
Older Athletes and Maintaining Fitness: EP Chiropractic Clinic

Healthy aging has been linked to a lifestyle consisting of proper nutrition and exercise. However, even with a healthy lifestyle,… Read More

May 11, 2023

Prehabilitation Sports Injury Prevention: EP’s Chiropractic Team

A big part of sports is avoiding and preventing injuries, as injury prevention is far better than rehabilitation and recovery.… Read More

May 1, 2023

Daily Ways To Stay Active: EP’s Chiropractic Functional Clinic

Learning how to stay active with busy lives and schedules takes practice. There are daily ways to incorporate physical movement… Read More

April 21, 2023

Pre-Workout Nutrition: EPs Chiropractic Fitness Team

Providing the body with adequate hydration and nutrition at the right time can maximize performance abilities, endurance, and muscle repair… Read More

April 6, 2023

Cross Training For Runners: EP Chiropractic Team

Too much running can lead to burnout and injuries for even the most hard-core runners and running enthusiasts. Cross-training can… Read More

March 23, 2023

The MET Technique For Exercise Regime

Introduction An exercise routine is highly important for anyone trying to get a kick start on their health and wellness… Read More

March 22, 2023

Aerobic Exercise Health: EP Chiropractic Fitness Team

Aerobic Exercise Health: The body adapts differently to different types of exercise. Aerobic, cardio, and endurance all refer to activities… Read More

March 8, 2023

Sports Exercise Medicine: EP’s Chiropractic Team

Sports exercise medicine - SEM addresses and treats physical activity/sports-related injuries using chiropractic care, physical therapy, therapeutic massage, functional nutrition,… Read More

March 6, 2023

Keeping The Nervous System Strong: EP Chiropractic

The nervous system is a network of roads that feed into highways that connect to an interstate system. The roads… Read More

March 1, 2023

Sports Injury Prevention: EP’s Chiropractic Team

Any form of physical sports activity puts the body at risk for injury. Chiropractic care can prevent injury for all… Read More

February 24, 2023

An Overview Of Implementing Exercise As A Routine (Part 2)

https://youtu.be/p21fa-2ig5o?t=963 Introduction Dr. Jimenez, D.C., presents how implementing different strategies for patients to incorporate exercise in their health and wellness… Read More

February 20, 2023

Implementing Exercise As A Daily Routine (Part 1)

https://youtu.be/p21fa-2ig5o Introduction Dr. Jimenez, D.C., presents how to implement exercise as part of your daily routine. Many factors and lifestyle… Read More

February 17, 2023

High Blood Pressure and Physical Activity: EP Chiropractic

High Blood Pressure and Physical Activity: Blood pressure flows throughout the body to meet metabolic demands. During periods of physiological… Read More

February 9, 2023

Table Tennis Health Benefits: EP Chiropractic and Functional Team

Table tennis is a sport that individuals of all ages and abilities can play. The small scale and reduced movement… Read More

January 16, 2023

Different Stretches To Improve Hip Mobility

Introduction The hips in the lower portions of the body allow the legs to move the host from one location… Read More

January 16, 2023

Sciatica From Working Out: EP’s Chiropractic Team

Sciatica From Working Out: There are benefits from strenuous exercise and a level of acceptance of the discomfort that goes… Read More

January 11, 2023

Skiing Training: Chiropractic Functional Wellness Team

Skiing sports require balance, strength, endurance, and muscle power. It is recommended to start training for ski season about eight… Read More

December 6, 2022

Oblique Muscle Strengthening: El Paso’s Chiropractic Team

The oblique muscles support and aid in side-to-side movement, helping maintain back strength and healthy posture. There are two oblique… Read More

November 28, 2022

Muscle Recovery Supplements: Injury Medical Chiropractic Clinic

Workout recovery is as important as working out. Pushing muscle past its normal levels creates tiny tears in the muscle… Read More

October 21, 2022