Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C.,C.C.S.T

The Basic Science of Human Knee Menisci Structure, Composition, and Function

The knee is one of the most complex joints in the human body, consisting of the thigh bone, or femur,… Read More

November 13, 2018

Chiropractic Can Help Patellofemoral Tracking Syndrome

People are drawn outdoors when the weather warms, melting the snow and ice as it ushers in the newness of… Read More

November 12, 2018

Sports Injury Rehabilitation | Video | El Paso, Tx

Louie Martinez has been a Wrestling coach for 15 years, coaching young athletes ranging from 8 to 15 years old.… Read More

November 9, 2018

Why Gait Analysis Is Important With Chiropractic Care | El Paso, TX.

The way a person walks, their gait, can be very telling. It can reveal problems in the feet, ankles, knees,… Read More

November 9, 2018

Chiropractic Help in Pregnancy | El Paso, TX

Truide Torres started having back pain throughout the progression of her pregnancy. After she started experiencing many limitations with her… Read More

November 8, 2018

Knee Arthritis: Diagnostic Imaging Approaches II | El Paso, TX.

Sagittal Fluid Sensitivity Sagittal Fluid Sensitive MR slice showing large synovial popliteal (Baker's) cyst (above top image) and large synovial… Read More

November 8, 2018

Sciatica Chiropractic Treatment | El Paso, TX

Edgar M. Reyes works for the city of El Paso, TX. Recommended by one of his wife's friends, Mr. Reyes… Read More

November 7, 2018

Evaluation of Patients Presenting with Knee Pain: Part II. Differential Diagnosis

The knee is the largest joint in the human body, where the complex structures of the lower and upper legs… Read More

November 7, 2018

Heel Spurs Treatment | Video

Blanca suffered from heel spurs as a result of her occupation as a registered nurse. Her painful symptoms made it… Read More

November 7, 2018

How Chiropractic Can Be Used As Supportive Care For Cancer

Cancer puts a tremendous amount of stress on the body. Cancer treatments add to that stress, affecting the organs as… Read More

November 6, 2018

Knee Arthritis: Diagnostic Imaging Approaches I | El Paso, TX.

Degenerative Knee Arthritis Knee ArthritisKnee OA (arthrosis) is the m/c symptomatic OA with 240 cases per 100,000, 12.5% of people… Read More

November 6, 2018

Evaluation of Patients Presenting with Knee Pain: Part I. History, Physical Examination, Radiographs, and Laboratory Tests

Knee pain is a common health issue among athletes and the general population alike. Although symptoms of knee pain can… Read More

November 6, 2018

How Chiropractic Can Help With Childhood Ear Infections | El Paso, TX.

More than 80% of children will experience at least one ear infection before they turn three-years-old. Ear infection is one… Read More

November 5, 2018

What is a Quadriceps Tendon Rupture?

The tendons are powerful soft tissues which connect the muscles to the bones. One of these tendons, the quadriceps tendon,… Read More

November 5, 2018

Knee Complaints: Diagnostic Imaging Approach & Neoplasms

Bone Neoplasms Tumor-Like Conditions Bone neoplasms and tumor-like conditions affecting the knee can be benign or malignant. Age at Dx… Read More

November 2, 2018

Acute Injury Management: What Does the Acronym PRICE Stand For?

When dealing with a sports injury or similar type of injury, many people are familiar with the R.I.C.E. protocol for… Read More

November 1, 2018

Knee Pain & Acute Trauma Diagnosis Imaging Part II | El Paso, TX

Meniscal Tears Acute or chronic. Imaged with MRI (95% sensitivity & 81% specificity)Menisci are formed by a composition of radial… Read More

October 31, 2018

What is Knee Plica Syndrome?

The knee is a made up of a variety of complex soft tissues. Enclosing the knee joint is a fold… Read More

October 30, 2018

How Chiropractic Helps Relieve Trigger Points & Other Myofascial Pain

Many people think of joints, bones, and the skeletal system when they think of chiropractic, but in fact, the muscles… Read More

October 30, 2018