
Camping With Back Pain, Modifications and Adjustments

Going camping for an extended weekend can be exciting and fearful for individuals with back pain. Being in nature is… Read More

September 2, 2021

Tension In The Neck, Relief and Motion Restored With Chiropractic

Muscle tension in the neck is a common musculoskeletal disorder.  The neck is made up of flexible muscles that support… Read More

September 1, 2021

Scoliosis and Hip Pain

Scoliosis causes the spinal curvature to go sideways and can cause various symptoms. One of the most common symptoms is… Read More

August 31, 2021

Workplace Stress Management

Stress in the workplace is a serious issue. Working is rewarding, but it can become a cause for major stress… Read More

August 30, 2021

Triathlon Training With Back Pain Issues

Triathlon training involves running, biking, and swimming. This much fitness training takes a toll on the body. Pulled hamstrings, twisted… Read More

August 27, 2021

Motorcyclist Common Accident, Crash Injuries

A motorcyclist has an increased risk of injury every time they get on their bike and get on the road.… Read More

August 26, 2021

Tight, Sore, Painful Gluteal Muscles and Chiropractic Release

The Gluteus Maximus Muscle is the largest and the outermost of the gluteal muscles. It stretches from the sacrum and… Read More

August 25, 2021

Back Pain Phone Apps: Finding The Right One For You

Recent studies have begun to show that back pain apps can enhance the body's recovery when combined with conservative treatments… Read More

August 24, 2021

Nervous System Health and Chiropractic Assistance

According to chiropractic physiological concepts, the body is in a state of relaxation when the body’s natural intelligence can properly… Read More

August 23, 2021

Finding The Right Physical Activity, Exercise For You

Finding the right physical activity that elevates heart rate and maintains it for 30 minutes a day increases the amount… Read More

August 20, 2021

Volleyball Injuries Chiropractor

Around a half-million high school students in the U.S. play volleyball. Whether the parent of a volleyball player or part… Read More

August 18, 2021

Therapeutic Massage During Pregnancy

Pregnancy can take a toll on a woman's body. New aches and pains start to present as the pregnancy progresses.… Read More

August 17, 2021

Back Pain: Inflammatory or Mechanical and Chiropractic Care

It is estimated that every adult will experience some form of back pain at least once in their lives. There’s… Read More

August 16, 2021

Sciatica Symptoms In Rainy Conditions Chiropractic Clinic

Rain generally comes with a drop in barometric pressure. A low-pressure system can cause tissues inside the body to swell… Read More

August 13, 2021

Bowling Injuries: Chiropractic Care and Rehabilitation

Bowling is a fun physical activity that is enjoyable for all ages. Today, there are college bowlers, recreational bowlers, amateur,… Read More

August 12, 2021

The Hands: Injuries, Symptoms, Causes, Medical Care

The hands are a magnificent piece of work. Its intricate design and functional form follow the hand. However, any injury… Read More

August 11, 2021

Infections of The Spine: Symptoms, Risks, Diagnosis

Anyone can get a spinal infection. Individuals can have an infection: In vertebral bone tissue An intervertebral disc The spinal… Read More

August 10, 2021

Straining, Spasming, Injuring The Lat Muscles

The latissimus dorsi or lats are the large flat muscles on each side covering the width of the middle and… Read More

August 9, 2021

Muscle Cramp and Muscle Spasm: Bio-Chiropractic Insight

Muscle cramp and muscle spasm: Three types of muscles make up the body. Cardiac muscle makes up the heart. Smooth… Read More

August 6, 2021