
Headaches and Treatment

Headaches and Treatment: Headaches can range from mild, dull aches to severe throbbing pain. They can be episodic and chronic.… Read More

January 3, 2022

Video Gaming Injuries

Video gaming has grown to over 150 million individuals in the United States playing. Around 60% of Americans play video… Read More

November 2, 2021

Musculoskeletal & Gut Health

The gut has a significant impact on the rest of the body systems. Research has shown an overlap in risk… Read More

July 16, 2021

Headaches Cervicogenic Underlying Triggers

Cervicogenic headaches can be easily confused with migraine headaches. They can have various underlying triggers/causes that require different treatment approaches… Read More

May 20, 2021

Temporomandibular Joint, Jaw Pain, Chiropractic Lasting Relief

Jaw pain can make chewing, yawning, and talking a painful experience. This is a syndrome known as Temporomandibular Joint syndrome… Read More

May 19, 2021

Whiplash and Chronic Whiplash Injuries Following An Automobile Accident

While bruising, soreness, and scrapes are common, whiplash and chronic whiplash injuries may not show for several days or weeks.… Read More

March 15, 2021

Migraines & Fibromyalgia Link To Mitochondrial Dysfunction

Migraines and Fibromyalgia have one thing in common, they are both due to mitochondrial dysfunction. More often than not we… Read More

February 1, 2021

Eliminate Migraines From The Source with Chiropractic Treatment

Chiropractic adjustments can eliminate headaches and migraines from the source. Many individuals visit medical doctors complaining of headaches and migraines.… Read More

December 29, 2020

Massage Therapeutics Chiropractor

Massage therapeutics is not about the candles, aromatherapy, and the spa. Although those items can be beneficial for relaxation, the… Read More

July 2, 2020

Understanding The Gut

It is no secret that the gut has a significant impact on the rest of the body systems. The gut… Read More

April 28, 2020

Symptoms of Upper Cervical Disorders

There are different kinds of head and upper cervical disorders that are also known as: Upper neck disorders Craniovertebral junction… Read More

February 24, 2020

Autoimmune and Family History

For most individuals experiencing symptoms,  health care providers will run a few tests. For the most part, these tests come… Read More

December 6, 2019

Functional Neurology: Migraine and Brain Fog

How often do you feel you have something that must be done? How often do you have difficulty concentrating before… Read More

October 31, 2019

Tension Headache or Migraine Chiropractor

Headaches are a real pain (insert eye-roll here). Many individuals suffer from them, and there are a variety of causes,… Read More

October 24, 2018

Symptoms, Causes & Treatments For Neck Pain

Sandra Rubio discusses the symptoms, causes, and treatments of neck pain. Headaches, migraines, dizziness, confusion, and weakness in the upper… Read More

September 7, 2018

Suffer From Headaches? Then Chiropractic Treatment Is For You!

45 million Americans suffer headaches on a regular basis. There are the traditional methods used to treat them, which include… Read More

August 28, 2018

Migraine Chiropractic Treatment | Video

Damaris Foreman experienced migraine headaches for approximately 23 years. After visiting many healthcare professionals due to her migraine pain without… Read More

August 20, 2018

Understanding Neck Pain and Headaches

My treatment with Dr. Alex Jimenez has been helping me by simply making me less tired. I'm not experiencing as… Read More

August 14, 2018