
MTHFR Gene Mutation and Health

The MTHFR or methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene is well-known due to a genetic mutation that may cause high homocysteine levels and… Read More

June 5, 2020

Does Jogging and Running Help With Back Pain?

Those who like to jog or run say there is nothing like the feeling of jogging and running. The breeze… Read More

June 4, 2020

Good Calories vs Bad Calories Overview

Calories are defined as a measurement of the energy our body produces from the foods we eat. However, not all… Read More

June 4, 2020

The Purpose of a Bone Graft in Spinal Fusion Surgery

A bone graft is defined as using bone in fusion surgery. Fusion surgery's purpose is to link or weld bones… Read More

June 3, 2020

The Connection Between Nutrition & the Epigenome

Nutrition is considered to be one of the most well-understood environmental factors associated with changes in the epigenome. Nutrients in… Read More

June 3, 2020

Natural Ways to Improve Insulin Resistance

Insulin is an essential hormone that regulates blood sugar levels. It is naturally produced in the pancreas and helps move… Read More

June 3, 2020

Depression: Integrative Approaches

Depression is a natural response of the body and brain when there are biochemical imbalances occurring. These imbalances can involve… Read More

June 2, 2020

Being Able To Hike With/Without Back Pain

Being able to hike with back pain is a blessing for individuals that love being outdoors. Enjoying nature and being… Read More

June 1, 2020

Nutrigenomics and Traits Between Generations

Researchers are trying to understand how nutrigenomics can affect a person’s health. Studies have shown that epigenetics increases the risk… Read More

June 1, 2020

Eating Right and Healing Quick, Post Spine Surgery

Getting back to the house and eating a regular meal post a spinal operation is one of those moments when… Read More

May 29, 2020

Type 2 Diabetes: Nutrition & Environmental Factors

To start out, it should be noted that research has been constantly connecting all chronic health conditions with a link… Read More

May 29, 2020

CBD Oil for Back Pain and Other Health Benefits

CBD or cannabidiol oil is not medical marijuana and will not get an individual high, stoned, etc. It has shown… Read More

May 28, 2020

How Epigenetics Affects Personalized Nutrition

Healthcare professionals commonly give nutritional recommendations based on an entire population, only sometimes changing these according to age, sex, and… Read More

May 28, 2020

Homocysteine & Its Heavy Impact

It is without a doubt that any imbalance in the body has a direct relationship influencing other body systems. Similar… Read More

May 28, 2020

Utilizing Hot Baths to Relax Back Tension, Soreness, and Pain

Chiropractor, Dr. Alex Jimenez shares some how-to advice on taking hot baths for back tension and pain. A bath can… Read More

May 27, 2020

Mitochondrial Dysfunction & The Nervous System

The mitochondria is the “powerhouse of the cell”. It obtained this nickname by being the creator of ATP, or the… Read More

May 27, 2020

Functional Neurology: Inflammation, The Nervous System, and Oxidative Stress

We have found that approaching the body as a whole rather than treating it as compartments gives patients the most… Read More

May 27, 2020