the bones and joints and helps…
Walking Technique Improvement
Walking is the most natural form of physical activity for optimal body health. It is low impact and can provide…