Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C.,C.C.S.T

Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Intestinal Permeability

The pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease, or IBD, suggests that interrupted interactions between the gastrointestinal tract, or GI tract, and… Read More

January 10, 2018

Why Intestinal Permeability Can Cause Food Allergies

A number of gastrointestinal diseases, GI diseases, are believed to be caused by intestinal barrier dysfunction, predisposing the gastrointestinal tract,… Read More

January 9, 2018

Intestinal Permeability Caused by NSAIDs and Alcohol

Intestinal Permeability: Alcohol and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs, are harmful agents which can disrupt the balance of the digestive… Read More

January 9, 2018

Relieve Piriformis Syndrome With Chiropractic Care

Relieve A small muscle located deep in the buttocks; the piriformis muscle performs the essential function of rotating the leg… Read More

January 8, 2018

Golfers Can Benefit From Chiropractic Care

Golfers, does this sound familiar? It's a warm sunny day with a bit of a breeze, you are on the… Read More

January 8, 2018

Tennis Elbow: What Chiropractic Patients Need To Know

Even if you have never stepped foot onto a court before, you may end up with tennis elbow. Occurring along… Read More

January 8, 2018

Junction Complex Structure & Function in the GI Tract

Digestive health can be attributed to the optimal function of the gastrointestinal tract. By way of instance, however, if disease… Read More

January 5, 2018

How to Ensure a Correct Digestive Health Diagnosis

A healthcare professional at a gastroenterology practice, such as a dietitian specializing in gastrointestinal diseases, will often care for a… Read More

January 4, 2018

The Role of Healthcare Professionals for Gastrointestinal Diseases

In the month of October, approximately 50,000 people worldwide gathered in the World Congress of Gastroenterology to discuss different ways… Read More

January 4, 2018

Working At A Desk: 4 Chiropractic Tips

Working: There are dangers in everyday life, from slipping in the shower to getting mowed down by the next door… Read More

January 3, 2018

What are Gastrointestinal Diseases?

The digestive system is largely in charge of providing the body with the essential nutrients needed for all the other… Read More

January 3, 2018

Sprains And Strains 3 Differences: Chiropractic Can Help

As experienced chiropractors, we like answering the questions we receive from our patients. A common inquiry is "what is the… Read More

January 3, 2018

Important Tips for Good Digestive Health | Wellness Clinic

Several hours after you've swallowed that delicious first bite from your breakfast meal, the process of digestion has already started… Read More

January 3, 2018

How Runners Can Benefit From Chiropractic Care

Runners: Step. Ouch. Step. Ouch. Step. Ouch. Running is one of the most popular forms of exercise, and offers many… Read More

January 2, 2018

The 5 Most Common Gastrointestinal Diseases | Wellness Clinic

There's something about gastrointestinal issues that makes them difficult to talk about in polite company, which unfortunately leaves many of… Read More

January 2, 2018

Asthma Sufferers Breathe Easier With Chiropractic Care

Asthma is a chronic lung disease that has afflicted more people in the last 20 years than ever. Some doctors… Read More

January 2, 2018

Anatomy of the Digestive System | Wellness Clinic

Food is one of the most essential basic needs. It is made up of nutrients, micronutrients, such as vitamins and… Read More

January 2, 2018

Fibromyalgia Sufferers Benefit From Chiropractic Care

Fibromyalgia is one of today's most common chronic pain conditions. According to the American College of Rheumatology, around 1 in… Read More

December 28, 2017

Sitting While Working, What You Need To Know

Sitting: It's no big secret that exercise is good for you. Many articles and books have been written and studies… Read More

December 28, 2017