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Dr. Alex Jimenez El Paso Chiropractor and his Team of Back Specialists work with Athletes to achieve their body’s maximum performance by participating in numerous training regimens consisting of strenuous exercises and physical activity and making sure they meet all of their body’s nutritional requirements.
Through proper fitness and nutrition, many individuals can condition themselves to excel in their specific sport. Our training programs are designed for athletes that look to gain a competitive edge in their sport.
We provide sport-specific services to help increase an athlete’s performance through mobility, strength, and endurance. Occasionally, however, the excess workouts can lead many to suffer injuries or develop underlying conditions.
Dr. Alex Jimenez’s chronicle of articles displays in detail the many forms of complications affecting these professionals while focusing on the possible solutions and treatments to follow to achieve athlete’s overall well-being.
Lumbar Disc Herniation: Micro-Disectomy Surgery Rehab
In the first part of this 2-part series, chiropractor, Dr. Alexander Jimenez looked at the likely signs and…
Lumbar Disc Herniation & Micro-Disectomy Surgery
Chiropractor, Dr. Alex Jimenez looks at lumbar spine disc herniation. What are the Likely signs and symptoms…
Good Night’s Sleep Minimizes Stress Eating
Feeling stressed at work can lead to us reaching for unhealthy snacks and extra portions, but a new study has found…
Neck Injury In Sports: Management & Rehab
In this article chiropractor Dr. Alexander Jimenez focuses on neck injury management and rehabilitation, with the…
Too Much Exercise Harms GI Function: Study
When it comes to stomach discomfort during exercise, forget that old adage "no pain, no gain." New research…
Advice For Young Athletes
Young athletes are not simply ‘mini adults’. With that in mind, chiropractor Dr. Alexander Jimenez brings…
Dangerous Mono Diet Draws Warnings From Experts
A new diet plan that dictates that you eat only one food for several weeks to lose weight fast is drawing warnings…
Starvation Diets Drive Obesity
It's no surprise — overweight children who don't properly learn self-regulating habits likely become obese…
10 Easy Summer Weight Loss Tips
Bathing suit season is here, and for many of us that means no longer being able to hide those extra pounds beneath…
Piriformis Muscle: A Vicious Syndrome
Chiropractor, Dr. Alexander Jimenez gives insight into the relevant anatomy and functional biomechanics of…
Coffee and Tea May Protect Liver From Western Diet
Regularly drinking coffee or herbal tea may help prevent chronic liver disease, new research suggests.
Exercise Makes Women Feel Stronger, Thinner
If you're concerned about your body image, engage in a bout of exercise. Researchers at the University of British…
Overweight Population Is a Third of the Globe, Study Says
One-third of the world's population is overweight, with the prevalence of obesity doubling in 70 countries since…
Cervicogenic Dizziness: Lost Equilibrium
Chiropractor Dr. Alexander Jimenez brings insights and explores the causes of cervicogenic dizziness in…
Top Workout Mistakes: Is Your Exercise Routine Actually Hurting You?
Exercise Physiologist and PUSH-as-Rx ® fitness facility owner Daniel Alvarado takes a look at common mistakes that…
Is White Bread OK for Some People?
For years, you probably have been told that wheat bread is far better for you than its white counterpart, but a…
Pregnant? Diet Beverages Linked to Child Obesity
Women who drink diet drinks while pregnant almost double the risk that their child will be overweight or obese at 7…
Is Spine Pain Reducing Your Mobility?
Is Your Mobility Slipping Away ?
Mobility is more than moving from one place to another. It’s freedom and…
Salt Levels Lower in Packaged Foods
Packaged foods and store-bought drinks are blamed for adding a lot of salt to U.S. diets, but a new study suggests…
Banish Belly Fat: 10 Foods to Help You Win the Battle of the Bulge
With summer officially just weeks away, many of us are dreading bathing suit season because we’ve packed on…
Chiropractor Herniates Lumbar Disc Durring Crossfit
Dr. Alex Jimenez presents a story of triumph. An unlikely source defending his own story, Dr. Hosmer, a brother…
This Combo Workout May Suit Obese Seniors Best
Research is in, getting old and being able to move is a top issue affecting those in their "Golden Years".…
Tips For Better Sex… Even With Back Pain
Chiropractor Dr. Alexander Jimenez examines being able to have sex despite having back pain.
The results of…
Vaccination: Is Defense The Best Attack
With the competitive season looming, chiropractor Dr. Alexander Jimenez gives insights & examines the…
Childhood Obesity Causes Lasting Damage
A new UK study has found that obesity in childhood has long-term health implications that could last well into…
Exercise Beats Sleeping Pills for Insomnia
Still taking sleeping pills to get a good night’s rest? New research suggests there’s a better way: Hit…
To Lose Weight, Start With Dairy Swaps
Losing weight comes down to simple arithmetic: Eat fewer calories than you burn off.
Here's a good way you can…
More About the Schroth Method for Scoliosis
The Schroth Method is a non-surgical principle utilized as a scoliosis treatment which consists of…
Grill Safety: 15 BBQ Hazards That Could Spoil Your Memorial Day Holiday
It’s time to bring out the outdoor grill, clean it up, and start preparing memorable meals this weekend. But…
How Good Are Activity Trackers at Counting Calories Burned?
People who wear activity trackers to count the calories they're burning are probably not getting accurate…
Vitamin D During Pregnancy May Help Prevent Childhood Asthma
Taking vitamin D supplements while pregnant may protect a mom's baby from developing asthma, says a study published…
The Effectiveness of the Schroth Method for Scoliosis
A very few number of research studies have been conducted to examine how effective the Schroth method is towards…
?5 Things Your Sports Chiropractor Wishes You Would Stop Doing
Sports Chiropractor: To figure out what these professionals don’t want you to do before making an appointment,…
For Healthier Arteries, Eat More Fruits and Veggies
Eating more fruits and vegetables may reduce the risk of peripheral artery disease, according to a study of more…
PUSH-as-Rx ® 24-7 Fitness Facility
PUSH Fitness & Athletic Training is pushing the barriers of average gyms. Not only do we offer training…
Empowering the Schroth Method for Scoliosis
The Schroth method can help control scoliosis, a spinal condition with little medical advice available for patients…
Andres Martinez | PUSH-as-Rx ® | Testimonial_Part IV
Andres Martinez continues his testimonial in part IV.
PUSH-as-Rx ® is leading the field with laser focus…
Andres Martinez | PUSH-as-Rx ® | Testimonial_Part III
Andres Martinez continues his testimonial in part III.
PUSH-as-Rx ® is leading the field with laser focus…
Andres Martinez | PUSH-as-Rx ® | Testimonial Part II
Andres Martinez continues his testimonial in part II.
PUSH-as-Rx ® is leading the field with laser focus…
Andres Martinez | Client | Intro | PUSH-as-Rx ®
Andres Martinez came to Push-as-Rx ® after experiencing debilitating back and knee complications as a result of a…