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Dr. Alex Jimenez El Paso Chiropractor and his Team of Back Specialists work with Athletes to achieve their body’s maximum performance by participating in numerous training regimens consisting of strenuous exercises and physical activity and making sure they meet all of their body’s nutritional requirements.
Through proper fitness and nutrition, many individuals can condition themselves to excel in their specific sport. Our training programs are designed for athletes that look to gain a competitive edge in their sport.
We provide sport-specific services to help increase an athlete’s performance through mobility, strength, and endurance. Occasionally, however, the excess workouts can lead many to suffer injuries or develop underlying conditions.
Dr. Alex Jimenez’s chronicle of articles displays in detail the many forms of complications affecting these professionals while focusing on the possible solutions and treatments to follow to achieve athlete’s overall well-being.
What is the Schroth Method for Scoliosis
The Schroth Method is best known as a conservative exercise which uses a three dimensional approach to correct…
How You Can Build Muscle Fast
PUSH-as-Rx ® fitness facility owner and exercise physiologist Daniel Alvarado gives insight into building muscle.…
Isaiah Delgado | Wrestler | PUSH-as-Rx ®
Isaiah Delgado became involved with Push-as-Rx ® to become stronger. Isaiah began training at Push-as-Rx and with…
Christopher Martinez | Wrestler | TakeDown Elite | PUSH-as-Rx ®
Christopher Martinez became involved with Push-as-Rx ® in order to become stronger. Being a part of a wrestling…
Daniel Alvarado | Push-as-Rx Owner | Victory & Defeat | PUSH-as-Rx ®
Daniel Alvarado trains athletes to become possible champions but as part of his passion, he is aware that his…
Diana Ramirez | Daniel Alvarado’s sister | PUSH-as-Rx ®
Diana Ramirez, Daniel Alvarado's sister, has been training alongside her brother to gain strength, conditioning,…
Daniel Alvarado | Push-as-Rx Owner | Overcome Your Own Doubts | PUSH-as-Rx ®
Daniel Alvarado, owner of Push-as-Rx ® and trainer, expresses the importance of overcoming your own doubts. He…
Daniel Alvarado | PUSH-as-Rx Owner | Never Give Up | PUSH-as-Rx ®
Daniel Alvarado runs the gym, Push-as-Rx ®, where he's seen many people and athletes who pursue losing weight or…
With Mental Health Problems, Fitness Is Tied to Reduced Risk of Death
For men experiencing emotional distress like depression, anxiety or thoughts of suicide, having high…
Mauro Pena | Client | PUSH-as-Rx ®
Throughout the time Mauro Pena has been coming to Push-as-Rx ®™, his consistency and effort in his exercises have…
Gino Martinez | Athlete | PUSH-as-Rx ®
Gino Martinez was motivated to come into Push-as-Rx ® by none other than his trainer and uncle, Mike Quinones.…
Charlie Quiroga | Client | PUSH-as-Rx ®
Charlie Quiroga realized she needed to make a change in her lifestyle. She was in need of improving her health and…
Iylene Avalos | Athlete | PUSH-as-Rx ®
Iylene Avalos has developed confidence, discipline, and strength at Push-as-Rx ®. Seeking a challenging…
Low Dairy Consumption Tied to Early Menopause
Women in their early 40s with the highest intake of vitamin D and calcium from food sources may have a lower than…
Luis Martinez | Client | PUSH-as-Rx ®
Luis Martinez chose to come to Push-as-Rx ® in order to change his life and now he's in the best shape he's ever…
Diana Alvarado | PUSH’s Greatest Fan! | PUSH-as-Rx ®
Diana Alvarado, mother of Danny Alvarado, shares her incredible life changing experience at Push-as-Rx ®. From a…
Tracy Lutich | Coach | PUSH-as-Rx ®
Tracy Lutich, coach and club director of the El Paso Diggers volleyball club, has seen a phenomenal difference in…
Adrienne Holguin | Athlete | PUSH-as-Rx ®
Adrienne Holguin, a wrestler faced with many challenges, pushed herself to strive high by training hard. It was…
Exercise Benefits Aging Hearts, Even Those of The Obese
Exercise can reduce the risk of heart damage in middle-aged adults and seniors -- even in those who are obese,…
Swallowable Balloons Work to Curb Obesity: Study
Weight-loss balloons swallowed rather than surgically inserted in the stomach were shown to be safe and effective…
Two Weeks on the Couch Can Trigger Body’s Decline
Taking a short break from an active lifestyle may do more harm than most people might think, a new study warns.…
Fasting: Pros and Cons for Weight Loss
Proponents of intermittent fasting contend that this popular way to lose weight is better than conventional…
Alexander Jimenez Jr. | Athlete | PUSH-as-Rx ®
Alex Jimenez Jr., a wrestler since youth, takes us through his compelling story of gaining strength and overcoming…
Lauren Baldwin | Client | PUSH-as-Rx ®
Lauren Baldwin, never felt better about herself until after she came to Push-as-Rx ®. Together with her husband,…
Jacqulyn Quevas | Client | PUSH-as-Rx ®
Jacqulyn Quevas is up on her feet a lot as a hair stylist and she was searching for the perfect workout that would…
Why Weight Training Is Better Than Cardio
There is a belief among many that if you want to lose weight, you should do cardio. If you want to put it on, you…
CrossFit Workouts: Benefits, Risks, & How To Do Your Own
Exercise physiologist & PUSH-as-Rx ® fitness facility owner Daniel Alvarado breaks down what a Crossfit workout…
Teen Dies of Caffeine Overdose
A coffee, a caffeinated and an energy soda proved a deadly combination for a South Carolina teenager who died…
Red Meat Increases Death Risk
Eating red meat increases your risk of death from nine diseases, according to a new study.
Researchers tracked the…
Priscilla Sano | Client | PUSH-as-Rx ®
Priscilla Sano came into Push-as-Rx ® one day and that's all it took for her to realize, Push as Rx was the place…
Marcus Taylor | Client | PUSH-as-Rx ®
Marcus Taylor was dared and challenged to do CrossFit. Reluctant to try it out at first, a year and half later…
Pattie Valenzuela | Client | PUSH-as-Rx ®
Pattie Valenzuela's experience at Push-as-Rx ® has been incredibly life changing. Her biggest drive was to lose…
Eric Velasco | Athlete | PUSH-as-Rx ®
Eric Velasco has a tremendous drive for being competitive, playing sports throughout his life. He was then referred…
Bill Skov | Client | PUSH-as-Rx ®
Ever since coming to Push-as-Rx ®, Bill Skov has felt much more capable with his everyday activities and has…
Bryan Filidor | Athlete | PUSH-as-Rx ®
Bryan Filidor, a wrestler for 7 years, strives to continue wrestling in college. Every day, Bryan comes to…
Megan Dominguez | Client | PUSH-as-Rx ®
Megan Dominguez, like many, exercised in regular gyms but, when she was talked into trying cross fit at Push-as-Rx…
Pilates: Strengthen The Body Without Pain
Chiropractor, Dr. Alexander Jimenez talks about strengthening the body without pain through pilates.
More than…
The Ketogenic Diet & Athletes: An Interview With Ben Greenfield
Conventional knowledge wants us to believe that athletes must eat a high carb diet in order to function at…
Light Exercise Boosts Spirits
Dozens of studies have found that exercising can lift your spirits by boosting levels of serotonin — the…
Kid’s Lunch and Recess Timing Can Affect Health
Ask kids what their favorite part of the school day is and most will say lunch and recess. But the timing of these…